
Heaven's Tales

These are Thriller stories and more from Wattpad. These stories will be 18+. Only Thrillers+ will be put here.

Goodnight_Reads · 奇幻言情
31 Chs


💔Ruthai: Rin's Town - Oppression🖤

💔Episode 6💔

🖤Season 1🖤

20 years ago...

Trapped in a Satanic Temple, Two people must find their way out of this hellhole...

Týr says to Esteem in German "Werden Sie in Ordnung sein ...?"

Translation: (Will you be okay...?)

Esteem says to Týr in Spanish, "Todo va a estar fine. We simplemente tiene que permanecer aquí por un tiempo!"

Translation: (Everything will be fine, we just have to stay here for a while!)

Týr exclaimed, "What!? I can't understand a WORD you saying!"

Esteem answered, "I said: Everything will be fine; we just have to stay here for a while!"

Týr complained, "But I don't HAVE a while!"

Esteem says, "Qu'allons nous faire!? Je ne peux pas rester dans une zone de danger! Pas avec mes enfants! Pas avec ma famille !!!"

Translation: "What are we going To do!? I can't stay in a Danger Zone! Not with my Kids! Not with my Family!!!"

Loving God is The Best way to solve life's issues.

Týr asks Esteem, "What language are you speaking?"

Esteem says, "I'm from Spain. I am a Spaniard."

Týr says that "I am a "German Shepherd."

Esteem asks, "I... I thought you were humans?"

Týr says that "We are, but we often refer to ourselves as the breed we were supposed to look like; those who don't fit a breed are referred to as 'Randomized Mutts' if not meant to be a 'Bred Mutt,' a genetically modified human meant to appear as a mutt mixed between two different breeds."

Esteem says, "That's horrible!"

Týr says, "That's The world I live in. That's our lives."

Týr looks at the floor plan he stole from a Senior Priest of the Satanic cult.

Týr says to Esteem, "We are in the small, square room at the very top, just left of the diamond room at the top..."

Esteem says, "Right here?" She points to the small, square room at the very top, just the left of the diamond room at the top.

Týr whispers, "Quiet. Listen."

Esteem hid behind Týr as he hid the plan in his left pants leg.

He shoved it up there so fast that he had to force himself not to panic or ruin everything.


Týr looks up at the pale, black-haired man who walks toward his cramped room.

The man's name was "Reĝo de Infero," Meaning "King of Hell" In Esperanto.

Reĝo de Infero says, "Are you guys comfortable? Guarding your cell was the best job I ever manipulated my way into."

Reĝo de Infero knew the rules of his particular cult, as there were many satanic cults around.

In this cult, if you can follow orders, you have the "chance of becoming a leader."

His manipulation was really just...


By the very people, he tried to manipulate.

The fact that he manipulated them showed that their manipulation worked...


You see...

No one had the chance to become a leader here.

It was all a lie just to get people to follow orders.

He was not the Mastermind.

He was manipulating them to give him the job of guarding the cage to boost his score and have a higher likely chance of becoming the ruler in case the actual leader died or chose to step down. The fact that he was manipulated into believing them caused him to try to manipulate them to get the job.

They only care about who gets the job if someone follows the order.

With this in mind, this can make a person think he is a fool.

A 🤡 Clown.

A 🐠 Clownfish, caught by 🅰️ hook.

Trying to manipulate Someone into getting him to do what they wanted him to do in the first place. He is. Reĝo de Infero has this big smile on his face as if his efforts are winning him the grand prize at stardom. Reĝo de Infero, In reality, was just a slave, a pawn in his own game, played by the higher-ups into playing them to get him to do what they wanted him to do.

Reĝo de Infero ended up doing exactly what they wanted -- A job.

A job with the promise of the prize Reĝo de Infero will never acquire.

The leader's Son will get the J⭕B of being the next leader.

Not Reĝo de Infero.

Knowing this, Týr laughs.

Týr says, "Hope."

Týr giggles & continues that "Hope is such a Strong Drug, isn't it?"

Reĝo de Infero genuinely believes that he is in the lead to becoming a leader.

Týr knew he was far from it because he was not the leader's son.

The Satanists hate Christians, but if the leader's son had become a Christian, the leader would tell the rest of the Satanists not to kill him.

Reĝo de Infero laughs and ensures the cage is locked by turning the 🔑 key in it.

Reĝo de Infero left once he was sure it was locked after misplacing his key and putting it in his pocket.

Týr stole it.

He snuck the key right out of Reĝo de Infero's pocket.

Týr snuck the key into the keyhole outside his barred cell door.

After he saw that Reĝo de Infero had gone, he opened his oiled cage and used the pocket oil he kept inside his lighter.

This was dangerous, but he needed to.


