
Territory & Title

Clyde looked at the locked gate of the house and frowned hard.

Yesterday, he went to Helbery Academy to meet his beloved but he was told that she had taken a leave.

Later he went to her house and her house was locked. He thought that she might be out but today again?

Did she leave him?

Was he annoying her?

But he hadn't even held her hand, and he just chatted with her for some time.

Was..he really dumped?

Thinking so, Clyde faltered and almost fell on his knees.

But then he thought he should be given another chance, He will definitely make her happy!


The one who Clyde wanted to make Happy was quite sad at the moment.

Thea had dark circles under her eyes and her beautiful face was too tired at the moment.

After a month of care, Alex grew a lot and now looked like a normal 12-year-old kid.

But at the moment he was also tired.

Lucian, Erza and Auron fights a lot and cry at the same time, Handling these 3 kids should be enough, But Seraphina was another bratty kid.

Because she couldn't see her Dad, she cried all night and slept after she became tired.

Then in the middle of the night, Auron and Eiton started to have high fever and the doctor said the kids were depressed.

Elio, Nova, and Aria helped Thea and Alex a lot in household chores but they were also kids and without their Dad, they were less active.

Aria glanced at the tired Aunt Thea and quietly said sorry.

"Sorry, Aunt Thea."

Thea looked at the little girl and sighed.

She patted the little girl on her head.

"Don't be. I am also your own Aunt. I can do this much for you."

Raylan sitting beside Alex at the dinner table, looked up.

"Aunt Thea, When will Dad come back?"

Thea thought and said.

"Mm, He should be back Tomorrow."

Listening to her words, The kids became happy instantly.

Looking at the smiling kids, Thea grumbled in her heart.

If that bastard Orion could be here, A lot of her burden could be taken off!


"Melin, How many contribution points do I have?"

Melin looked at 20 origin Stones of Grade 5 and sighed.

[Host, you have 20,000 Contribution points.]

Aster smiled brightly.

"Great. Now I can unseal Orion right?"

Melin replied.

[Yes Host. Do you wish to use 20,000 contribution points to unseal your Constellation Card: Orion?]


In the blink of an eye, all Origin Stones vanished, instead the surroundings became chilled, All of a sudden a forest appeared in front of their eyes, In the midst of the forest stood a tall and strong figure.

He walked with a strong pose. His posture was strict and his eyes cold. His black hair set a mysterious atmosphere around him. He held a massive and powerful bronze club.

Soon the illusion broke and Orion stood in front of Aster with his eyes confused.

"Master, What happened to you?"

Orion's voice was good and he could become a great singer however that's not important.

Aster smiled.

"Nothing, We just changed the World."

Hence Aster explained the situation of Orion.

After a bit of frowning, Orion looked at the hole in the ground.

"Shall I make the way for you, Master?"

Aster stood aside and smiled.


Orion walked upfront, raised his club, and waved it into the ground. For a second nothing happened, but the ground shook and the hole became bigger and deeper.

Orion jumped away.

Aster used his spiritual powers and floated in the air along with Melin.

Soon the trembling of the ground paused and the opening in the ground also stabilised.

Aster glanced at Orion, who nodded.

The two jumped down the hole and vanished.


Here, In the Palace, Emperor Viktor got a report that an Earthquake appeared in the South.

Emperor Viktor frowned and made his secret guards go and check the situation.

After thinking of Aster who was gone for a day without any news, Emperor sighed.

Except for trusting that Mysterious organization, Emperor Viktor could not do anything.


Inside the depths of the mountain, Melin, Aster, and Orion finally saw the original size of the Origin Stone.

[Host, These Origin Stones can be 9-grade. However...How can this be possible?]

Orion glanced at the Red Origin Stone and frowned.

"Master, This one can be refined into Ignis Heart, A Talent Stone."

Aster looked at the red one and put it in the library.

"And what about others?"

Orion looked at the golden one and said.

"This one will help Thea, She might be able to upgrade."

Hearing this, Aster quickly put the golden origin stone inside the library too.

After Red and Golden, Orion looked at the blue and Black ones.

