

Xian died drowning, but he still haven't accept his death. Given a second chance in life, he woke up one day in a body of a tyrant king. He is Alive! What his Queen want to kill him? Xian: My Queen, you cannot kill me. Queen: Why not ? Xian: If you kill me, then who would satisfy you at night? Queen: ...

ClegFuji · LGBT+
32 Chs

Chapter 22: Ambush (1)

Samael stood still as he looked at their second brother sitting comfortably in front of them drinking his tea. In front of them was the fief lord. He looked quite younger than Samael expected. He has a black ebony colored hair and a pair of black colored eyes. His skin is pale while his lips are those of the shade of pink .He looked like in his mid 20s that seemed too young to be a ruler of a fief.

Beside him is a young man with short blonde colored hair, a deep sea colored eyes that look at them indifferently and a smooth fair white skin. He wears a black colored shirt with black blazer on top but even with his layered clothes it still shows his well defined body that tells them he is not someone to be underestimated.

As Samael observed the fief lord their eyes met and Samael instantly looked away but even so he was still able to notice a small curve formed at the fief Lord's lips. Even though this fief lord is very young Samael knows that he is not just a typical young noble of his age nor is just some ordinary fief lord.

" Now then Lord Zig Hybels Stanley you must know why we are here. Why don't we get this over with ?" the second brother said as he slowly put down his tea on the table.

The young fief lord looked at their second brother and smiled a bit " We would like to give you the money but as you can see, my people barely feed themselves, even if we raise the tax it still wouldn't reach the quota. I am terribly sorry but we couldn't give the money." the young lord said regretfully but his eyes told them otherwise.

" You must know the consequences of being unable to pay the protection fees. " Second brother said looking calmly to the young man.

" I know if you just give us a little bit of time maybe we can somehow manage to make it to the right amount." The young lord said looking at their second brother. He may act like he's regretful but there's no amount of regret in his words.

" Well then young lord Zig Hybels how long do you think you need to be able to save up the right amount?" Second brother asked as he looked at the young lord before him.

" Hmm.. let me think" the young lord said as he put his hand on his chin as if he was thinking of something. "Maybe a year or two perhaps?" The young lord said, smiling at them provokingly.

Yes, indeed, this young lord isn't taking them seriously. He is playing with them.

" I see, well then we have nothing to talk about now. " The second brother said as he dignifiedly stood up from his seat.

" Well that's regretful then. " The young lord said and then he snapped his fingers and a couple of soldiers came running in the room surrounding them.

" Well shit!" Samael heard one of his brothers whisper.

" Brothers get ready. " the second brother said but even before he said it most of them were already prepared for combat the moment the soldiers came barging at the door.

" Though it's a pity that we didn't manage to have a cooperation, for you guys sake I think, It's better for you guys to surrender. " The young lord said, looking at the group of bandits before him.

" Truly a regretful thing but we rather reject your offer." The second brother said calmly despite the given circumstances.

" Well then that's truly regretful. I wish you guys the best then" the young lord said and as of a cue the battle began.

The soldiers attacked the bandits and despite the difference in numbers the bandits managed to defend their lives.

As a soldier attacks him Samael defends himself blocking the soldier's attack with his sword. Despite not having a real experience in an actual fight besides those training with his brothers, his body seems to remember fighting in a life threatening situation. Not only does he easily defend himself but Samael even managed to gain an upper hand and defeat his enemy, but even before he managed to rejoice his victory another soldier attacked and teamed up with someone against him.

Samael defended their attacks with his sword as he kicked the other away from him while he cut the other one. Feeling something dangerous is approaching him from behind Samael immediately dodge to his side as a ball of fire hits his previous location. Samael looked at the young lord smiling at him. If only he was a second later he would surely become a human torch by that attack.

Not seeing the blond man beside the young lord earlier looked around and saw him exchanging swords with their second brother.

" You shouldn't lose your attention in front of your enemy." The young lord said, attacking him with his fan. Samael noticed the blades on the edge of the fan and dodge immediately but unfortunately his cheeks were cut a bit and bright red blood flowed out of his wound dripping over his cheeks.

Samael looked at the young lord looking back at him. Even if his fan hides his face from his nose to his lips he knows that the young lord is smiling and grinning at him. He was quite pleased with what's happening right now.

This young lord isn't simple. Well it is quite obvious since he wouldn't be a fief lord if he is but for some reason his guts tells him that this is not all that's waiting for them.