Before his capture, the lighter was empty of lighter fluid, so he filled it up with oil in his Garden.

He used to have charcoal lighter fluid in his lighter, which has historically been produced from petroleum. The makers of charcoal lighter fluid use a light refined grade described as Isoparaffinic Hydrocarbon, a light grade of kerosene.

He had cleaned it throughout with just water before filling it with oil to prevent an explosion.

He used a metal cutter to cut off the top of the lighter & then used plastic wrap to wrap around the rest of the lighter.


He had no idea he'd need it for this.

He dripped some oil into the wheels that made the barred door turn.

Týr hoped that no one would hear him.

Týr turns the door open, but Thank God, No squeaks.

Týr tells Esteem to...


In whispers...

Esteem ran with Týr to the ends of the Earth...

Her fears were replaced with gladness & joy that she was finally


Free like a 🐦bird.

They follow the map.

Right, Down, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down the Stairs, Exit...

The smaller circle is Esteem, Bigger Circle is Týr, who was pregnant 🤰 with his baby.

Esteem was forced by a man named "Sufoku Vin." His name means "Choke You" In Esperanto.

Sufoku Vin had caused the two to breed for the cult at gunpoint, and both were 34.

Esteem left the cult with Týr.

Týr made an agreement with Esteem:

That she keeps the baby & hands the child to him.

Esteem agreed as a Form of Gratitude since this was his child.

Esteem gave the baby to him after birth but visited their child, Benita, their son.

Benita means "Blessed" In Esperanto.

Benita was raised by his mother & father, who were not romantically involved, nor were they living together.

Esteem lived 4 blocks away from Týr's home.

20 years later...

Benita Jones, The last name of Esteem, Is now 20.

Benita has his own son, Tame.

Benita married a woman named Reeda.

Reeda appears to be a German Shepherd Human hybrid but is not; she is but a mere genetically modified human being.

Tame is just 11, as Reeda & Benita had been kidnapped by the Satanic cult & forced to breed at just 9.

Tame was born out of wedlock.

The two escaped & Reeda gave birth to Tame in A small tent That Benita had built.

Benita tried to raise Tame with Reeda, but neither knew how to care for a baby.

They found their way to their parents, who wanted to get rid of Tame, both of their parents.

Reeda refused to, so Benita took the baby.

Her parents excommunicated Her from Tame & Benita, leaving him to raise Tame alone with his parents.

Once Tame met his mother as a 10-year-old, Benita told her, "He's your son, Tame. I didn't know what to name him after you left, so I named him Tame instead of Ben, after me. Mom & Dad wanted him to share the name of someone else."

Reeda asks, "If he was named Ben, wouldn't it have been better?"

↗️Tame↗️ says, "I like Tame."

Benita says, "My parents hated him, so while they taught me how to change a diaper like I had asked to learn, I was the one to raise him solely from 9."

Yes, he was terribly angry at her parents for forcing her to ditch her son. So he had to raise him alone.

No help from his own parents.

Benita says, "I'm 20; he's 11. They forced us to breed, so did I have to raise him alone at nine years old?"

Reeda says that "I didn't want to be separated."

Benita says, "We are slaves to our parents as my son is 🅰️ slave to me."

His father wanted the baby to stay with his grandparents, it was easier & Benita tried to do it, but his grandma, while accepting, was told by his aunt to ditch the baby.

Benita took the baby back once his aunt was rumored to have beaten the baby.


He breaks the door down at 10, and his father sees that his aunt is shaming Tame, so Benita runs & Punched her in the arm, making her drop Tame, so Benita acts fast & Catches Tame.

↗️Tame↗️ is rescued & brought to the car without a word as his aunt screams, "What are you doing?!" At Benita.

His father says, "No shaking babies!" & Got Benita & Tame inside the car & drove back to his house with him & the baby.

Present-day in the café...

Tame says, "The fam' weren't great with me." Benita says, "I wish you were there." Reeda says, "I had my own life." Benita says, "I know we were too young. But... Gosh, it was so hard without help." Reeda replies, "Well..."

At their beautiful home, Reeda was Sitting at the edge of the pool with Benita talking...

Reeda says, "I had my own dreams to follow." Benita says, "I guess. I mean... I understand-" Reeda says, "I want to leave-" she stands up, but Tame yells, "No!" He grabs her left arm and says, "You don't have to care for me; just meet up with me; you can even ditch dad if you want!"

Reeda yells, "Let go of me!" Then snatches her arm away from him.

She yells, "I have a life that isn't supposed to be tarnished by my Illegitimate son!" Then felt guilty saying that, then said, "Tame..." As Tame ran off in anger. A month later, at a café, Reeda returned saying, "Benita, I invited you here to... Ask to marry you. There. I said it." In the café, Benita was... In shock. Who asks a practical stranger to marry them? They haven't seen each other in years! Benita thought, "What are you talking about?" In a 👁️👄👁️ State of mind. He looks around to see if she's pranking him; he wants to see if a camera is nearby.

