

Xian died drowning, but he still haven't accept his death. Given a second chance in life, he woke up one day in a body of a tyrant king. He is Alive! What his Queen want to kill him? Xian: My Queen, you cannot kill me. Queen: Why not ? Xian: If you kill me, then who would satisfy you at night? Queen: ...

ClegFuji · LGBT+
32 Chs

Chapter 3: His Queen Is So Cute That He Couldn’t Help Bullying The Man

" You may rise." Xian said and soon after they all did as they were told.

Xian talked toward his queen, reaching his hand for him.

" My Queen, it is cold outside. You may catch a cold waiting for my arrival. Next time you shouldn't wait for me in this cold weather. Come now let's get inside to warm up."

Everyone was shocked, especially his queen. He doesn't understand Xian's reason for saying such words, nevertheless he still took his hand. He may not know what Xian's scheme is but he knows well that he should provoke him.

On the other hand Xian felt glad holding his queen's hand. Those hands may not be as tiny as a woman's but it's still much smaller than his and much softer than any woman's hand he ever held.

Walking inside Xian noticed the food served on the table, looking at his Queen Xian suddenly asked.

" My Queen, have you eaten your breakfast yet ?"

The other was once again surprised by his question but he still honestly answered.

" I … Haven't your majesty"

Xian noticed that every time his queen answered his question he would look at the ground. Smiling slightly, Xian held his Queen's face and made his queen look at him.

" Does the ground interest you more than I do my queen?" Xian mischievously asked.

Yes he knows that he shouldn't be teasing his queen like this, especially when his queen could kill him four months from now but he couldn't help it. His queen is so cute that he couldn't help bullying the man.

On the other hand his queen shivered as he heard his words. " I dare not your majesty."

Xian could see fear in his queen's eyes as he felt guilt slowly forming in his chest.

I may have teased him a little too much. He thought.

Composing himself, Xian decided to change the topic. Letting go of his queen's face, Xian looked at him and smiled.

" Since you haven't eaten your breakfast yet, why not join me? It would be quite lonely eating alone, don't you think?" Xian said, smiling at the beautiful man in front of him.

Scared of making Xian angry, the other didn't refuse the offer. As they were having their meal harmoniously Xian thought to himself. How could someone not love this beautiful creature? If his Queen lived in his former world he would surely be a star and would conquer the entertainment industry. That bastard of a king must have been blind not treasuring this wonderful specimen.

" Your majesty, is there something on my face? You've been looking at me from quite sometime now" his queen worriedly asked, thinking if he did something to upset this king.

" There's nothing wrong with your face, in fact it's perfect. I'm just thinking how blind I am not noticing your beauty from the time that I married you." Xian shamelessly said while still smiling at his queen.

On the other hand his queen was shocked by his answer and slowly a shade of red appeared upon his face. He shyly looked away trying to hide the blush on his face.

Looking at his queen's reaction, Xian found it very interesting and extremely adorable. He didn't know why but he found comfortable being with the man before him. He never really liked being with someone else, especially if that someone is the one that will kill you four months from now, but still he felt different somehow.

After eating their fill Xian wanted to call Anlu and ordered him to bring all his works here but he thought that his queen might find it uncomfortable so he pulled the other toward him and kissed his forehead.

" I need to go now, my Queen. I'll visit you later, we can have dinner together" After saying this Xian finally left, leaving his Queen dumbfounded.