"The blue origin Stone can be refined into Azurine Elixir and as black one, it can be refined into Midnight Prism but it needs a Star shard to become an excellent Talent Stone."

So another two Origin Stones went inside the library.

Orion looked at the green one.

"This can only be used with the power of World Tree, A drop of World Tree's essence and this Origin Stone can make an Elixir which can become a Talent Stone of Life, In simple terms a divine healer."

Aster thoughtfully looked at the green one and put the green one inside too.

Orion looked at the other four remainings and shook his head.

"Master, I don't know the use of these four."

Aster nodded.

"It's alright, You helped a lot."

Melin came from behind Aster And scanned the four remaining stones.

[Host, That Cyan one is emitting the spiritual power, It will be good for you.]

Aster smiled.

"I knew that A huge source of spiritual power was coming from this Origin Stone and it was comforting, Now I can at least resolve the hidden injuries of my soul."

So the Cyan one also went into the library space.

Aster thought and decided.

"We can't put all away, So let's take that silver and purple one too, and leave the brown one here."

Orion looked at the brown one with reluctance.

As soon as Aster said this, Melin beeped.

[Host, you don't need to leave these Origin Stones, There are 7 Grade-6 Origin Stones up front.]

So, Aster took away all the Grade 9 Origin Stones and left the 5 Grade-6 Origin Stones, The other two were exchanged to system for Contribution points and now he had 5000 Contribution points, Grade-6 Origin Stones were 2,500 Contribution points.

As soon as Aster and Orion came out from the deep underground tunnel, they saw Grand Duke Branor, Some Imperial soldiers, and Emperor Viktor.


Aster sophisticatedly told them there were 5 Huge Mana Stones inside this Mountain range and that caused the fluctuations in the atmosphere.

When Emperor Viktor heard that their Empire had a Mana Stone vein, He was so happy that he rewarded Aster with a territory in the South and a Title of Baron on the spot.

2 days later when drought receded to the naked eye, the rivers flourished again and the people saw the plants grow again, Emperor Viktor again rewarded Aster and this time he rewarded him 20% profits from Mana Stone Vein.

Many Aristocrats were against this decision but the Emperor was indifferent to them.


The kids were happy to meet their Daddy after 3 days, Almost cried and Raylan and Lucian even beat him with small punches saying how dare he abandon them.

Thea and Alex left that day and saw a sad white puppy sitting at their doorstep.

When he saw Thea, The puppy almost cried and hugged Thea.


Hearing that he was granted a Title by the Emperor, Gen was awkward with Aster for a while.

"Brother Gen, I have to go to the Territory with the kids under Emperor's Order. I want to leave the Shop under your care, Can I?"

Gen smiled.

"Don't worry about such things, Of course, I will help."

Aster also smiled.

The two talked a lot that night and the next morning, Gen helped Aster go to the South Territory.

Aster had to take 9 kids with him, so he would be tired of sure.

After 4 days, Aster stood in front of a small Manor, There were 4 servants already in the Manor.

2 Guards, A butler, and a chef.

The 4 were stunned when they saw 9 nine kids and even more shocked to hear that they were all their new Lord's children.

When the dinner was made, Elio and Nova frowned, Aria and Lucian were confused while Erza and Raylan said bluntly.

"This is not good."

"Daddy, this tastes bad!"

Aster sighed.

He looked at the Chef, who was also frowning. He was a Chef in the Palace before. How could his cooking be bad?

Aster knew that the Chef would think badly about his kids if he didn't solve this matter.

So the next morning before breakfast, Aster went to the kitchen and prepared the breakfast.

When the Chef entered the kitchen he was shocked by the smooth moments of his New Lord.

After the food was made, Aster saw the Chef.

"Oh, Uncle Lorain, There is the portion for the Guards, Uncle Siryl, and you over there, Please ask everyone to have breakfast."

Chef Lorain nodded politely and went to call his colleges.

At the breakfast table, The kids were finally happy to eat their Dad's cooking.

Raylan kissed the bread in his hand.

"Oh, I missed you so much."

Aster had blacklines on his face, This kid was only 5, He couldn't imagine what he would grow into.

Erza nodded and also pecked the Garlic bread in her hand.

