
Having Fun In The Anime World

Amatu- Novic- Beginner writer here! (A/N: I made this just to put my ideas in a story. Plus this my first time writing a fan-fic story. I'm just writing for leisure.) Disclaimer: The other character in the story is not mine. It's from there rightful owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark save two kids before he die and meet the only god he believed and ever believed in. God given him the chance for a second life. At first reluctant but in the end he got his second chance in the world of anime!

ArcTachibana · 漫画同人
35 Chs


"I feel that the person is still inside my room but... not moving?? Sleeping?" Rinku was surprised that the person that come to his home uninvited was just sleeping.

Entering his apartment, Rinku slowly enters his room. The room's windows are closed and it's dark inside. Slowly creeping in towards the bed. The blanket was covering the person under it. Slowly taking it off, Rinku was surprised to see that the girl was Akeno.

'What the heck? Why is she here?' Rinku was curious on why she was here.

Looking her sleep, Rinku was silent for a second while looking her sleeping face. The slow breathing coming from her makes her very vulnerable and cute.

Afraid that he might wake her up, Rinku gently puts back the blanket and he slowly goes out his room, he close the door slowly, afraid that she will wake up by the noise of the door closing, he let the door slightly open.


Looking at the window, Rinku played and tour a little now it was already dark outside. He didn't know how much early Akeno come, making her sleep soundly in his room. So he decided to cook for her, as the same time cook something for dinner.


Busying himself at the kitchen, making dinner. He didn't know that someone's was awake. He was focused at cooking that he didn't notice someone was watching him cook.


While Rinki was cooking, the smell of the food he was making wafted towards the entire apartment. Making it's way to his room. Akeno who was sleeping for how long, was sniffing the smell that was coming from the air. Not long after that, her eyes are slowly opening.

She was awake and she heard her tummy growl. Getting out of the bed, she followed the smell until she was in the kitchen. Although she just woken up and still feeling a little sleepy but the smell was waking her up.

Looking at the back of Rinku who was cooking, she feels attracted to him more. Ever since she and her mother was saved by Rinku, she felt her feeling for Rinku was special. He was the first person who she played with that was not her family.

The first person that she can talk to other than her parents, the person she admired the most, the one she always runs to. For a long time now, she have a crush towards him and giving him all hints and teasing that she can.

But she didn't ask him right away until now. Then something change, Rinku was going to another city to live on his own. Until he was gone, she didn't ask.

After that, when she was going to school they got another member on her kings peerage, a nekomata. She was the queen of Rias Gremory's peerage, she become her peerage a few months ago.

After joining the peerage, the nekomata, named Koneko, asked her about Rinku. Which come to a surprise to her, she didn't expect that Koneko knows Rinku. After that they talked about him, until she learns about Rinku's 'harem' plan from Koneko.

The truth was only one person only knows about that, it was Rinku's little sister. But for some reason she said it to the cat form of Koneko and Kuroka, feeling that she needs it to tell it to someone before she explode from keeping such a secret. So she tell it to the cat which she believe that was just a cat.

As for why Rinku told it to Kanata, he felt that Konata will support his plan. Unlike his dad that definitely can't keep his mouth sealed even though he will approved of his plan. He can't afford to be known to his mother.

After learning about it she felt that she needs to be his first before anyone else.

In this world, going for a harem route was something can be done by people, as long as you have the ability. After all how many are being killed by monsters everyday. The country need it's population. And also building a harem was not only for the boys, girls can also build their own harem.

So knowing Rinku will have many girls in the future, she need to act fast. So she fly towards O-city after asking the address from Rinku's parents. After finding the apartment Rinku was from, she knocks at the door but know one answered.

But after knowing that Rinku was not inside she used magic to unlocked the door and goes inside. She decided to wait for Rinku to go home, while waiting he was looking around at Rinku's new home.

Until she stumbles at Rinku's room, Akeno looked every part of the room to find Rinku's Ero book, if he really had one it will be in his inventory space. Not finding any, she was not keen to find it anymore instead she was looking at his bed.

Looking for a second, she dive down towards his bed that felt like clouds. Akeno was snuggling his blanket and sniffing the pillow.

"This is the smell of Rinku." she sniffs.

Unfortunately for her the beds fluffiness was making her sleepy, not long she fell asleep.


And here she is now looking at Rinku while he was cooking. Turning his back, Rinku saw Akeno watching him cook. He smiles at her and said, "Morning sleepy head."

Akeno also gives him a smile.

Looking at her mid-awake face, Rinku find it very cute.

"Why are you doing here? Come visiting me?" Rinku asked while he was cooking.

"Yeah, I miss you, since you left the city, so I decided to visit you before school starts." Akeno reply while slowly walking towards him.

Rinku turned around and was almost bump on her face, since she was very closed to him.

"Oh yeah? How many days are you staying here?" Rinku asked this childhood sweetheart of his.

"Until the last day before your school starts."

"Oh yeah? Then how about we go on a date then?" Rinku knows that it's time to make a move towards this childhood sweetheart of his. In the past, he was ok taking it slowly about his relationship towards Akeno but that was because they where still kids back then but now, they can date if they want to.

"Date?" Akeno was surprised to hear it from Rinku, she didn't expect that Rinku was going to asked her for a date.

Sorry for the chapter if it's not much good. Since I'm rushing.

ArcTachibanacreators' thoughts