

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · 现代言情
17 Chs


Chapter 3

Getting out of the car then heading into the shop, I casually entered as if I hadn't seen the incident.

The two men seemed to want to kick me out, but Shasa held them back. Shasa approached me while removing her tears.

"Welcome Mas, what fruit do you want to buy. Many choices in our store. Please choose yourself!" Shasa said smoothly while smiling sweetly.

The extraordinary calm that this girl has.

"My Ehm wants to buy fruit that ends there!" my answer.

I deliberately pointed to a fruit that was some distance from the two people. Shasa took me the foursome I meant.

"Who are they Sha?" I don't know about it.

Shasa seemed surprised by my question.

"What do you mean by Mas?"

"Both people, why are they angry at you. Who are they?" I asked again.

"Why does Mas want to know? Looks like this isn't Mas's drain right. Do we know each other?" Shasa asked back.

"Not so, I just want to help you," I replied confused.

Of course I'm confused, because we haven't met. I was stupid, instead To the point said he wanted to help him.

"Thank you, but I think this is crazy there is something to do with Mas. So now I still want to buy my fruit or Mas just want to know my business?"

"Oh yes, I'm sorry. Then bring me the melon just one!"

Shasa takes a Melon then weighs and puts it in the deep of the plastic.

"Twenty thousand Rupiah Mas!" he said.

I gave the money he mentioned and took the plastic he offered.

"Thank you, please come back, Mas!" Shasa said friendly.

I stepped out doubtfully, when I saw the backs turned out that the two men were talking back to Shasa.

I got in the car and waited for what would happen. If the two men play rough I will go back to night and help Shasa if he is not willing to be helped.

It turned out that what I was afraid of was not happening, the two men left Shasa's fruit shop.

Okay, it seems that Shasa is not a girl who is easy to receive help from others. I have to find a way to get close to him.

One month, not a long time to approach a girl and invite her to get married. Marcel is crazy!


"This is Mas Hisham's Melon, I already cut it for Mas. Hehehe!"

Zuriah offered me a plate full of Melon pieces. Ihhh, I shudder to myself seeing him standing shyly in front of me.

For some reason, as soon as Papa threatened to set me up with Zuriah, my eyes on him changed. If he used to look funny with his shyness, then now it feels elegant and amused himself.

Zuriah had lived in my house for a long time, with his mother he lived in the back house. His mother had worked for decades with Papa's family, until it was considered like her own family.

"Mas Hisham, etdah, but instead! Mas Hishammmm!" Zuriah shouted in my ears.

"Heh little boy, budeg my ears know!" my shirt was shocked.

"Hihihi, finished the bag of the king. Already ah, Iyah wants to mop first. Babay Mas Hisham!"

Zuriah teased me with his flirty eyes, again I shuddered in horror at him.

It seems I have to extra speeding nih seducing Shasa to marry me. But how?


Three days later.

"Good morning Shasa!" my broom is slowly.

Shasa who just opened the shop door was surprised by my greeting.

"Y-you! Good morning Mas. Sorry I just opened. Have you waited a long time?"

"Hmm, not long enough. Oh yes, I don't want to shop. Sorry, but I want to chat with you Sa!"

"Chatting, what problem. Looks like we're not in trouble right?"

"Ng, that is . About two people yesterday, eits don't be angry first Sa! I just want to help!" my sergeant panicked because Shasa looked unhappy and then went into the shop.

Chasing him near the cash register, Shasa stopped stepping and then turned to look at me sharply.

"Sorry Mas, I already told you that it's not Mas's business!" the eagle.

"Once again, I just want to help. I know you have moneylender debt, "I said quietly.

"Mas, I have repeatedly said that it is not Mas's business. Please, if you don't want to shop please Mas go!" kick it out.

Arrogant woman! But I did not sweeten his words, casually instead sat cursed near the cashier's desk.

Shasa looked upset, clucking she went into the room that I thought was a warehouse. Sure enough, he didn't come out long by tending a bucket and mop.

With a ignorant he kept working mopping his shop room, then arranged a fruit that was a little scattered without regard to me. As if I were not close, hufttt was a bad luck.

In my heart I begged to be given a way and ease to melt his heart. Even temporary nuisance is not, what is important right now is that I can survive Marcel's punishment and the request of Mama and my father.

Kringggggg ... The call I was facing rang loudly. Shasa, who was mopping the shop terrace, heard it and hurried over to me. Ehhh raised the phone that was still screaming for it to be lifted.

"Hallo, assalamualaikum sa ...."

Omongan Shasa stopped, maybe because it was cut by the caller at the end.

" .... "

"What! W-what do you mean?" Shasa shouted in a panic.

" .... "

"Wait a minute, Mr. Gak can be like that! Hello, sir! Hello!"

Shasa looked very panicked, her face turned pale. his body trembled with a blushing face holding back tears, I stood up and invited him to sit cursed the one I had occupied.

"What's up Sha?" I'm worried.

"Shakira, Mas, my sister was kidnapped by Mr. Ronggo! Hix, hiksss!" Shasa cried, her face bowed listlessly.

I was confused about what to do, if I offered to help fear him he was angry again.

"Who is Mr. Ronggo?"

To be continued