

A love bathed in blood. Passion born from pain. Bond forged in blood. Love born from darkness. Two hearts driven by revenge, forged in anger, now beat for one another. "I'll love you till the end of time and then I'll kill you." ------------ Xavier Stones, the enigmatic third prince of the Stones Kingdom. A man consumed in darkness and shrouded in shadows. Haunted by the brutal deaths of his mother and sister, he has but one goal: seek revenge on his father, with the lover by his side. But fate intervenes when he discovers that the woman he swore to kill holds his heart in her grasp. Alexia lives in a male-dominated world where women are seen as mere tools for marriage. She has survived a life on the run through theft, deceit, hard labor, and disguising herself as a boy to protect her younger brother. As a guard in the palace, she crosses paths with Xavier. As secrets of her past and an overwhelming darkness consume her, Alexia must rely on Xavier. Yet she discovers that the man she has grown to love is the source of all her suffering. Can she accept such a cruel twist of fate? Two sworn enemies, driven by revenge and bound by love, must face the shadows of their past and the demons of their present. As they uncover truths, harness powers and confront death. Will their love be their salvation or will they be the death of each other? DARE TO DELVE INTO THE HEART OF A DEMON.

Raven_writes · 奇幻言情
23 Chs


"Knock knock"

Alexia stirred, her eyes fluttering open, she narrowed her eyes, trying to adjust them to the sunlight seeping into the room. She was looked front and was met with the unfamiliar sight of a cold, stone floor beneath her cheek, and the faint memory of a restless night's sleep.

She had apparently curled up on the floor, her arms wrapped tightly around her own body, as if seeking comfort from herself.

The knock came again, sharper this time, and Alexia's gaze snapped towards the it. She slowly sat up, her joints creaking in protest, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

Her mind raced to remember where she was, and why she was lying on the floor. Then it hit her; she was still in the palace, trapped, and it wasn't just a bad dream.

The knock came once more, insistent and firm. She hesitated for a moment before rising to her feet, her body stiff and sore.

She opened the door to find Liam frowning at her.

"What have you been doing in there? Didn't you hear me knocking?" he scowled.

"Yes, I heard you," she replied nonchalantly. "I was just deciding whether or not I cared."

Liam's face darkened. "You filthy thief," he gritted out between clenched teeth.

He paused and took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, then spoke in a more even tone. "Come with me. His Highness has requested your presence."

She shrugged. "Should I bathe first or...?"

Liam scoffed. "No amount of bathing can ever cleanse your filth."

Alexia couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Done speaking, Liam turned and walked down the hallway, Alexia following close behind. They exited the servants' quarters and made their way around the palace, arriving at a quiet courtyard. It was different from the one she'd seen yesterday, this one seemed more private, with no servants in sight.

The sun cast a warm glow over the lush greenery, illuminating the vibrant flowers and trimmed hedges that lined the cobblestone paths. A gentle fountain burbled in the center, its crystal clear waters reflecting the blue sky above. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming roses and the soft chirping of birds, creating a sense of peaceful tranquility.

In the courtyard's centre, a towering figure stood grasping a massive sword at his side.

The sword was nearly as tall as a man with a blade as wide as a half foot. The blade was heavy and flat, with a slight curve towards the tip, clearly designed for chopping and slicing with deadly precision. The worn leather wrapped hilt was long enough to accommodate the giant's massive hands and the sword's pommel was a shaped like a flattened disk, serving as a counterweight. A simple crossbar guard protected the wielder's hand from incoming attacks. The sword's edge was razor-sharp, honed to a deadly keenness that seemed to shimmer in the light, promising a swift and merciful end to those who faced its fury.

Alexia heart skipped a beat. 'This was an executioner's sword. Are they planning to kill me?'

Next to the man, a sturdy wooden scaffold stood, its platform raised about waist-high. The executioner's block, a thick wooden beam, was secured to the platform, its surface worn smooth by the countless heads that must have rested upon it.

The scaffold's wooden frame was weathered to a dull gray, and its steps creaked ominously underfoot. The surrounding courtyard walls seemed to close in, casting long shadows that stretched towards the scaffold like skeletal fingers, as if eager to claim the next victim.