"Me too, I missed you too."


Elio ate with grace and smiled a bit.

While Nova also thoughtfully said.

"This is so good."

After breakfast, Aster and the kids unpacked their luggage. Even in such a huge home, Aster let the kids sleep together with him. He and the Guards put another two beds in his room and decorated the room a bit.

Chef Lorain went to do shopping while Butler Siryl was watering the flowers in the garden.

There were many rooms in this small Manor, Since they had nothing to do, Aster decided to ask the kids to select the rooms so they could live in them after they grew up.

There were 4 bedrooms on the first floor, A kitchen, and A reception room.

Elio, Nova, Erza, and Eiton picked the 4 rooms on the first floor.

Actually, Eiton just crawled into that room so they decided he liked that one.

On the second floor, there were 5 bedrooms, A study room, and an extra store room.

Aria, Lucian, Raylan, and Auron took the four of them. Aster saw only one remaining and let Seraphina take this one.

As for the third floor, there were only 2 bedrooms and a study room.

Aster decided to live there in the future when the kids grow up and the room opposite of him was left alone for now.

Before Lunch, Elio and Chef Lorain stood beside Aster and learned how to cook from Aster.


A week passed by without any other Mission but that evening, Ashley Manor had two guests.

Thea and Alex came to Visit. It was vacation time and they decided to come back and spend the vacations.

"You used the teleportation scroll again?!"

Aster sighed.

He only had 10 or so Teleportation scrolls left. These teleportation scrolls were made by another card of his and that card can't be unsealed for a while so he wanted to save the Teleportation scrolls for emergencies.

But this girl..

Alex was extremely happy to meet his small friends.

He has already taken them as his family.

Thea looked around and asked.

"Where is that bastard?"

As soon as she said this, Orion appeared behind her and grabbed her head.


Thea hit her elbow towards the chest of Orion but Orion grabbed her elbow easily.

"Little brat."

Thea:...I am so big!

Aster shook his head when he saw them like this.

These two were more like friends than enemies.

After a week under the guidance of Aster, Chef Lorain made huge improvements.

And so when he heard there were esteemed guests in the Manor, They had a great feast and ate with relish.

Butler Siryl was happy these days, He was old and had no family. He served Emperor for 26 years already and now the Emperor let him come here, he thought he was old so the Emperor wanted him to retire.

However the New Lord was too different, The kids all had different personalities and were cute.

He came to love the work here.

Orion and Thea with Aster went inside the Library and met Melin.

Aster took two Origin Stones out.

"Since there is no recent troubles, You two take these two stones and try to stabilize your powers."

The golden one was for Thea and the brown one was for Orion.

The two were extremely happy and grateful to Aster and sat down to while putting their hands on the Origin Stones.

Seeing them cultivating, Aster went to a corner and saw a book.

He frowned.

"Aldric Ashley?"

Whose this? And why does this person have the same surname as his?

But the Original Owner only had 3 elder brothers and there was no one named Aldric.

Is there Something missing?

[Host, I found a clue about Calypso Vantimi.]

Aster heard him and nodded. Then he took out the book and read.

He was shocked the more he read the book.

Aster closed the book with a bit of shock. He opened his palm with some fear.

"No way..."

Ashley's family actually had Pure Vampire Bloodline?

How the hell is that possible?!

Shouldn't the Pure Vampires have red pupils but he and Ashley's descendants all have purple pupils...

What the hell is going on?

He shook his head, This was not the time to do all this but he had to save his younger brother.

Actually, Aster and Aldric are twins.

But when in labour, Aldric was stolen by Human Traffickers, because of improper care at birth, He became weak. His beautiful appearance with weak physique were in great demand but he was still a child so he was safe but when he became 17 he was sold to a Noble from the Valtec Empire.

This Empire is the same Empire where Elves rule the Kingdom.

So when the Noble Imperial Prince heard such news he immediately rescued the young Aldric and made him a citizen of the Valtec Empire.

Aldric went to live on the outskirts of the Valtec Empire.

He lived well for 2 years but when he was 19, He was seen by a Robber Gang leader and kidnapped.

Later he was raped daily in the den of the gang.

