

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · 现代言情
17 Chs

Marry Me

Chapter 4

"He's an evil moneylender. My father and mother have long been dead, so far we have been cared for by Uncle, his younger brother the late Papa. Quietly it turned out that my uncle had a debt to him, but because his business uncle finally went bankrupt made him despair. Then kill yourself, but Mr. Ronggo won't know. we are still forced to pay off Uncle's debts."

In my heart I cheered happily because Shasa began to open up to me. I don't perdress if it's done because I'm forced or not.

"How much debt do you have to pay? I'll help pay it off!"

Shasa saw me unbelieving, the removal of the tear that was still dripping was fanned.

"Why does Mas care and want to help me?"

"II just have pity seeing you cry for worrying about your sister. Come on, we have to move fast!"

"Wait a minute Mas, I close the shop first!" sahut Shasa quickly.

I helped him close the shop then we moved towards the location where his sister Shasa was smothered. Following the location of the shares of Pak Ronggo's plot we finally arrived at a warehouse area that had not been used for a long time.

By settling we entered the warehouse, the guards who were engrossed in the chat were unaware of our lizard. They were shocked and immediately put up horses preparing to attack as soon as they saw the two of us standing before them.

"Where is Mr. Ronggo?" Shasa asked by shouting.

"It's inside having fun with your sister!" answered one of them.

"Not! If something happens to my sister, I will not forgive you guys!"

Shasa began to cry, curled her body in my arms. Shasa Gak refused instead to be increasingly moved.

"We want to meet Mr. Ronggo!" I said, then invited Shasa to go into the night.

Two people were blocking our steps in front of the door.

"You can't enter! Go!" rub them with a fierce face.

Kurogoh my pants pocket, it seems like I still keep a few hundred thousand bills.

"What if I gave you these!" my mockery.

Their eyes immediately glared at the red sheet lined up in my hand.

I threw the money behind me, they both chased the scattered money. We didn't waste the chance to go inside, until Shasa shouted angrily at seeing Mr. Ronggo who would pawn his sister.

While I took my cellphone then took pictures and videos of Mr. Ranges who I was sure would be useful later.

"Mr. Ronggo, you are so insolent!" Shasa's scream with anger.

Shasa pushed Mr. Ronggo's body which was barely dressed, while Sakhira passed out on the bed.

I checked Shakira's condition, thankfully her clothes were still complete inside and out.

"You can report to the police for kidnapping and fornication of the girl under the mold!" my threatening.

"Cih, just report it! I'm not afraid, there are many connections. Even if I'm arrested, I'm the same as staying at a hotel. You know that, hahaha!" brag about it arrogantly.

"Oh, yes! What about Netijen's blasphemy, I will viral this video!" I don't want to lose.

Mr. Ronggo paled, his body suddenly limp.

"Not! Do not do it. What do you want?"

"His uncle Shasa's debt is paid off, and you can't bother them anymore!" answer me cunningly.

Feel the old bandot, just like you want to enjoy a girl underage.

"Ooo, about the debt. I also offered Shasa from the past, the debt I would consider paid off if he wanted to be my third wife."

"No, I'd rather die than be his wife!" Shasa shouted in a panic.

Shakira had been freed from the ties that shackled her body. Shasa tried to wake Shakira, I was too pokus watching them until I didn't realize that the two guards had come in and were now behind me.

"Which Daei are you, you stupid guard. Catch them!" Mr. Ronggo's orders while appointing me.

I realized and wanted to avoid, but it was too late. The guard had managed to smother me from behind, my cellphone was taken by Mr. Ronggo and then deleted the video and photo I took earlier.

"Now, you can't sue me young man anymore! I'm smarter than you! Hahaha!" the laugh was very satisfied.

Damn, now how is this. What will they do to us.

Shakira, who had just regained consciousness, screamed in fear because the guard was once again tying his body.

Shasa was also hysterical and was just begging to be released.

"Hey, wait a minute! This is a debt problem right? How much does their uncle owe, I will pay off the origin of you not to bother them again until at any time!" I tried to negotiate with Mr. Ronggo and his accomplice.

Mr. Ronggo looked at me sharply, a cunning grin made me feel disgusted.

"All right, their debt is 125 million. Can you pay for it?" ejwknya.

"Okay, give me my cellphone. Now I will also transfer to your account!"

"Don't Mas, no need!" reject Shasa from a distance.

I smiled, nodded at him, then received my cellphone from Mr. Ronggo.

Immediately I sent as much money as he asked, then stood up to Shasa and Shakira.

"Wuahaha, how fast young people are. Hmm, you have a lot of money too, who exactly are you?" asked Mr. Ronggo.

His eyes glared at his cellphone screen, surely the notification of the money from me had entered his cellphone.

"All right, then from now on you won't bother them anymore. If you still bother, you will know the consequences!" my threatening.

Not afraid, Mr. Ronggo laughed out loud. Without many words he threw a roll of paper that I immediately caught.

"What is this!" I asked, screaming, because Mr. Ronggo and his men had come out of this warehouse.

They walked on without answering me, I opened the paper roll I was holding.

This ... Land letter on behalf of Fahmi Ahmad.

"Alhamdulillah, this is my father's land letter, Mas!" Shasa's scream was happy.

Shasa handed him the paper, Shasa hugged him and looked at me. Handing me the paper roll, I don't understand what it means.

"Now, we owe you Mas! I promise I'll pay it little by little!"

My heart cheers, it's time for Hisham. You can take advantage of this opportunity.

"I have an offer for you. I will consider your debt paid off, as long as you agree my request!"

"W-what is that?"

"Marry me!"

To be continued