This further confirmed her thoughts, they really wanted to kill her, behead her even.

'Oh no, it can't be. I have to escape. I can't die. Not like this. Not now.' Panic set in and she turned around to flee, but Liam was too quick. He swooped in, scooping her up and tossing her over his shoulder.

"No, please! Leave me! I don't want to die! I'll change, I'll do anything, just spare my life! Have mercy!" But Liam remained unfazed, deaf to her desperate pleas.

He strode calmly towards the execution platform, his long strides eating up the distance. With a gentleness that belied the situation, he laid her on the wooden platform, strapping her in place with metal clamps.

He positioned her head on the block with her neck in the curved recess. Her scarf was pushed up, exposing her neck, and her head was secured in place with leather straps.

The block's surface was cold, its wood grain rough against her skin. The executioner adjusted her position, ensuring her neck was fully supported and her head was held firmly in place, ready for the fatal strike.

"Please, don't kill me! I have a little brother to care for. What will he do without me? Just one more chance, I beg of you!" Alexia's voice trembled with tears streaming down her face.

But the executioner remained unmoved, his massive sword poised to strike. He raised it high, then brought it down in a swift motion, aiming to sever her head in a single blow.

"Wait!" a voice called out, but it was too late.

The sword was already descending, its blade grazing her skin before coming to a sudden stop. Alexia's eyes were shut tight already resigned to her fate, but she realized the blade seemed to have stopped. She carefully opened them.

There, standing over her, was the prince, his hand grasping the executioner's sword tightly.

His eyes locked onto hers. "Did you say you have a little brother?" He asked, his voice cold and detached.

Alexia's lips trembled as she stuttered, "Y-yes..."

He paused, seemingly lost in thought, his gaze fixed on her for a long, uncomfortable moment.

Alexia broke out in cold sweat, her life and death now rested firmly in his hands. 'I just hope he still has a bit of human decency in him and let me go. Alex was right, the palace is really not good for me, I swear that if i survive this, I would definitely stop stealing.'

After what seemed like an eternity, Xavier turned and handed the sword back to the executioner.

Then he turned back to Alexia. "I can give you a chance to live" he paused. "But you'll belong to me, your life, body and soul. Everything will be mine. You will only serve me and won't even have the right to take your life, for I will pursue you to the depths of hell and drag you back. Whether you like it or not. Do you agree?"

"Yes" Alexia hurriedly answered. Anything was better than death, as long as she lived, she could plot her escape, find a way to flee. Though Xavier threatened her she just threw it to the back of her mind, he couldn't be watching her all the time.

"Good," He smirked, his lips curling up in a cold, dangerous smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. He turned to Liam, his voice commanding. "Bring it."

Liam nodded and left, returning shortly with a weird looking rod, he held with a thong.

Alexia's looked up and her heart froze. It was a branding iron.

The branding iron was a cruel-looking thing, its metal rod shaped like a twisted serpent, with the words 'Xavier' and 'Slave' entwined at its tip. The iron glowed red-hot, its surface crackling with heat, as Liam handed it to Xavier.

Xavier collected It and bent down to meet Alexia's gaze, his eyes locking onto hers as she remained strapped to the wooden platform.

"Please, Your Highness," she pleaded, with quivering lips, her eyes wide with fear. "This isn't necessary. I'm yours, I accept it. Please have mercy."

Xavier's smile grew wider. "You just acknowledged it. You're my property now. What's wrong with marking my possessions?"

Without another word, he pressed the iron against her cheek, the metal seared into her skin, releasing a acrid smell of burned flesh, Alexia's eyes widened in agony.

"Aaaaargh..." A blood curdling scream tore from her throat, a raw and anguished cry that shattered through the air. Her body arched in agony, her eyes rolling back in her head as she struggled against the restraints.

The sizzle of burning flesh filled the air as the brand seared into her cheek. The smell of charred skin and sweat mingled with her cries of pain, echoing off the courtyard walls.

Xavier held the iron in place for a few moments, ensuring the brand was seared deep into her skin, before withdrawing it with a faint hiss.