
Passive Ability

"You thought very well, but from now on, concentrate on Magical Energy. That way, we'll let you use your talent more!"

She had followed a logical path to amplify the effects of the ability, but it was also important how many times she could use this ability in a row. If we re-enter a group fight or find ourselves surrounded by many enemies, I would prefer our healer to have high Magical Energy.

There was no way to go; we've just seen together how a support person can make an impact. When Rimel's support was added to Sukrucuk's superior defense, he could hold two attacking people.

Not only did she support defense, but she also used her teleportation ability to trap the enemy. Choosing her as their first target made it clear what a valuable party member Rimel was.

"What stage are your talents at!"

Talent Name and Features

Purification - Erases an Evil Influence from Sinners Under the Influence of the Fallen. Target Gains Immunity to All Control Effects for the Next Ten Seconds.