
Tables Turn

Sheng Tian smiled as he descended, "It was a bit difficult, but I managed. Your attacks are so terrifyingly destructive and fast that I find it difficult to take it head on"

He pointed the Devouring Sword at Xue Dao, "You've lost"

Suddenly, Xue Dao smirked, "Really?"


The sword within her hand flew out and made an attempt to take out Sheng Tian's eye.

He frowned and dodged it easily, but in doing so, his eyes were no longer locked onto Xue Dao and instead focused on her sword.


Sheng Tian winced as he felt an object slap against his hand shaped into a claw. It was akin to a mentor disciplining his student with a ruler whenever he did something wrong.

Despite this, he did not break his concentration on maintaining the spell. When he turned back, he saw that the sword sheath was also floating, now realizing that the sword was merely a diversion to turn him away from their real motives.