
Kara Joins the Harem

"So you're telling me you somehow accidentally married an alien princess from another world after you went out yesterday evening?" Jean said, giving me a glare and trying to probe my mind for lies psionically.

"Technically, she isn't a princess. She was just adopted into the royal family to be a scapegoat for the real princess." I argued back.

"Arguing semantics doesn't exactly make your argument any better," Jean said, narrowing her eyes.

I knew what she was REALLY upset about, and it wasn't me getting another lover. As a matter of fact, both Eve and Jean had long since known I'd eventually gain another few wives. I was a super rich, super powerful, super handsome young man with godlike powers that seemed to have no limits, and of course, with this world actively encouraging polygamous relationships, a man like me would be extraordinarily attractive to women of all sorts. It would be odd if I only had two wives, in fact, so I knew that my addition of Kara wasn't the real issue here.

I gave a small sigh in defeat, straightened my back, and looked Jean dead in the eyes. "I'm sorry I got involved in this situation and agreed to accept her without consulting you," I said with no hesitation in my voice.

Jean was taken aback by this, probably not expecting me to sincerely apologize, and shrunk down a bit from my serious gaze. "No um... It's ok, I forgive you." Jean said, a small blush on her cheeks.

I smirked. The slight masochist in Jean would always get rolled up whenever I looked her dead in the eyes and speak seriously, regardless of what I actually said. This also proved that she wasn't actually all that upset and more annoyed than anything because she wouldn't get all hot and bothered by my gaze otherwise.

"I'm glad that that's settled," I said with a smirk as I approached Jena and gave her a hug. She tensed slightly at the sudden physical contact but eventually melted into my arms for a quick snuggle.

"Impressive husband!" Kara excitedly clapped, seeing our display.

Eve recoiled at seeing this. "Damn, I was going to give Jean hell for letting you off super easy, but seeing Kara... she's like too cute." She said quietly.

I tried to hide my smug smirk from Eve as I heard her saying this. The closet bisexual was extremely attracted to pure and naive women, even trying to get me to take Cassy into my harem just to get to her herself.

Of course, in a world full of more women than me, bisexuality was incredibly common among women. In just about every harem, there were sub-couplings that would usually form between harem members. Eve was an example of a particularly aggressive version of this. She was something of a switch, liking to dom other women, but acting more submissive around me. I noticed this by the fact Eve preferred to tease Jean and other women who were her 'type' but acted much more reserved around me.

It was actually this behavior that caused me to wait for so long to finally accept both her and Jean. I genuinely thought that Eve was lesbian but only wanted to be with me because I was obviously good husband material and we were pretty good friends. I thought, 'If she only wants to be with me because there was really no other option, and she probably wants to actually get with another member of my potential harem, then maybe I shouldn't accept her.' Thankfully, I knew now that that wasn't the case.

I could've used my powers to check, but I felt like if I didn't put some limits in place when using my powers, especially with my relationships, then I'd fall down the slippery slope to becoming a total scumbag. I mean, I had seemingly limitless power at my fingertips. What was stopping me from simply snapping my fingers and turning every super-babe in the world into totally devoted sex slaves for my own personal pleasure if not a strict code I'd hold myself to when using my powers?

Jean was a bit different. I knew she liked me, but I was hesitant to take on her baggage in an actual relationship. She was beautiful, kind, and just plain fun to be around. Of course, I'd be her friend, but being as she was the host to the Pheonix Force, there was always going to be some drama with her. There was also the issue she might leave me one day to continue her duties as the White Pheonix, becoming part of the Abstracts, and I didn't know what I'd do if that happened.

I shook my head, banishing the lingering thoughts in my mind before turning back towards Kara, who matched my gaze with a slightly confused expression. "I think it's time we discussed your powers, Kara," I said.

"Powers?" She asked.

"Yes, from what you told me about your background, there is a good chance you have the same powers as Superman," I commented.

"Superman?" kara asked.

"wait really?" Eve asked, astonished.

"I can see why you chose not to rewrite it now. You like powerful women." Jean commented, more to herself than me. She wasn't wrong, I felt that strong women were sexy AF, but I was also a slight sadist, so seeing those same women reduced to a mewling orgasmic mess is what REALLY got my gears going.

'*I can't normally read your mind, but even I can tell you're horny.*' Jean telepathically quipped at me before giving me a bonk- I mean light smack to draw my attention back to the conversation at hand and restrain my wondering mind.

I cleared my throat quickly before looking back at Eve to answer her astonishment. "That's right. Krypton is the same planet Superman said he was from, right? I doubt there is anything special about him biologically or genetically that makes him do things that Kara here can't." I explained.

"There is another Kryptonian here?" Kara asked, shocked.

"Yes. According to the article by Lois Lane, a world-famous reporter, and journalist who interviewed him, he said his real name was Kal-El from the planet Krypton." I mentioned.

