
Chapter 3

“Well, Darren, what do you say to that?” the interviewer asked. “I assume you’re a less than wholehearted supporter of tomorrow’s Spiritual Consciousness Festival?”

“You assume correctly.” Bates scowled at the camera…but then his natural expression was a scowl. “Witchcraft is nothing but ignorant superstition. It always has been and it always will be. You can rebrand it as much as you like—you can call it Wicca, Paganism, Spiritual Consciousness—but that doesn’t alter the fact that it’s meaningless drivel. It’s the same with everything they’ve got on show here—fortune telling, meditation, faith healing…nothing but hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo.”

“Thousands would disagree with you, of course,” the reporter pointed out. “And even people who do agree with you might point out that it’s simply a pleasant way of spending a hot Saturday in August—a harmless kind of public entertainment.”