Tomorrow, a new chapter in his life would open, but God closed the cover of the book. When he opened his eyes on the First Floor of Hell, he had to face off a whole new reality. All the rules were being rewritten, and he had to pick up the pen if he wanted to get out of here. He had to find those like him and play the role of leadership he had escaped all his life.
The apocalypse had broken out, and we were walking happily on Istiklal Street in these moments; we did something that even the bravest people couldn't do, against the most unlikely person.
The man next to me, who was trying to pierce my chest with his head like a phaeton flashlight, disappeared in an instant. The short-term shock I went through turned into fear when the same thing started happening all around. Luckily, this feeling did not last long, I felt suffocated, and I saw that I came to a place surrounded by white.
I started to look around in panic, there was no wall, but the environment consisting of white as far as the eye could see made me feel like I was thrown into a transparent cage. When I turned my face again, startled by the sound of coughing in my ear, I saw a being who was not there a moment ago but was now two inches from my face.
"It's time for reckoning, mortal!"
I knew what was going on, but a thought that dismissed all of this was not lingering in the folds of my brain like maggots gnawing large-trunked poplar trees.
This was the moment when I had destroyed this last hope with my eyes, the strange creature without flesh, bone, and fixed shape before me. Yes, I thought of creation. Isn't it ironic that he clings to what he first denied when a person is afraid?
She was floating in the air, and even though she didn't have a mouth to speak, I could clearly hear all she said; it was almost echoing in my brain.
"Mortal, your sins and good deeds will be listed. Whichever is more, and you will go to the place where you are!"
Let's see, and we have come to where everything will end. Let's see what I have done in my short life. After that, he was dismissed from time and space; I experienced all my actions and the result that hit me.
When I came back, I was standing in the same place with the formless entity before me. I couldn't find the words to describe my shock, but I would learn a little later than I had to wait until I heard the actual bomb.
"Mortal, until the last night, your good deeds were enough to take you to the lower layers of heaven, but you committed many sins on the eve of the Day of Judgment!"
For a moment, I remember my eyes darkening, and my ears were buzzing a hundred times the sound of a treacherous mosquito that suddenly wakes you up at night. Then I heard an expression that sin and goodness equalized; I almost died from excitement.
I know it's been a long time since this expression was null and void, but once a person's tongue gets used to it, he can't help but make excuses for not having a bone.
"If you hadn't had that last cup, you would have had the right to mingle with the beloved servants of the Creator after staying in Purgatory for a short time, but that last cup would have a heavy price!"
I was going on about his job and my farewell celebration, but the image was gone, and I fell asleep motionless as if my grandmother's quilt was covered over me.
All my hopes, all the dreams I had worked so hard to achieve, had evaporated; On top of that, when I found out that I had missed the jackpot by a single number, my body ached as if I had been beaten when I opened my eyes because I was excited without looking at the place and time.
Although I tried to move my hand, it was in vain, and I was like a fish stuck in an ice block. A voice echoed in my mind; the three words I heard before I lost consciousness were spinning around like a broken record "First Floor of Hell."
I don't know how long it took until I got out of this state; I slowly started to straighten up as I regained control of my body. I was surrounded by people like me, half-straightened or still standing on the ground, staring at me in surprise.
Finally, when my energy and feelings were fully restored, I jumped up; everything was more straightforward now; As a result of my short research, I could figure out what was going on roughly.
The first thing I noticed was that everyone, without exception, had a name on their head; when I called a few of them to try, I didn't get an answer, but I wasn't about to give up. I was going to try to talk to them. The more information I could gather about this place, the better.
"Max, brother, look, Max!"
My ambition would be interrupted by someone shouting in my ear if I said my ear, it was a slur because a peer of mine was calling out to me, who only came to my shoulders when I turned my back, and whose belly area looked like a ring candy, in his twenties, which was added to him later.
"Max, what, bro? You're at the bottom of me. Open a little back!"
I guess he didn't know about the concept of personal space; I harsh reaction without looking at the sympathy that his plump cheeks, red because of my anger, brought him.
"It's on your head, bro, and I thought it was your name. I was going to ask you what it says on mine."
I couldn't be exempt from writing strange things to everyone, so I write Max in my head too, but why is there this peculiar thing instead of my real name?
At this moment, I was going to have my first enlightenment. No matter how hard I thought, my name would not come to my mind; even as I was straining my memory, I realized that even what I experienced before I died was in pieces.
Faces, events, jumbled up, everything was blurry except the last night. Even in this uncertainty, a single person's details were like a seal in my memory, Muharrem.
"Toraman is written on you, brother!"
When I told the buxom boy that I had just been wronged, what was on his head, his face fell in an instant. He took a deep breath, and his body, which was the size of a small car, had become even more majestic with this incident, giving even me a sense of danger.
Somehow, what I expected didn't happen, and the gasping boy fell to the ground, slowly calming down after a while. The boy named Toraman, for whom I had made so many guesses that he would attack anyone who came in front of him by shouting wildly was calmly lying down and falling asleep.
This strange event that I experienced took some of my time, but it also helped me learn a fundamental truth. From this moment on, I would know that when Max was called, I was being called because that was my name in this new world.
When I went back to my research, I noticed a four-colored formation that covered the area like a bell within certain limits. We were all inside this structure with yellow, green, blue, and red colors. After a while, the tiny one-story houses in the center caught my attention, and I started running towards them.
I knew I was going to hell, and the teachings from my childhood told me that I was beginning to suffer endlessly so that I couldn't be in a hurry anymore, but for some reason, I had a feeling that every second was precious.
The distance between the place where I was standing and the buildings was not very far; under normal conditions, I could reach it in a minute or two, but it took me a long time to try to get away from the hundreds of people in between. When I got to the place I wanted, I saw small circular structures with benches on one side and a stone inscription in the middle with inscriptions on all four sides.
Now I understand what's going on, the shield, shop-shaped structures surrounding the area, and a stone inscription in the middle; no doubt this was the traditional starting village in MMORPGs.