

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · 现代言情
17 Chs

What's Wrong?

Chapter 10

He heard laughter from outside the bathroom, with a grunt I immediately took a shower and then left the bathroom.

It could be bad if he cancels our agreement. Until outside the bathroom I looked around looking for it, but my room was empty. Where is he going?"

I have to quickly change my clothes then perform the Maghrib prayer. The thing that I rarely do, only once a week I go to the mosque to pray, namely, Friday prayers.

After the prayer I left the room, Shasa and Mama assisted by Shakira were busy setting the dinner table.

I was just sitting in a chair when Papa appeared from the front room. It seems like Papa just came home from somewhere. The problem is that this afternoon Papa said goodbye to come home early because he had something to do.

"How are you, Papa?" asked my mother impatiently.

What's the matter, they look so happy.

"That's done, Ma. Hisyam, Shasa, next week you can get married."

Wow, that fast? How about this, I haven't prepared anything yet.

"That's good, Pa. So tomorrow you will be taken by Mama to the boutique that Mama subscribes to. You can just buy ready-made models. If you order a new one, you're afraid you won't catch up. Tomorrow, clear your work schedule, Sham. Mama wants us to finish everything tomorrow!"

"Yes, Ma," I replied between limp and happy.

Shasa just nodded and then lowered his face, as long as we had dinner there was not a word out of his mouth .. Shasa finished eating quickly, then stood up.

"Ma, Pa, Shasa, go to your room first. I'm sorry I couldn't help clearing the dining table. I'll leave it for Shakira later!" he said goodbye

"Yes, honey. It's okay," said Mama.

Shasa turned towards his room, but at first glance I saw him wiping the corners of his eyes. What's wrong with him, has he changed his mind? Does he regret that he will marry me so soon.

Wow, it could be bad if Shasa cancels our agreement.


Mama really makes good use of her time. All the locations and places he wants to go to must be realized today. After dropping Shakira off at school, Mama took me and Shasa straight to the boutique that Mama subscribed to.

This boutique sells a variety of goods for wedding parties.

Mama went inside with Shasa, while I waited on the boutique terrace. Shasa was still as silent as last night, even though he smiled and continued to respond to my mother's chatter but I could see that his face was somber as if he was harboring sadness.

"Sham! Oh, this kid is just standing outside. Come on in!" Mom suddenly appeared and pulled me into the shop.

"Mama, don't be like this. I can walk alone, Mom!" I protested.

"Yes, that's it then. Come on in! You have to try on your wedding dress. Shasa is in the locker room, she will finish soon."

Mama was still continuing her scolding, some of the shop employees who heard her smiled faintly behind Mama.

"Well, these are your clothes Syam. Come on, try it in there!" Mama gave a pair of white wedding clothes.

I received the clothes proffered by Mama, then I entered the men's locker room. After finishing wearing it I looked in the mirror in front of me in disbelief.

That's really the reflection of my body, he's so handsome in this wedding dress. I came out of the locker room, it turns out Shasa also finished changing clothes.

My eyes didn't blink looking at him, Shasa was really like an angel who had just come down from heaven.

"Shasa, you are so beautiful, honey!" my mother shouted welcoming Shasa who stood up clumsily.

"Yes, Jeng. It's really beautiful, it fits perfectly on her body. There's no need to fix the dress anymore. It's just right!" continued the boutique owner happy.

"Yes, Aunt. The dress is taken off again, OK?" Shasa looked uncomfortable with her dress or felt embarrassed because my eyes had not been separated from her since earlier.

"Bloody hell, let's take pictures first!" take my mom.

Mom pulled me closer and the three of us took a picture together. Mom looks very happy.

"Already Ma, he said he was going to Aunt Rumi, order catering!" I remember.

"Oh, yes, Syam. Mama almost forgot."

Shasa and I returned to the dressing room again. I, who finished first, chose to wait for Mama and Shasa in the car.

Half an hour later Mama and Shasa came out of the boutique carrying a package that I can guess its contents.

"Now where are we going, Mama?" I asked, Mama and Shasa had been sitting pretty in the back seat. Just asking, I already know where Mama is going next.

"We went to Aunt Rumi's house, Syam. After that, we went to your Uncle's place, then we went to blah blah blah," my mother's chatter didn't stop.

I took a deep breath, then drove my car with mixed feelings. It seems like today is going to be long and long for me.


In the evening after dinner, Papa and Mama said goodbye to go to a friend's house. It seemed that Papa and Mama really wanted to throw a big party. The remaining one week did not make them slack off, instead they became even more enthusiastic with all the preparations and hassles.

I looked for Shasa's whereabouts, since she finished washing the dishes she had disappeared. I searched his room, nothing. Into the front room, nothing either. Then I looked to the side terrace, it turns out he was there.

Shasa was sitting alone on the side terrace, Kira, her sister, was studying in the dining room. It seems that Shasa was busy daydreaming about heavy things, so he didn't realize my presence beside him.

He took a deep breath and then exhaled again.

"What's wrong with you Sha? Since yesterday I saw your face cloudy and restless. What's wrong?" I asked, tapping his shoulder.

"Astaghfirullahaladzim, Mas Hisham! You really like to surprise me. Take my heart out!" Shasa was shocked and spontaneously pinched my arm.

To be continued