
Chapter 4

Lora hears the announcement from her cell, it was quite faint from where she was. She thought 'they probably mean princess demons. Start strong, 628, stay calm.' Lora stretches her wings out, they nearly touch each end of the cell wall. Her halo appears again as well, nice and a bright gold. Not only that but her eyes were glowing a bright gold as well. She sat on her bed, cross legged.

Malcoy thought he had no choice but to go back to the dungeon, even though that idiot was still there. When he glanced at Lora he was surprised at her sudden holy appearance.

But Lora's face was expressionless and she didn't seem to notice Malcoy had even come in again. The angel was saying something louder than her normal mutters. She was saying something in Latin, repeating the phrase over and over. Which Malcoy couldn't understand a word of.

'Not creepy at all.' He thought.

Lora suddenly stopped as he finished his thought. Her eyes stopped glowing, her wings were folded and disappeared as well as her halo. She noticed Malcoy and sprung up in surprise!

Malcoy just stayed silent watching her.

Lora looked panicked and quickly exclaims "u-um it-it's not what it looks like!"

Malcoy stayed quiet and not provoked at all. Not even sure of what she meant .

Lora sighs and thinks 'nevermind he doesn't care.'

"The hell was that."

Lora looks back up at him, sorta surprised he talked out loud. To her! "It's a...angel thing. Well partially angel thing. I've been experimenting."

Malcoy doesn't respond to her, he just stares. Lora not expecting anything out of him for a while.

She sighs, "nevermind, you probably don't care and won't understand it anyways."

"Do you think I'm dumb."

"No, I just assumed you don't know much about my kind. Besides...you don't care do you?" Lora stands up, looking around her cell.

Malcoy said nothing, she laughs a little and might I add that her laugh is so adorable and wholesome. The angel glances back at the reaper "you know, out of everyone I've known you seem to care the least."

'she talks a lot.'

Lora smiles at him, her smile is so innocent and pure, she looks like a complete and utter angel.

Malcoy snarls at her, clearly not used to the kindness. He just didn't know why she was or what to do in response. She was so different to him.

Lora's smile immediately fades, "sorry...I forgot you probably weren't used to that."

Malcoy looks away.

Lora glances at his cuffs and says, "the offer still stands by the way. It will always stand."

Malcoy just rolls his eyes, thinking 'yeah right.'

Lora looked more interested and curious at his reaction. She thinks 'is that supposed to be rude? I can't remember.'

'She really does think I'm stupid.'

"I do not!"

Malcoy looks surprised and Loras eyes widened. "Oh sorry" she said.

Malcoy growls at her, wanting an answer immediately. She just responded to his thought!

Lora shrugs, "when I want to know what's on people's mind I can find out...but only to certain extents."

Malcoy got angry, he was done with this little idiot. Really? Just now she tells him this?! He was furious and punched her cell, breaking the lock with his scales he had located around the outside of his fingers. He grabs her throat like his father did and slams her to the back of the wall.

Lora yelped in pain and surprise, but she didn't fight back. She gasped for air a little and Malcoy hissed, sounding like a Serpent "stay out of my mind."

Lora whispers, "sorry, your thoughts just intrude on my mind sometimes."

Malcoy glares at her before letting her go. He was still pissed but he knew very well what would happen if he left a mark on her.

Lora coughs a little and quietly says, "and it isn't my fault by the way."

Malcoy can't help but slam her against the wall again. His clamps tightened as he got more and more furious at her.

Before he could protest, Lora quickly put her hands on his wrist clamps. The light started destroying the clamps. It didn't hurt Malcoy but it felt a little warm on his wrists.

Malcoy pulled away from her and instinctively punched her in the face. He was dead. So dead. Not only did he punch his brother's angel but his clamps were half way destroyed. It was going to be so obvious to his father if he saw him. He snarled at her, "You idiot! Do you know what he'll do!"

Lora yelled, which was very uncommon for angels to do but she had enough of his hitting and growling. She spread her wings in anger, "Do you not understand?!"

Malcoy stops himself, and just stares at her. "..."

Lora realizes and calms herself down, her wings lowering a little. She sighs, "You aren't the only one in trouble."

"No shit."

Lora flinches at the swear word again, "I wish you would stop that."

Malcoy growls and grabs her arm, holding it tight. His nails digging in her skin. "I will get killed when he sees it."

Lora's arm started to bleed but the blood was a gold color. She simply said, "no you won't."

"I meant severely scarred!"

Lora puts a hand on top of the one clutching onto her, reassuraly "no, you won't."

Malcoy hisses and pushes her away from him.

Lora sighs, "I'm beginning to think you are stupid."

Malcoy punches her again, his scales cut her cheek. Lora yelps a little, her gold blood spilling off her cheek.

"Don't you wanna know why?" When he didn't respond she smirked at him. "Because you should never EVER leave the door unlocked when you're trying to keep me in." Lora bolts straight out the door and out the dungeon into the hallway.

Malcoy ran after her, fast, he quickly tripped her. But her wings spread and she flew up before she fell. Lora flies through the hallway. Malcoy sighs and before Lora could think she lost him, he flew straight up in front of her. His arms were now black dragon wings, covered in scales.

Lora's eyes widen, a barrier suddenly surrounds Malcoy, immobilizing him. Malcoy growls, Lora drops to the floor gracefully. She looks up at him and smiles "I wasn't taking your cuffs off, I was doing that." She quickly runs as fast as she can away from him.

Malcoys eyes filled with fear. Only till she was out of sight did he finally break free. He ran out the castle as fast as possible, his clamps were destroying him. Malcoy couldn't let her win. He had to get Lora back!
