
Heir of Chaos.

Guys I just write what I want to write. Starts off in Harry Potter there’s a Harem there is multiverse travel. Marvel world was involved at some point. If you don’t know me from my other stories than I’ll inform you here and now. I am chaos incarnate.

Ryan_Colman · 作品衍生
189 Chs

Open arm surgery.

What had happened was because of the living metal connecting with my body. My magic saw it as my real arm and kind of just absorbed the whole thing. This was great for my bones as all that extra metal was used to strengthen my bone structure. Magic can do many strange and wondrous things.

Doing some inner examining some of the runes that were on the arm were gone completely. Some of them had just moved. I hoped that didn't cause too many problems. The runes for unbreakable had disappeared, so had the heating ones and the cooling ones. The rest had either shifted or been damaged by being absorbed.

"Bella could you get me a rune inscription kit from my trunk?" I ask her.

"Sure need anything else?" She says opening my trunk for me which I had take off.

"Probably some towels." I suggest.

A second later she bring me over what I needed and I lay my arm down on the table. With my other hand I hit it with a numbing spell and a sticking spell glueing it to the table.

With surgical precision my skin on my fingers peels back and Bella helps me wipe off blood so all you can see in grayish silver looking bone with busted rune schemes. Using some of my metmorph powers I transfer some calcium and other minerals to the damaged fingers erasing the damaged runes before I start inscribing right on the bone.

"This has got to be on of the creepiest things I've seen you do." Bella says as the inscription tool plinks off little pieces of bone.

"Yeah I've never done this to myself before so it's a bit weird. However I've done it to peter he was a good lab rat I'll miss him. Can you also grab the bottle of skelegrow? I'll take a shot of that to help with some calcium loss also a couple of blood replenishing potions." I ask her as she digs for the Skeleton like bottle.

Bleeding out from wounds while performing strange surgeries on yourself would be tragic.

My beautiful assistant places everything I need on the table and uses her wand to light up my workspace and clean up blood.

Sirius at this point in time walks in sees what we are doing and just turns around and walks right back out.

"Chicken!" Bella shouts after him.

For the next hour or so I fix broken rune schemes and test them out. Bella helps me with the ones higher up on my arm that I'll have trouble doing.

The retractable blade has wedged itself between the two bones in my arm perfectly there's only a slight pinch when it pushes out the skin which usually quickly heals due to my rituals healing speed. There's also some seriously strong metal thread that flows quite smoothly and is quite strong.

"We made that wire out of a mix of mithril and goblin forged steel it's strong enough to tether down dragons so don't expect it to break easily but it's also quite flexible usually this is sown in between armor to hold things together and not hinder movement." Ragnok says watching the surgery with an impassive face.

There were some little square holes in my bones that was going to be used for pockets to keep stuff in like my unspeakables trunk. The spatial expansion runes collapsed so those were fucked.

What I did was I poured in some Phoenix tears which are great for wounds and poisons before covering it with bone leaving like a little pocket of emergency healing tears. If it came down to an emergency I could just open up a small hole and let the tears flow into my bloodstream. The rest were just filled up with bone since I could just use my inventory anyway. I didn't want to have to dig into my skin for items.

Most of the other rune schemes didn't make it. The ones for durability barely survived, the strengthening ones were gone, the more minor ones were gone. I just had Bella redo the durability ones which made my bones a bit stronger. I would have to test out the other ones somehow as I don't know what would happen if I made unbreakable bones. Would they still produce things my body needed or kind of just freeze and be stuck, killing me. That would suck.

Good news was that the whole rune schemes made it so all my bones were durable not just the ones marked so I wouldn't have to go doing it for all my bones. The little finger needles I could fire still worked and hallowed out my finger tips, however the thought of putting poison in them now was quite a bit iffy.

After all the repair was done I took a chug of all my potions to get my body back in order. We ran over my body with some tears from the wand I had way higher than normal metal levels in my blood stream which were causing problems. I had to make strange adjustments to my organs to be able to handle the changes. Messing with organs is dangerous and tricky business. You fuck up just a little bit and you kill yourself. Bella monitored and gave me information while I made slow adjustments double checking everything. Liver, kidneys all the key organs had to be checked. My body and blood had undergone quite a few changes so. You can never be too careful.

"So what are you going to tell the people since you've magically grown your arm back?" Bella asks me.

"Uhhh. That's a difficult one. Let's just go with the classic." I say with a smile.

"Spew absolute bullshit and blame it on magic?" She says with a raised eyebrow.

"Or deny knowing what happened at all and blame it on magic." Both perfect examples of what to do in the wizarding world.

Ragnok just shrugs.