He says, "Huh?" As he looks back at her. He shook his head slightly in shock, then paused, looking at her like 👁️👄👁️ He says, "What are you trying to do?"

Reeda says, "My grandmother is forcing this. She says I have been away for too long. I am 20 & she says that while she will help so that I can accomplish my dreams, you will have to help me with Tame." He is in shock, pure, unadulterated shock. Benita asks, "Why after all these years, you chose to come back?"

Reeda says, "You said it yourself. My parents wouldn't let me. My parents hated the idea of me being involved with this baby that was forced upon me by a Satanic cult; that situation alone pretty much stained my baby's name."

Benita says, "It wasn't his fault! Especially since the Satanic Cult would have killed or used him as another breeding tool!"

He was correct.

Even if she was forced to carry her baby full term, it wasn't as if they would treat the baby well. They were just going to force her to keep her baby him so that they could sacrifice the baby to Satan & kill the baby. Either way, she would not have been forced to raise a child.

She would have been forced to carry him until birth or forced abortion. "They breed these children for rituals & they do horrible things to them. It's not like they're going to be hailed as the son of Satan." Said, Benita.

"These children are practically just as many victims as us. The whole purpose of their birth is to become victims." Said Reeda.

"The whole purpose of their conception is to become victims." Said, Benita. Reeda says that "I never wanted a sin." In sobs, she covers her face with a napkin, and

Benita says, "He isn't a sin; he's a child!"

Benita had compassion; he knew the circumstances.

Reeda says, "I want to be in his life, but my family would not approve."

Benita yells, "Screw your family; he's our son!" Then, slashing his fists down on the table, sitting up, and staring down at her; his gaze has never left her once in anger at her family.

Reeda says that "I won't & you know better than that! He is our son & this is at the request of my grandma. Be more considerate of how my parents feel." Feeling enraged at her grandmother for trying to make her be in her son's life.

Benita replies, "I'll ask Tame about it." Feeling confused about the whole situation about the wedding & all.

She says, "My grandma is trying to get us hitched quick." Feeling terrible about not loving her son.

Benita asks, "Is this because he was born out of wedlock or because of the cult?" Feeling annoyed that she makes it so difficult to get in touch with her son at 20 years of age.

She says, "My grandmother is a strict woman & believes that a child needs a two-parent home." Feeling anguished because she hates her life at home, anyway.

As Fate may have it, they wedded 40 days later by force of the elders.

This caused some problems.

Her parents were there but his...

Both of them had resentful frowns on their faces; neither of them wanted to be here.

How dare they make them get married?

They never wanted this & honestly, Benita was only in it for Tame to meet his mother more often.

At Their new home...

Due to the surprised anger they had, they argued about moving together.

Benita told her to "Shut up!" Since he accidentally dropped an essential box of her family heirlooms which made her yell at h, she told him, "You're in the wrong; why are you mad at me!"

He yells, "Why don't you want to be with your son, huh? Looks like we're both in the wrong here!"

That was too far, to be honest.

Considering the circumstances...

His parents felt the same, but they may not have been as young, but they were in the same situation & still, both participated in caring for the child.

However, it wasn't her fault because her parents forced her away from her son.

Benita & Reeda both felt disrespected & argued with each other for two hours over a box of useless objects that Don't change anything but emotions, sentimental value & money.

None of them got their anger off their chest, not the real reasons...

So they took it out on each other & vexed each other.

Tame was the one that got all the work done.

Neither of them could deal with the idea they had to chill out because one or two of them were in the wrong.

All of them wanted something to burst their anger on & they chose the next person that ticked them off.

Reeda had told him... Some nasty things, so he spat her faults back at her.

This was wrong & he refused to admit it & she refused to accept her wrongs.

They also lacked social skills, and all their "innocent" gestures came off wrong.

This led to an even bigger argument.

When they were done fighting outside...

They decided to bring the fight inside because they were spending all their time outside & hadn't even stepped inside the house.

When they looked at the boxes, they noticed that they were gone.

They also noticed that their son was gone.

When they went inside the house, all of the boxes had been opened & were out empty & all the furniture was all over the place.

Tame was sitting on the couch; the vase was next to him.

He just plopped & unboxed stuff down randomly.

When he was done in two hours, he chose to sit down.

He looks at his parents, saying, "Are you done?" Annoyed that he was the only one that got any work done, Being That He was About 11 years old, Tame yells at them, "I'm 11; why couldn't you guys just fix this up yourselves?!"

They looked at him like he was insane; he yelled, "What? I just asked you to help out a bit, this house is a mess & I have no idea where to put anything!"

