
Admiration of Sisters

[: Clarosia :]

Becoming part of the sect that my father led wasn't just about finding happiness.

It was about discovering a whole new family of sisters.

At the age of 10, being both his daughter and his disciple was a source of immeasurable joy and fulfillment.

It was within this sect that I not only found my place as his daughter but also gained numerous sisters.

Each sister became a pillar of my support, sharing not just a common path of learning and growth but also a bond that transcended blood relations.

We were a sisterhood forged by shared experiences, common goals, and the love imparted by our father-figure.

The sense of belonging that I felt within this extended family was profound.

Each day within the sect was a chapter of love that I had never been able to write previously.

Right now, I'm in a City called Mivana.