
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · 其他
58 Chs

Group Unit

[Cadet Lucas Morningstar, rank 116969, has been assigned to be part of class 1-A-1's 18th unit.

The other members of your unit will be:

•Rank 122212, Kent Takeahint

•Rank 000025, Nero Dekrauf

•Rank 007231, Anastasia Bigod

•Rank 009468, Amelia Black

Remember it is essential to maintain positive relationships with your team members, as in a combat scenario, the trust and support of your comrades will be equally important to your survival as your own skills and equipment.]

Lying on my bed, I kept scrolling through the text message again and again. 

Just how rotten was my luck for me to be paired with not one but three main characters.

I wonder if Noah knew that this was going to happen.

Just looking at the team alone is enough for me to know what might have happened in the story.

If I had to take a guess then Lucas might have played the role of a villain in the original story.

Before I had regained the memories, Lucas was involved in alcohol, drugs, and women. There is a very low chance that he might have changed for the better after being excommunicated. 

He probably continued to behave that way even after entering the Academy. From here on it's a no-brainer as to what might have happened.

He must have harassed a few girls and got beaten at the hands of Nero. And this event would have resulted in one of the girls falling for him. What a predictable event.

I guess Joe really did want Noah to suffer a lot.

Well, now that I have regained my memories there is no way that is going to happen.


a notification sound rang in my smart bracelet.

Frowning, I scrolled down the notification bar and saw it was from the academy's messaging app. Without thinking much, I clicked on it but instantly regretted my decision.

From the screen of my smart bracelet, a holographic chat window projected out in front of me.


⟨Rank 000025 Nero Dekrauf created 'Unit 18 Group Chat' on March 5, 2723⟩

⟨You were added⟩

[Nero Dekrauf is typing…]

[Amelia Black: I told you not to add him!]

[Kent Takeahint: He did already….]

[Anastasia Bigod: How do you use emojis again?]


I almost threw away my smart bracelet as soon as I accidentally opened up the group chat.

It seems like not only was I added last, but from the looks of it, I wasn't wanted there to begin with.

The smart bracelet provided by the academy can function as a communication device.

If you want, you could request the contact information of your peers from the faculty by providing them with a good enough reason. 

And I guess being in the same Unit together was a good enough reason for Nero to obtain my contact information.

And judging from the circumstances, after Nero acquired my contact information, he added me to the group chat that he created before Amelia could persuade him not to do that.

"Haaa," letting out an exasperated sigh, I started scrolling through the text messages, lurking silently.


[Anastasia Bigod: How do you use emojis again?]

[Nero Dekrauf is typing…]

[Amelia Black: Dude how long does it take you to type a sentence?!?!?]

[Kent Takeahint: Lolol! And he's a top ranker! Lol!]

[Amelia Black: Ikr? One might think he would be fast with his hands]

[Kent Takeahint: XD]

[Anastasia Bigod: Guys! Stop ignoring me! (⁠T‿⁠T)]


Haaaah.....I guess I should take a nap.

Realizing that it would do me no good to chat with them, I exited the messaging app and closed my eyes to sleep.


[Nero Dekrauf: Guys, remember. The academy will allot us merit points based on our synergy with other things. So it's in our best interest to work with each other.]

[Amelia Black: I don't careeeeee!]

[Kent Takeahint: @Nero_Dekrauf#000025 you chat so formally! With all the punctuation marks and all! Lolololol!]

[Anastasia Bigod: @Amelia_Black#009468 y'know Nero is right. The merit points we'll get can be useful when buying weapons or Martial art techniques. We should try to make the best of what we are being offered.]

[Amelia Black: Arghhhh! Fine! I'll work together with that ass but if he dares do anything funny I'll shoot him with an arrow in his fucking nuts!]

[Kent Takeahint: Lololol!]


If Lucas had read Amelia's message, then he would have definitely rethought his opinion of Amelia being kind.

While Lucas was already in deep sleep, the other team members continued to chat with each other. 


[Nero Dekrauf: Okay, now with that out of the way, what do you all think about meeting at my place in an hour? You know, since only 2 out of 5 people in our unit know how to use magic spells.]

[Kent Takeahint: Ye ye! I was about to ask you to teach me myself!]

[Anastasia Bigod: In an hour. You mean at 5:30? Sure.]

[Amelia Black: Fine.]

[Amelia Black: Why is that guy not answering?]