At the age of 21, After two years of torture, and his sanity almost on the verge of collapse he suicide.

But that was not the end of his misery. The gang sold his corpse to a madman Mage. The Mage found the Pure Vampire Bloodline of Aldric and used forbidden magic to recall his soul back in the body.

For the next 6 years, he was used as an experiment and given different injuries every day, And he only got relief in the form of death at the hands of the same Imperial Prince who rescued him 10 years ago.

Aster shivered as he closed the book.

Two lines of tears fell from his eyes and he recalled the death of his younger brother in the previous life.

He went out of the library and saw Butler Siryl at the gate.

"Uncle Siryl, I will be back at the night, Take care of the children for me, please."

Butler Siryl saw that he was in a hurry and quickly nodded.

"Please go with ease."

Aster ran towards the main gate and then suddenly paused.

No, No he will be late if he runs like this.

He quickly took out a teleportation scroll, thought about the village in the book with great precision, and appeared in front of the village in the next moment.

Aster saw two old men in the farmland.

"Excuse me Uncles, Do you know where a young man called Aldric lives?"

One of the old men saw him and was surprised and replied.

"Yes Youngman, He lives there, at the east corner. I just saw him a few minutes ago."

As he heard this, Aster sighed with relief.

He ran like crazy and reached the house at the east corner. It was barren and looked lonely in a corner.

Aster gulped and came near the House door.

He was about to knock when the door opened from the inside.

The two people were shocked.

The two looked at each other for a while, Aster had tears and Aldric also shook and fell down on the floor.

Aster hastily caught him, the two brothers sat on the floor and looked at each other.


Aster whispered.

Aldric nodded.

"How..why did you...hic..."

Aldric had many questions in his heart.

How did you find me? Why did you not come to find me till now, Was I even remembered, Where are my parents, what do they look like? Are they old? Do I have other siblings? Any Uncle or Aunt?

Aster hugged him and patted his back.

The two brothers sat on the floor, the door was open and it all fell in the eyes of a Handsome young man with Emerald eyes on the tree.

After a while the young man glanced at the sky and left.

Aster picked up Aldric and helped him sit on the chair.

"Here, drink some water."

Aldric finally calmed down.

"Our parents..."

Aldric hesitated but still asked.

Aster then talked about everything.

"Our parents died in the war, We had three elder brothers and three sister-in-laws but they are also no more in this world."

Aldric was shocked to hear that everyone died.

He once again cried while covering his face.

Aster patted his back and suddenly said.

"But their children are with us. I am their Guardian now."

Aster talked about the kids and their little tricks with great detail. Aldric's eyes brightened.

Seeing this, Aster finally said.

"Let's go home. Mom and Dad will be happy."

Aldric heard the word home and smiled.

He nodded and took Aster's hand.

The teleportation scroll was used twice today and now Aster didn't regret.

At the dinner table that night, Thea and Orion introduced themselves to Aldric as Aster's friends.

Aldric also had long silver hairs and purple pupils but unlike Aster's Heaven defying androgynous beauty, Aldric was more feminine, and because he was weak by birth and pale, He looked more feminine.

The kids were happy to have another Uncle.

Aldric looked at Seraphina and asked Aster about her.

Aster told what happened to him and Aldric looked at the kid with pity, she was abandoned and he was lost.


Nathaniel and Mariana looked at their second brother with deep disgust.

"You are not pursuing her fairly, You are stalking her!"

Clyde waved his hand and packed his bag.

"So what? I am just going to visit her home and meet her family."

Mariana almost lost her balance.

"Oh! So you had this plan?! you actually wanted to meet her family!"

Rolling his eyes, Clyde remained silent.

Nathaniel suddenly felt a bit lonely.

"First it was elder brother and now second brother, Will it be my turn soon? Will i meet my fated partner soon too?!"

Mariana and Clyde looked at him as if they were looking at a fool.

"You think this can be possible?"

Nathaniel pointed and Clyde.

"It was possible for him."

Mariana glanced at his second brother.

"He was a fluke."


The three were talking and pulling each other's weakness when they saw their mother entering the room.

Their mother was an extremely beautiful person but had a brave spirit.

