

As the clouds surrounded by lightning were preparing to take the sky prisoner, a being with its wings wide open passed through them and spoiled their plans. He was fast, so fast that the sound he produced was audible five seconds after his image, and when he got to his target, people did not yet know that he was coming.

The dark clouds that followed him were about to catch him, but the creature covered with sky-blue scales was not looking at them. His golden eyes were above another being who was beating the earth at every step.

The being covered with black scales from head to toe had a long tail, claws made up of three enormous nails, and a blood-red horn sticking out from the middle of his forehead. His golden eyes were also in the sky, and the two beings met under the people's gaze watching over the city walls.

"Not all are guilty! They don't have to die! "

Keeping up with the wind that started to blow hard, the being dragged over the city, spread its wings with its speech and fixed itself in its place. The shadow of the small amount of light that managed to seep through the clouds turning to the color of the being on the ground covered the whole city.

"They'll die until there's only one left!"

The sound came out of the mouth of the being on the ground, but it was as if the whole earth was shouting for it. The waves of soil, up to ten meters high, hit the walls; the branches of the trees in the surrounding forest were spears and shattered stones.

"I won't let you. I won't watch you turn into a murderer!"

The being decorated with sky-blue scales roared; until that moment, the dark clouds that surrounded him could not understand what was happening, and a hurricane, which came from an unknown origin, took them away along with the earth waves.

The being that turned its head into branches that sprang out of the forest was burning, and the trees surrounded by green energy could not stand it.

"You betray your family, me, our species. You will die with them! "

The creature covered in black scales quickly lifted its claws into the air and then thrust into the ground with all its speed, whatever happened in the blink of an eye. The arrows of fire, earth, and the plant element set out for the city; the ground literally understood his anger and mobilized whatever he had to achieve his goal.

The walls could not last long, they melted like snow that saw the spring winds, but the presence floating in the sky had an answer to this attack. The purple glows that accumulate on their wings the next moment rain turned to the earth, followed by green wind blades and knife-sharp drops of water.

As the elements, the children of nature were fighting over the ruined walls of the city where people fled in fear, it was tough to understand who would win. Even the shock waves arising from their collision destroyed all structures, and people who had no place to hide started to die one by one.

The being watching the war from the sky could not stand by, and, turning its direction to the sun of ten interlocking rings, it shrieked. Others might not know what it was, but the creature that clawed the earth knew what was going on, closed its eyes, and the blood spilling over its body sent the red energy deep into the ground through its claws.

Both beings made their moves; The dark column that pierced the earth with a beam of light advancing over the city, breaking off from the sun, was proof of this. The two arch-enemies, two old friends who owe their existence to each other, finally met again.

The elements that are the children of nature have submitted; The earth fell silent, the fire calmed down, the water stagnated, the thunderbolts ceased to sound, and the air began to tear like a sheet tugged on both sides.

The war between the two beings was at its most violent, and at the end of the struggle of the two ancient powers, the winner would be determined. People looked at the sky in hope thought so until an eight-pointed star pattern emerged that encircled the city.

The magic circle, in which ten thousand people were imprisoned in every corner, disappeared in seconds as it appeared, and there were no longer beings that were terrified by their visions, neither in the sky nor on the ground.