"Kal made it here too!" Kara exclaimed in happiness, to which I gave her a nod.

Kara's entire demeanor changed as she smiled brightly at the news, coming up to me for a hug while tears formed in her eyes. "I'm so glad! I thought *sniff* I thought I was the only one. *sniff* But I still have one member of my family left!" She said, weeping happily.

Eve and Jean joined us for a large group hug as we comforted and supported Kara, despite the fact, her tears were of relief and happiness, not sadness.


"Are you sure you don't want to meet him yet?" I asked Kara, who was watching various compilations of Superman's feats on Youtube.

"Yeah. I want to master my powers first. I'm the older one, I can't show up without getting the hang of them. If I do, then I'll look bad as his older cousin." Kara explained.

"A bit of a shallow reason, eh blondie?" Eve teased.

Kara looked at her for a moment in confusion. "My name is Kara, not blondie."

Jean snickered at this, while Eve facepalmed. I smirked amusedly before giving Eve some words of advice. "Sorry, but Kara isn't quite there yet."

"No, it's fine. That one was on me... As a matter of fact..." She paused while thinking a bit. "Her alien naivety is adorable." Eve smiled in a slightly motherly way.

I softly smiled to myself at this sight. Eve might have been rather aggressively flirty at times, just like Jean, but she also had a kind and motherly side to her like liked to pamper and nurture others. She'd be a great mom, and probably one of the reasons she was so well-liked when she did a reading to children event for our mandated community service in Junior Year. It was also probably where her desire to help others came from. Eve also does weekends feeding the homeless at various shelters and even trained her powers by turning all the trash on Coney Island Beach into sand. She wanted to clean up the Hudson with her powers too, but the precision she could use her powers wasn't quite there yet. altering the thousands of tons of trash in such a vast area using a liquid medium was proving too tiresome.

By the way, I totally took credit for cleaning Coney Island Beach for my Community Service. I had it be something that Peter, MJ, Gwen, and I, did together. This gave the Spiders the free time to patrol around as Heroes without having to worry about useless school stuff like that. I even created a holographic illusion of the four of us working tirelessly so that people wouldn't get suspicious. There was even a minor new article about our project which 'inspired hope' and other things like that.

Eve wasn't too happy about them taking the credit, but understood that she couldn't exactly advertise her abilities yet. She also figured out the Spider's identities, when Gwen decided to come to my place late at night once for a patch job on the seam of the suit when Eve and I were having an at-home date.

How she managed to rip a hole in a Vibranium Weave suit was beyond me. Apparently, it was a mutant punk with the ability to create small cut-like fissures in space with a knife. I thought that that was an awesome power and that I was witnessing the first completely original supervillain in this mashup world, but it turned out that in practice, all his power did was allow him to cut through anything with a knife. He was the kind of guy that would be a background mob mutant who'd be beaten up by the heroes in the big setpiece action scene where the X-Men defeated an entire army of mutants, or something like that.

I turned back to Kara. "Alright, I'm already helping there two with training how to use their powers, I don't mind teaching you as well." I commented.

Kara smiled. "Thank you, husband."

"You always call me 'husband'. Why is that?" I asked curiously.

Kara's face went beat red and her eyes looked away from me. I felt as though she was shrinking away in embarrassment from something, but it could just be another strange alien custom.

Jean narrowed her eyes slightly and a dim orange firey aura emitted from her mind for just a moment before she relaxed and rolled her eyes. "Damian, you never introduced yourself to her. She never figured out your name." She chided.

"Oops," I said, a bit embarrassed. I knew her name because I knew who Supergirl was and also from the pod, but I guess we never formally introduced ourselves, huh?

Jean sighed when she heard me say this. "I know that you gave her information of table manners from her memories, but I thought you'd give her a full course on earth too. Like does she know how to operate a phone? I know she can't use a computer because you were the one who pulled up the youtube videos, but did you teach her our bathroom etiquette?"

Kara's blush deepened when mentioning bathroom etiquette and I was taken aback. I then remembered the three-shells scene from Demolition Man and figured that Kara was probably so clueless that she didn't even know how to use the earth bathrooms. I hoped she wasn't secretly holding it in and just didn't want to be rude when she asked. I did a quick check on the anatomy of Kryptonians and figured out their digestive system is nearly identical to humans in all the ways that matter (theirs was ridiculously more efficient) including how they 'expelled waste', so this was definitely NEED TO KNOW INFORMATION.

"Uhh... Jean." I called to her hesitantly.

"Already on it, Kara, come here," Jean said, leading her into the bathroom without hesitation.

"Damian," Eve called my name, to which I stiffened.

"Y-yes Eve?" I responded back.

"You're the worst." She said to me coldly.

"I know..." I replied defeated

A bit of a joke chapter, but I'm writing it after getting back from a long day's work, so it didn't push the plot along as much. I just had the itch to write

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts