
HeLL OnlinE

Tomorrow, a new chapter in his life would open, but God closed the cover of the book. When he opened his eyes on the First Floor of Hell, he had to face off a whole new reality. All the rules were being rewritten, and he had to pick up the pen if he wanted to get out of here. He had to find those like him and play the role of leadership he had escaped all his life.

Sanseiu · 奇幻
213 Chs

Leader of the Raiders Party

I reached the middle of the arena, leaving behind my four teammates staring at me in amazement. This time, the Raiders are taking priority and I want to end our show as the party leader.

"No way, I'm seeing it wrong!"

When the man who made the announcement saw me, he started shouting. He was full of pleasure, dishonest.

"Max, the leader of the Raiders, goes out alone to the Seven-Storey Hallway City Arena, where the brave is blended. The Back Streets party hasn't moved yet, could they be afraid of one person?"

It doesn't stop the provocation. The Back Streets party comprising six people, which they say works well, is in front of me. They're scrutinizing me from head to toe. They want to guess if I'm a bite to eat.

"Okay, we get it you can beat us, but do you think one person will take us all down?"

The first taunt has occurred, and you have no intention of answering.

"Look at the artist!"

I can't open my mouth.

"Who are you? What do you think you are?"