"Mom, What made you come here?"

Mariana asked and looked behind her.

Their Mother, Lunetta smiled.

"Your father is busy with work."

Mariana smirked and ohh-ed.

Lunetta ignored her and looked at her three kids in the room.

"There was a reaction in the Divine Dragon Heart and another small Ancient Dragon lamp was created."

As soon as they heard this, All three were stunned and stupid.

Nathaniel said with some difficulty.

"...No way...No way, So we are really Uncles now?"

Mariana was also excited but then she calmed down.

"So our sister-in-law is really pregnant?!"

Lunetta nodded.

"Yes, And she might give birth in 3 or 4 months, Hurry and find her."

The three nodded.

Celine was also called to search alongside them.

Celine had a headache as soon as he heard this. He has to look after that kid brought by the prime minister, run chores for the Emperor, and even help the Grand Duke with his research but...now this too!!


Aster looked in Mirror and frowned.

Why do he look a bit fat?

Should he start dieting soon? But he is eating appropriately.

Confused and worried about his fat stomach, Aster went downstairs and saw Aldric and the kids playing with blocks, Thea teaching Alex and Nova about the monster journey, and Orion changing the clothes for Eiton and Auron.

These days with Orion, Thea, and Aldric were so good and relaxing but he was also panicked whenever he thought of the impending danger.

Aldric saw him at a glance and smiled.

"Brother, you seem a bit down."

Aster walked to him and sat down.

"Yes, I am sad...a bit too sad."

Raylan looked up while building the blocks.

"Don't be sad daddy, Aunt Thea was hungry so she ate your cake."


Aster glanced at Thea and sighed.

"It's ok, I am not sad because of that. I think I became fat."

Orion, Thea, Aldric, Chef Lorain, Butler Siryl, and even the kids looked at him from up to down.

Then they all focused on his stomach and frowned.

Butler Siryl mumbled.

"But you eat so little."

Chef Lorain nodded.

"And My Lord, you don't even eat snacks."

Orion also added.

"And he exercises a lot daily, even playing and teaching children."

So it was impossible for him to be fat. That was what made Aster troublesome too.

Aldric Thoughtfully said.

"The way brother is fat...is a bit like early pregnancy..."

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

Elio, Nova, Aria, and Raylan knew the word pregnancy and its meaning and they were even more shocked.

Everyone looked at his stomach

Looking at everyone, Thea hesitatingly said.

"Maybe he is sick?"

Butler Siryl looked at Aster's small fat stomach and said.

"My Lord, I will go and call a doctor. Better be safe than sorry."

Aster hurriedly nodded. He almost got a mini heart attack thinking he might have a child in the stomach!

However, it was impossible he was a man!

But then he remembered that this was a fantasy story...And his sister happens to be a hardcore fujoshi.

Hot Damn it!!

That day Emperor Viktor sent his personal doctor to Baron Ashley's Manor.

The Doctor frowned for an hour, used various equipment, and even though he himself was a quack doctor.

Aster's heart already sank out of fear and even two tears were squeezed out.

Damn you sister!!

Aldric was the most panicked one.

"Doctor, Why don't you say something?"

Doctor himself wanted to question this question, Why can't he say something...

He opened his mouth and closed it, then he looked at Aster complicatedly and then looked at his stomach and opened his mouth again.

"Where is your Husband?"


Aster almost died.

The most idiotic Thea asked.

"Husband? What Husband? And why is the Husband related to his sickness?"

Doctor:..This sickness can only be caused by a Husband...

Orion: Can I deny my friendship with this thing?

Aster put his hand on his stomach very weirdly.

"Doctor...how many months?"

Doctor gulped.

"4 months...already."

Aster almost died. 4 months ago, that night that beast attacked him!

Aster tried to struggle.

"But Doctor I am a man and I can't have this function!"

The doctor looked at him and sighed.

"Because your Husband might be a Dragon."

Hearing this Aster almost fell on the bed and fainted.

Aldric and Butler Siryl quickly stabilized him.

Orion frowned and asked.

"Why is this related to his husband being a Dragon?"

The Doctor knew this question and he regained his confidence and said.

