
Light my fire



I woke in a place barren of life and grass. The hell that all hollows reside. Instantly getting to work I ran around finding two big rocks and a small rock.

Bending down to the floor I started carving on the rocks. The small rock started to glow creating a barrier around me preventing ALL intruders from getting in. The first big rock also started to glow it creating A barrier 14.3 million meters out that would prevent anyone from leaving or getting in. And the second big rock also started to glow creating a barrier of 4.7 million meters out that would capture all characters inside it after 19 minutes.

I then proceeded to copy these actions repeatedly hundreds of times.

My credits went from 350 to 350. You forgot I was on 0 intensity did you? Also I was on Power trip.

After being satisfied with my work I ran to a nearby cave were I made a barrier around myself again. The plan was simple pull out stand arrow stab it into oneself and be done. As I pulled out the arrow it vibrated intensely and got out of my hands stabbing into me.

The arrow ran up through my arm and out my shoulder before falling to the ground. The wound healing instantly before my pain receptors could even kick in. But my soul was a different story. It was changing, condensing and expanding, it was… growing.

A hand burst from my soul, then another. The hands grappled onto the edges of my soul pulling itself out.

Its body looked a lot like white snake with runes running all over its body. But all the runes coalesced into the stomach where there were four circles. In the middle of the final circle was a hand print. I instinctively new I needed to press this hand print to activate my ability.

The head looked like a tv screen that was turned off but I also instinctively new that this would change once I used my ability.

And finally we get to my stand's ability. The ability of… ability creation!?? Wait don't go yet there is a limitation to this ability. It could only have three abilities

otherwise if I made 4 my ability would kill me as the worst outcome and the best weaken me to T1 for years.

You see if I used my power one of the circles would disappear and put strain on my body. Of course the circles could reset after each day but If I wanted the powers of the day before I would still need to use a circle although without any of the side effects mentioned above.

And the TV screen on my stands head was a part of the creation process. I would have a limited number of "points" I could use to create my abilities. How pointes were calculated was simple. Find my tier and then use it as the exponent of 2. So right now I had 256 points to use. But wait thats not it yet! You see the first circle will have 256 points to be used then the second 512 then the third 1024 and finally the fourth would be 2048.

And so it was time to make my first ability. And I had a good idea for it too. I pushed my hand on… wait my stand doesn't have a name yet… I know! Lets call it The Gummy Bear Song!

Wait no thats to ridiculous. How about Light My Fire! Yeah that sounds good. Well its time for the ability now.

Pressing my hand against LMF's chest its TV head suddenly turned on and a screen appeared.

The screen was very simple there was a bar and another bar. The first one was empty and looked like your typical google search bar and the second bar had a few letters and numbers in it.

The second bar had three features. It told me what circle I was on, what effect the ability generation would have on my body, and how many points I had and how many the ability would take.

The first bar was where I would input the ability I wanted and the second bar did the rest.

[First Circle

Ability meditation

This ability will do nothing to the user

Cost 10 points current points 256

Second circle

Ability Divine Zanpakutō creation

This ability will weaken user to T7 at your current strength for 10 hours

Cost 500 points. Current points 512

Third Circle

Ability Weak Soul enhancement

This ability will will weaken the user to T7 for 100 hours OR T6 for 10 hours

Cost 1000 points. Current points 1024]

Those where the abilities that I had chosen. Why Meditation? So I could easily unlock my Zanpakutō's shikai and bankai. Why Zanpakutō creation? Did you read what I wrote just now? And soul energy hancement because the Zanpakutō is based off the soul so enhancing it would make it stronger right?

Well at least that's what I think. I thought this as I went through with the creation of my abilities and chose to be T7 for 100 hours and felt the power drain from my body.

It hurt. It hurt a whole lot. I don't know why but it hurt a lot. I fell to the floor to start meditating to try to at least ease the pain,

The pain soon disappeared as quick as it came. Although I had just gone through the worst pain of my life I couldn't be happier. Well I could if there was no pain to begin with but you get what I mean.

I, using the knowledge that was implanted into my mind, created a Zanpakutō using my soul as the ingredient for its creation.

Slowly out of mid-air a sword was being formed. My Zanpakutō. A thing that was my very essence.

It looked like an average sword you would imagine in your head with the hilt being red. Although it looked weak I knew it was not due to soul enhancement and Divine Zanpakutō creation. So I simply caught the sword as it fell to the floor due to gravity. I fell to the floor and started meditating again.

I soon entered a world with percentages everywhere I looked and then a barcode right next to them. I looked around further finding a man at a seat and typing rapidly.

He turned around and looked at me. "Ah I see you got here so quick only 3 years and 4 months from my perspective." I learned one thing from that sentence. this places time is slower than the outside. As if recognizing a glint in my the man spoke again, "Ah I see you figured out that time moves slower in here yes? That was a 99% chance you see." Wait he said it was a 99% chance? That either means he is bullshiting me or… his ability is to ma-




The End of chapter 2