
Heaven's Path Library in Tales of Demons and Gods! (DROPPED)

There we are our MC has been reincarnated as Nie Lie, together with Heavens Path Library completely filled with innumerable books about any Dao and cultivation you can find. How he got here we don’t know, our do we. What is sure is, he knows what the library is meant to be, he knows about the future of his world and how to utilize the library till he gets put into the Fighters Class as his fate wills it. Let’s see where our amnesiac MC leads us. Also, his looks are perfect. All that is to debate is what to do till Fighters Class, but that’s a whole other issue. MC will have to Check if he has the same Plotarmour... Warning this is Wish Fullfillment and will cotain some Moresome and Yuri scenes in the Future you have been warned. MC has thrice Plot Armour so expect Bullshitery and Girls coming onto him left and right. Also some DARK THEMES and DEPICTIONS OF CRUELTY are to be expected its a CULTIVATION WORLD afterall. (ALL CHARACTERS NO MATTER WHATS STATED ARE OF LEGAL AGE, OR THE AGE OF MATURITY AS THE LAWS OF THIS WORLD ARE DIFFERENT!)

Sommerscave · 漫画同人
8 Chs

First 'real' Days in the Dormitory (mentions of Yuri)


I woke up after a good nights rest only to basically see all the Girls watching me like Hawks. It seems someone has seen Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er leaving my room, or someone else found Out I managed to reach 1 Star Bronze and now all the Girls want a piece of the new Super Genius.

On the way to the Cafeteria I read all about Attributes, Soul Forms and Energy Control/Manipulation. To be honest together with all the knowledge of Cultivation Techniques I can surely say I am a walking Cheat now.

Its strange normally the Boys arrive now.

Nie Lie (MC) "Nie Zexi do you know where the Boys are normally they arrive around this time right?"

Nie Zexi "Ah Nie Lie you don't know because of Ye Ziyun being here most 'noble' boys know, chances of going inside any 'common' Girls room at night are close to 0 so they all stayed home instead and will arrive 1 day before Term starts like all the other boys"

Nie Lie "So I have a Paradies for my self for the next 27 days good to know. Also Nie Zexi you sleep in my room alright?!"

Nie Zexi "YES of course!"

I was watching how Nie Zexi was blushing but she seems very Happy now. Lets just Hope Ye Ziyun or Xiao Ning'er have a problem with this.

I started walking towards the Institute Library while reading about Martial Arts, and Sensory Arts and Exercises. It seems to be possible to Exercise everything with Cultivation and enough Energy Control/Manipulation which I can now do as easily as breathing.


In the Institute Library 25 days before Term starts.

I am sitting in the Library again it seems Ye Ziyun is trying to talk to me. Considering she has always been close by the last 2 days. While I am sure Nie Zexi relized I like appreaciating the female anatomy, because she has a lot of friends among the 'common' Girls actually all the commoner Girls seem to be in Nie Zexi's Clique for some reason.

I know I am unrealistically handsome but a cult with my fiancee as Leader and all commoner Girls as Member is farfetched right. Atleast I finished Reading the LoHP books about Medicine, Anatomy, Female Anatomy, Massages, Erotic Massages, Dancing, Erotic Dances, Sexual Techniques, Flirting, Temptation, Seduction, Lovers Talk, Bed Talk, Pillow Talk, Nurtering Love, Attraction Building, Lust Building, Relation Building, Relation Exercises, Relation Management, Harem Building, Harem Management, Harem Exercises, and Dual Cultivation which i planned for today.

Yesterday was Teaching, Information Gathering, Information Management, Accounting, Instructing, Commanding, Grooming, Gooding, Politics, Negotiations, Business, Management, Counter Spionage, Psychology, Loyality Manipulation, Loyality Building, Loyality Exercises, Trust Exercises, Trust Building, Secrecy Management, Spionage, Behind the Scenes Manovering, Manipulation, Indoctrination, Sect Management, Cult Management, Money Management, Money making, Scheming, Opertunity Perception, Opertunity Utilization, Leadership Structure, Leadership, and Social books, but to be honest i don't feel more Social or well better at Politics. Maybe its something the Library improves in Secret. I really had a lot of time yesterday.

Everyone in the Institute was running around seems I was right Nie Zexi has all the 'common' Girls in their Clique now their are even some 'noble' Girls. Maybe my reading made a lot happen Yesterday atleast I didnt sleep.

Like when i suddenly could read with Lightning Speed and never forget something i read. Maybe my fears about a Sect/Cult of my own are founded well maybe Nie Zexi suddenly has all 'common' Girls on her Side because she gets a Boost from my abilities she is loyal afterall.

I am really Happy my conclusion that Reading a lot of the LoHP knowledge gives me OP abilities was right otherwise I would be on the Radar of the Stronger people already. Lucky!



Ye Ziyun was going around the Institute Library searching for the Genius Boy she can't get out of her mind. It is frightning but he managed to keep his 1 Star Bronze Status a Secret maybe its the Girls that seemingly want to kiss the ground He walks on.

It seems the noble Friends (Girls) the age of mine keep the Secret because they also are infatuated with him and don't want to harm their chances with him as his faction (Cult) keeps it Secret. Maybe its also because all the commoners have enough dirt on the other Girls and finally have convidence and a backbone because they all follow one Goal.

Its just shocking how a Girl Like Nie Zexi that has a fiancee just, to hide her Attraction to Girls suddenly uses her Fiancee as a way to gain her little following. I want to forget what i walked in inside the Girls bathrooms. She just hopes Xiao Ning'er and they marry the Same man like they promised and maybe... 'No what is she thinking'


It seems Xiao Ning'er had her Engagement annuled and was ordered to persue Nie Lie and for me the talks with the Sacred Family stopped their now more concerned with the new rising Star. If Shen Xiu being in Charge of the Girls Dormitory is anything to go by didn't she want to teach. The only acceptable Member of Shen Family reduced to seducing a Boy.

And there Ye Ziyun thought her opinion of that Family can't sink any lower.

Meanwhile Xiao Ning'er was hiding Behind some bookshelves being pissed at her Family. First they annul her engagement with that beast and now she has to worry about another man she doesn't even know anything about.

She is gonna find information about him and make sure he is acceptable otherwise she will just return to her Secret Cultivation Routine for now. Unknowing that fate will make sure to Peak her Interest. And Set them to crosspaths again.



I came Up with an amazing Idea sadly Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er still haven't talked to me. But I thought about the Overlord Anime series and thought maybe using Inscribtions and Soul Force (Cultivation) makes me able to replicate Tiermagic, I will call it Cultivation Tier Arts If it works.

But thats food for tomorrow now i will cultivate for tonight maybe i can reach 1 Star Silver and start experimenting with Demon Spirits. How wonderful would that be.

Sommerscave here. MC will have some characteristics from Made in Abyss's Bondrewd so you will see alot of DARK things commited by the MC.

He will be all too nice about it. Don't expect me to write on the same Level as the author of Made in Abyss. Funfact MC can have an infinite amount of Demon Spirits and his Cultivation is always the same for everything be it Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul, and Cultivation in General.

And he will be able to conquer all the Attributes if his Dao meets the criteria.

Sommerscavecreators' thoughts