"If you are a fated partner of a Dragon and that Dragon wants to have kids, they can even let a man lay their egg. And among all races in the world, Only Dragons are capable of letting a man become pregnant."

Everyone looked at Aster with amazed eyes.

Aster:...Why does it feel like I won a World Cup?

Anyhow how is this even possible?!!

But this has happened...

The Doctor was also a bit troubled by his case because he said that he might be pregnant with three eggs...

Aster:...Three at once?!

Hearing this Aster actually fainted.

When he woke up, He was already a fragile doll in the eyes of everyone.

Aster sighed.

Damn, it!!

He went to the bathroom and Aldric followed him.

"Brother be careful, Don't fall down OK?"


When he went downstairs, The Butler came running.

"My Lord, Calm down, be careful, take one step at a time. Slowly, Just like this."


When he wanted to carry Seraphina in his arms, Orion took her from him.

"What are you doing, Master? She is heavy, Be careful."

The heavy Seraphina cried aloud because she couldn't be in her father's arms.


When he sat down to eat, he saw very nourishing food and looked at Chef Lorain.

"You cannot eat that greasy food. Eat this, I will boil your milk later."


When he went to the library to look at the new future books, Melin took them away.

[Stop Stop, Host. Go and take a nap. I researched and it says a noon nap is good for the fetus.]


He grits his teeth, Aster curses that man who made him pregnant 9 times and his ancestors 309 times.

At night, Aster was still unable to sleep because of the noon nap and went to the balcony of the third floor and saw Aldric leaning towards the balcony with melancholy eyes.


Aldric was startled and looked at him.

"Brother, what are you doing outside? It's a bit chilly."

Aster smiled and patted his head.

"I am not that fragile, In these 4 months I travelled to Walter Kingdom, played with kids, even discovered a mine, and went to Valtec Empire to grab you back home. Aren't I fine?"

Hearing this, Aldric was stunned and chuckled.

"Yes, Yes. Brother, you are so strong."

The two brothers smiled and suddenly Aldric asked.

"Brother, Can you tell me more about an elder brother and others? How were they? Did the second brother and third brother get along? Did they miss me?"

Aster looked at him sat on a chair on the balcony and pointed him to take a seat.

"Our elder brother was a kind yet strict person, He was already a young boy when I was born, He treated me like his own son. He didn't love to smile but he smiled when he saw our mother and me."

"The Second brother was a playful and cheerful person while the Third brother was a shy and gentle person. The second brother was mostly beaten by our father until he married while the Third brother loved reading books. He and Mother never got along well, Mother wanted third brother to be man and a warrior."

"Our Mother was a gentle and strong lady while our dad was almost like a gangster. Mom and Dad loved each other the most and we 4 were just lightbulbs."

"However Mom never loved cooking and our Dad could actually cook which was so amazing that it left everyone astonished. Among us all siblings only I got our Dad's Talent."

After talking so long, Aster suddenly thought...It would be good to have a family portrait at home.

Aster looked at the time and said to rest.

"It's almost midnight, Let's go and sleep."

Aldric nodded and looked at Aster walking inside the room heaved a sigh of relief and went to his own room.

He really missed a lot in life. He couldn't spend his childhood with his family. He has missed his mother's nagging, his father's scolding, his elder brother's spoiling, his second brother's tricks, his third brother's gentle care, and their marriages.

He missed everything.

He even missed attending their funerals.

He even missed the births of his nephews and nieces.

But it seems now he can still catch up. Aster is pregnant and he will have three more nephews and nieces.

He will be able to see their births and Elio and others are still children, he can watch them grow up, go to school, and marry.

Now he still has all the time in the world to spend his life with his family.

A small and gentle smile appeared on his pale face.

However, a small tear also fell down from Aldric's eyes.


In his own room, Aster saw his Card System Level, It was level 1.

He needs to level up his card system so that he can unseal more cards and solve the impending danger in this world and now except this world and his own world, he also has...

Aster put his right hand on his stomach lightly with complicated emotions.

He felt weird and his emotions were complex.

Back then...he never even thought of having a child...Far from that, he never even thought of surviving, he was ready to die for his motherland.