[Kent Takeahint: Is he… ignoring us?]

[Amelia Black: See! I told you! That guy is unreasonable! He probably thinks he's too good to grace us peasants with his presence or some shit!]

[Anastasia Bigod: Someone ping him. I think he's not reading.]

 [Amelia Black: It showed blue ticks on the starting messages. He is definitely ignoring us]

[Anastasia Bigod: Still he could be doing something else. Someone ping him.]

[Nero Dekrauf: @Lucas_Morningstar#116969 c'mere and answer our question. Can you come to my place in an hour?]

[Amelia Black: @Lucas_Morningstar#116969 @Lucas_Morningstar#116969 @Lucas_Morningstar#116969 @Lucas_Morningstar#116969]

[Anastasia Bigod: Hey don't ping spam him…]

[Kent Takeahint: Lololol!]


While I was trying to get some sleep, the ringing notification sound from the bracelet continued to ring throughout the room.

"Arghhhhh....What the hell are those idiots doing? I should have silenced it at the start"

Ruffing my hair in annoyance, I got up from the bed and picked up the smart bracelet to check what they were doing. After roughly reading them all I decided to go and meet them.


[Me: @Nero_Dekrauf#000025 Yeah sure I'll be there]

[Anastasia Bigod: See (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)]

[Amelia Black: Tsk]

[Nero Dekrauf: Great. I'll send my location here.]


After I put down my smart bracelet, I once again started to sleep in my bed. 

"Huaaaaah....I guess I will take a nap in the meantime."

Due to my messed up sleep schedule, drowsiness got hold of me and I decided to sleep for 5 more minutes.


"Hey, Athena! Navigate to Nero's Room immediately." 

Right now Lucas was running in the corridor after oversleeping for an hour. It was already past the meeting time by 5 minutes and had no time to spare to search Nero's room by himself.

[Navigating to Nero's room.]

Following the instructions of the AI, Lucas eventually made it to Nero's apartment. Although he ran through the stairs instead of taking an elevator to avoid exposing Athena, there was not a single drop of sweat on his face. Instead of being fatigued, he rather looked sleepy.

Nero had mentioned his apartment number as 567 and now Lucas was standing in front of it.

The time now was [5:45], meaning Lucas was late by 15 minutes. Yet there was not a single regret in Lucas's mind, if anything, he was blaming Nero for conducting a meeting at this time. While letting out a yawn, Lucas knocked on the door. 

Knock, Knock, Knock—!

-"Coming!" a loud, crisp voice came from the other side of the door.

After a second or two, the door opened inward, and Nero peeked his head out. After checking that it was indeed Lucas, he opened the door wider.

He was in his casual clothes– black trousers with a matching t-shirt under a loose hoodie.

"Lucas, you came." Nero greeted Lucas with an expressionless face as he stepped into the hallway.

"Yeah," Lucas just replied with the same sleepy face and followed Nero to the drawing room.

"Were you sleeping?" Nero asked Lucas as he noticed his hair and wrinkled clothing.

"Yeah, I overslept"

"Hmph. I told you. He doesn't consider meeting with us peasants important."

Right then, a bewitching yet irritated voice came from the room. Lucas knew who it was but decided to ignore her as he had already planned.

"Amelia, you agreed to cooperate."

Trying not to let this situation escalate any further and stopping it from possibly turning into an all-out fight was Anastasia's voice.

She was sitting on the short edge of an 'L' shaped couch right beside Amelia.

"Ooh, the atmosphere is so intense ahahaha!"

And on the long edge of the 'L' shaped couch sat a boy with long, pointy ears. His light blue eyes matched perfectly with the color of his hair.

Loose red artsy tee-shirt and black cigarette pants hugged his thin body and masked his frail-looking pale skin.

On the other hand, Amelia was wearing a yellow off-the-shoulder crop and black high-waisted jeans while Anastasia sported a loose cherry-colored top and blue denim shorts.

And while Amelia bickered about how she thought Lucas would only drag the group down, Anastasia tried to calm her down.

As it happened, Kent just kept laughing with an idiotic goofy smile plastered on his face all the time.

"Fine! I'll cooperate, but I don't trust this guy one bit," after declaring that, Amelia turned to face Lucas and gave him a fierce look. "Got that?"

In response to Amelia's fierce look and warning, Lucas just gave her an indifferent look and replied.

"Yeah, whatever."