
Chapter 8

“That is a good way of describing it,” Kensho agreed. “It is also the meridian associated with witchcraft and the occult, so it is an appropriate one to be working on here today. The aim is to drive Kiup the bladder meridian to create an energy buildup in the region of the sacred chakra. Later, this energy will be released in an explosive orgasm.”

Tara was only half-listening to the lesson. She was relishing the feel of Abigail’s firm, hot body under her hands. At the mention of the word orgasm, however, her interest perked up again. Abigail had already provided her with one fantastic orgasm today, and she was eager to return the compliment.

“Now, raise yourself up on your knees and press down firmly with both hands—the left hand on the sacrum and the right hand on the back of the thigh. Don’t worry about using too much pressure, because women can take a lot of force at these points. Press down with your whole weight.”