Benita yells, "Well, you know the vase goes on the table!"

Tame yells, "We don't have a coffee table, dad! Get over yourself; we weren't responsible enough to get one for the vase; we just brought whatever belonged to us & ditched grandma & grandpa."

Benita says, "Don't talk to your mother & father like that! Have some respect!"

Tame says, "Help me fix this up! I'm sitting here with a vase on a couch! Vases Don't belong on dinner tables or couches!"

Benita says, "Throw it away, then!"

Tame yells, "A vase?! That's not plastic, ceramic & it isn't broken; it doesn't belong in the trash; that's something you sell, not break! Am I the only sane man in this house ?!" Flailing his arms around in the air like he just doesn't care.

Benita asks, "Where do we put it? The attic? The basement? The closet?" Annoyed by his son's disrespectful mass of words thrown out of his venting mouth.

Tame yells, "No, not the closet! Because if I want to get any of my old toys out of there, I'll have to fight & scratch & crawl through all the old ceramic stuff & sculptures we won't even bother to decorate the house with; how am I gonna get the stuff I like out?!" Super annoyed.

Tame thinks for a bit, then says, "Let's sell the vase & make... How much are people willing to take for a vase?"

Tame looks around at the stuff & says, "Any of y'all using the useless junk we can pass off as Gold?"

Benita laughs, holding his mouth in front of his face.

His eyes squint a lot in laughter, still, open a bit.

His wife laughs, too.

They cleaned & reorganized the 🏠 House.

Once finished, they left Tame to decide what decorations he would keep 3 hours later.

Tame asks, "Okay, I don't want to throw away any ugly ones." In concerned that he may not be able to sell the ugly ones.

Benita asks, "Is the 🗼 Tokyo Tower sculpture ugly?" Laughing.

Tame yells, "Oh, no, of course not! This should sell! Let's hope an enthusiast lives around here!"

Reeda asks, "Is the ☠️ Skull and Crossbones ugly?" In concern about sales as she is a businesswoman.

Tame says, "Yes." Then Paused.

"The issue is that it isn't desirable." Said Tame, wondering how to sell such peace.

"One of the problems with it is that it looks like a skull & sometimes Satanists will use stuff like that, so our best bet is to sell it to someone who can reshape & model it." Said Tame, gaining a bright idea from his last statement.

Tame says, "Hot Dang, I'm so mad I could kill a Horse!"

Tame was mad at his parents.

He was mad at his mother for not wanting him anymore & his dad for disciplining him an hour ago.

Tame got mad & bad-mouthed his grandparents from his father's side, so his father scolded him.

He hated his grandparents because they mistreated him.

Tame has not forgiven them yet.

Tame says, "Gosh, why do you never stick up for me, dad?! Never! I shouldn't be the one to get in trouble for the crud they put me through."

Benita asks, "I always stick up for you!"

Tame says, "When Grandma insults me, AKA Hurts my frickin'

Feelings & abuses me for something that isn't even my fault, you just cave!"

Then Tame broke the skull & ran off crying.

Reeda asks Tame, "What did they do to him?" In disgust.

Benita says, "Remember, I was Nine to 17 when I was raising him. I didn't know what to do, and I surely didn't know to stand up to my parents." Trying to explain what happened but not excusing his behavior.

Reeda says, "You yell at me for not showing my appearance to come to visit my son, but you wouldn't stand up for your own son?!" Getting back at him for his cruel words.

Benita says, "I didn't want to insult my parents because of what happened!"

Then he continues to explain...

"First, I got kidnapped, which hurt them! Then I was forced into sexual intercourse at... Nine."

Then he shouts, "And You got 🤰 Pregnant & had the baby in some ⛺ Tent!"

Reeda says, "So what?" Feeling Livid

Benita says, "After all the trauma they faced, it's understandable why they didn't like him!" Feeling guilty & discouraged.

Reeda says, "I tried to see my son, but my parents were always pressuring me!"

Benita says, "That's no excuse."

Reeda yells, "I was a child that had no control!"

Benita yells, "My control was taken away that night in the cult; I had no choice; my parents were not helping with my son! They refused to out of trauma! This left a nine-year-old to care for his biological son alone!"

Reeda says, "they had to have helped; they taught you!"

He says, "Only for the needed time. After I learned the basics, they were pretty much out of the picture."

Then he says in anguish, "Which meant that after learning the basics within 24 hours, for the rest of the year, I was pretty much on my own."

Benita says, "It was like I was a kid that has to raise his siblings because his mother wouldn't, except this time, it was my actual son!" Enraged at his parents. Benita went inside to apologize to his son.

To be continued...

Ruthai: Rin's Town - Oppression

Episode 6

Season 1

Goodnight_Readscreators' thoughts