

It's camping y'all. Hampton High School in Virginia embarks on a 30 day camping trip, but it isn't exactly what they anticipated. Luna Jenkins though, might be left out, because her parents insist she stays put. Would Luna listen to her parents, missing out on the adventures, and her one chance of getting a boyfriend? Would she let it slide, and be an obedient teenager? Or would she do what every desperate teenager would have done? 14 year old Luna, and a junior student in Hampton High is caught up in a world of pain, deceit and mystery. Her life is shit looking at it from a teenager's point of view. As she struggles to get her first boyfriend, that first kiss, and her first make out session, she discovers there is more to life than camping and boys.

Manuel_Ncjr · 青春言情
31 Chs

Chapter 5

"Shit. I should get my ass off this floor, and see if I can have a shower before anyone comes in" Luna said to herself.

It was 4am, and Luna was in Hampton High. The school wasn't opened apparently, but since Luna has been doing a lot of crazy shit to go camping, she found a way to get into the school, without having to go through the gates of Hampton High. But, the School would be open in a few hours, she could get into some major trouble if she's caught, so she must go have a shower, wear some clothes, and find someplace to hide before students and teachers start coming in.

Luna yawned widely, she wasn't able to get enough sleep. After what she had seen, and been through last night, she needed a lot of rest. But that wouldn't be happening. If she really wanted to stay out of trouble, she has to make some more sacrifices.

(Come on Luna. Get up!) She yelled to herself.

After a brief moment of struggle, Luna got up, and searched for the bathroom.

Hampton high was a public high school, so the bathroom wasn't exactly comfy, or having a good scent.

"Well, this would do. I mean, it's not like home, but, I just gotta manage this bathroom" She said, taking her clothes off, going fully naked.

"Hell, my tits are like so tiny. I wish I had bigger ones. Maybe that's why boys aren't seeing me, or not. I just don't know. Come on Luna, you came here to have a shower, do just that!" Luna scolded herself.

(Go go Luna. Put your clothes on, take your luggage with you, and hide before these asses start coming) Luna thought.

Luna did just that - getting out of the bathroom, putting some clothes on, and taking her luggage with her, into hiding.

It was only a matter of hours before the security dude would show up, and she didn't want any trouble.

"So basically, I would stay in here for two hours, by then, the security dude would have come, and some teachers. I could come out of hiding by then. But right now, this place sucks. This two hours is going to be really slow. Shit! Or...I could think about what happened back on the streets, or should I? I don't know. Okay, let's give it a try" Luna spoke to herself, since there was no one else to speak to.

(So, four gangster dudes were about to rape me, and I wasn't so psyched about it. Ha ha, why would I be happy about that? I dunno, the only good side in it, was I won't be a virgin anymore, no no. Luna, what are you thinking? Get a hold of yourself. You should be grateful you weren't raped, not thinking of a good side to it. Okay fine. I was not raped, and I'm glad. No really, I am. But who was that figure that helped me? I just can't put my fingers on the answer to that question. He was as fast as fuck, and he tore those dudes apart in a second. That was impressive. But he, or whoever, or whatever it was, didn't wait for me to say thank you. Or was it the spirits sent to save my ass. It can't be, Luna. You don't believe in those kind of crap, right? Okay, so if it wasn't a spirit, who, or what was it?) Luna ended her thoughts with a question, besides it was sunrise already.

Luna could hear steps of so many people. Students chattering, horns of cars parking outside the school, teachers yelling and giving orders. It was time for Luna to finally come out.

She walked out of the store room, as silently as possible, and walked even more slowly down the hallway. She met a long queue at the hall, which she joined. Luna had developed patience from all she's been through so far, so it didn't take a long time to get to her turn.

"Where are your parents?" The young teacher in charge asked Luna.

Luna Jenkins stared at the young woman in front of her like she didn't understand English Language.

(Parents? What the fuck is she talking about?) Luna said in her mind.

"Young lady, as you can see. Everyone here is with their parents, or at least one of them. It's the only way we can know your parents are okay with you coming along with us" she explained.

The young female teacher was right though. Everyone present were with their parents. At first, Luna thought it was just their parents making sure their kids were dropped safely at School, and wanted to stay for the final registration, but now, she discovered it wasn't just that. She needed her parents to be here, if she wanted to go camping with Hampton high.

"What happens if my parents aren't here with me?" Luna asked humbly.

"I'm afraid you can't come with us to Moore's creek young lady. I'm sorry." The young teacher replied with a straight face, showing no emotions.

Luna wondered if that was an apology or a statement. Why the hell would one apologize, showing no emotions at all. But that was not what bothered Luna.

(Great! Another setback. Looks like the universe doesn't want me to go for this camp anyway. What just sucks is, what I went through to be here, and now this mean young lady says I can't come with them, all because my freaking parents, who never wanted me to go camping in the first place, aren't here with me, to sign some dumb as fuck piece of shit documents. I should just head back home) Luna thought, attempting to leave.

"Wait. She's with us" A familiar voice said from the back.

It was Ashley, freaking Ashley! Luna wanted to hug Ashley so tight right now, but they had to get this over with first.

"Uhhhh?" The teacher asked.

Ashley and her mom stepped out of the line, and made it to the front.

"You heard the young lady, who happens to be my daughter. Luna Jenkins is with us" Ashley's mom said.

"But, you are not her mom. Even you both don't have the same last names." the teacher argued.

"Yes. But I got permission from her biological mother. They were not able to make it, so they asked me to help out" Ashley's mom lied.

"Can I see proof?"

(This lady! Seriously!? What other freaking proof do you want) Luna said in her mind.

Ashley brought out a nicely folded piece of paper, and presented it to the young female teacher.

"There's your proof. This contains a signature of Mrs. Jenkins, and a letter by her, asking my mom to help them out because they had something really important to get to today." Ashley's confidence was extraordinary.

The young teacher glances through the piece of paper quickly.

"Okay, fine. Please sign here" She instructed Ashley's mom.