
Haunted true story

Fahaj_Ahmed_Laskar · 灵异恐怖
1 Chs

The Paris

Paris – Eiffel Tower – One night, a girl and her boyfriend went out. The girl arranged the date to break up with him. He wanted to propose to her. When she told him, he erupted. He took her to the top of the Eiffel tower, and threatened her. She didn't believe him, because he had always been so nice to her. So when he said if she married him, he would spare her, she said NO. Then, he pushed her off the top! At night, you can hear a girl laughing and saying NO, then a scream, and silence

Vimey Ridge – One student tells of hearing the sounds of the war. Another described being grabbed by someone who looked like they were in a period movie about the site and being told to "run for your life you stupid kid" and being shoved towards the tunnel exit. As they were exiting the tunnel, yet another student tells of seeing, in plain daylight, a soldier stepping on a land mine and then nothing.