
News Headline

Summer!! Summer. Mrs Joan Dean tries to wake her daughter up. Summer stirs in her bed, gets up, and slowly makes her way downstairs to answer her mom.

"Good morning Mom, mom why are you trying to bring down this building, it's too early Mom," Summer said. Mrs Joan looks at her daughter and shakes her head, then replied" Why won't I bring down this building since I have an irresponsible daughter, who has refused to be useful to herself and her family."

"Mom, what have I done this time?", she asked. "Oh!! Darling, the question should be what haven't you done?", her Mom replied. "Oh. Sorry Mom, what haven't I done this time?" Summer said. "Summer, what's this all up on the news about you getting drunk and partying?", her Mom asked. "Mom, can't I live my life without being judged? I was just trying to be happy, why must every one of my activities be up on the news?", she replied.

"That's because you have refused to be fair to yourself and your parents. Summer you have a reputation to keep, remember that once your father retires you have to take over as the CEO of a multi-billion company, "Her Mom explained. "Mom, please spare me the details. I have heard this over and over again, I can even recite your lines without looking into any book, they live rent-free in my head", Summer spoke out.

She hugs her mom and said " Mom, please can you stop getting worked up over these things, I love you Mom and I don't appreciate the way you stress yourself over things like this?", She said trying to calm her Mom." I love you too, Summer, but you need to stop, I want the best for you", her Mom stated.

"Okay, Mom, can I at least have breakfast before heading to the office?", she asked. " Sure, Why don't you go upstairs and get ready, breakfast would be served before you are done?", her Mom said. "Okay, Mom", I love you, you are the best Mom in the whole world", Summer said while heading to her room. Mrs. Joan smiles and said "I love you too, my darling, but you need to stop getting me worried". "Okay, Mom, I promise", Summer said.

In a couple of minutes, Summer makes her way downstairs, ready for work. "Wow, you look beautiful, Summer", her Mom complimented. " Thanks, Mom, please is breakfast ready?", Summer asked.

"Yes sweetheart, I made your favourite strawberry Pancake with your favourite syrup to go with it", her Mom said. " Thank you, Mom," Summer eats her breakfast rushing and calls her Mom while heading to her car." Mom, I'm running late, have a lovely day. I love you", Summer said and then blew a kiss to her Mom. " I love you too, honey, and please stay out of trouble", her Mom advised. " Okay, Mom, I promise", She replied and then drove down to the company.

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