
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · 玄幻
24 Chs

Chapter 21, 1st time sect battle arena

After James left the house I took a bath and changed my dirty clothes for new ones .I took out meat from the redhorn bull and cooked it for a meal while thinking of my new mask design.

Frank took out his furnace and heated it up with his lightning Qi .

Ten minutes later he added spiritual steel and blacktium and blue copper .The steel and blacktium are 1 star metals , blacktium being extremely durable.

I added the blue copper for its conductivity thought it's 2star can't have it damaged by my own lightning overtime.

Adding the metals I started with the blacktium since it's harder to refine.Sending my lightning through the holes to purify it then I added the spiritual steel and blue copper took me a hour to finish.

Now comes the hard part mixing the two and shaping.

Poured my Qi in the furnace condensing it so it doesn't get affected too much by the heat. I started mixing the alloy inside while moving the impurities aside so as not to have them in the product.

The process was exhausting costing close to half my total Qi.

The next step to create a mould using your Qi to shape the final product. I decided for a normal shape with facemask leaving space to free my mouth and chin or eating .

Finishing the shape I finalised the forging process and 30 minutes I finished it. Pulling out the hot mask I put it in the bucked with blood ore to cool and temper it some more ,The bucket boiled with stream and blood vapour .

pulled it out a few seconds later and put it back in the furnace letting it cool .I changed the blood in the bucket filling it again .

I took out the mask cleaned off the blood to look at my creation.

A gray mask with blue streams making the lightning paths all over the mask .But the biggest surprise to me was it's grade

The mask turned out to be a peak 1star object but it's durability was close to that of mid grade 2star sword .

The mental exhaustion hit me hard so I decided to sleep the rest of the day taking a nap. Slept the rest of the day when I was up I cultivated with spirit stones till 9am morning.

For today I decided to go to the battle arena to watch and participate in the action. I left my house wearing the new mask I went by a restaurant for a meal first after filling up I went to the battle arena .

I costs 3 low grade stones a seat sect has to make money .

After paying I looked for a a spot the arena wasn't crowded so I found a seat near the front soon .I sat there next to a blonde girl who was also watching the action inside .It was a fight between two outer sect disciples one used fire the other earth both in peak stage.

The fight was going on with the Man using earth holding the advantage while defending a furry of fire based attacks .

fire balls would be hitting rock armour while the rest were blocked using his gauntlets .

Finding no success the fire user went on a close combat attack .

Attacking with a battle art ,he slashed with his sword . Clashing against the gauntlets creating sparks .

The two soon got to exchanging blows with sword slashed and punches. A while into the exchange the he jumped up and slashed his sword down blazing with firepower and moments.

His opponent couldn't do anything like raise a wall since the was no time .The Earth user raised his gauntlets and tried to catch the sword .The momentum was too great so it only got slowed down before continuing it's path down .

The little time stalled was enough for the Earth wielder to move back and dodge the attack .It hit the ring crashing down on the hard ring leaving him open .Then he went with a punch it connect with his enemy .With impact a man was sent flying away .

He ran after him and connected another punch then help him by neck ready to kill .I concede said his opponent since the fight was virtually over at that point .He dropped his opponent and left the ring.

After a while another two new fighters entered the arena .Two girls I recognized one of them was from the same exam I took .

I recall her name being Anna Thompson .

An elder signaled for the match to start Anna attacked with her sword covering it in sword Qi .Weapon specialist focus mostly on their weapons and body nothing else. Like elemental affinity to boost .

Each weapon has its own Qi which has characteristics different from other weapons mostly.

The weapons consist 3 stages I know of ,Qi ,Ray and Intent .Intent being the hardest and said to be separating point between genius and mediocre depending on who and how it's condensed .


Anna attacked her opponent with a sword art ,Girl also attacked with her own spear art they clashed in the middle of the ring.

A battle of two pure weapon never saw one before .I turned to the girl next to me and asked her so who do you think will win .

I'll go with the spear lady long as she can keep her distance and fight well her opponent can't touch her and he Qi feels stronger too.

Really now I think the swordman will win the fight .I said looking back at. the fight .

The two ladies where locked deep in the fight ,sword and spear clashed giving off sparks but none had the advantage.

Moments later dozens of spear shadows attacked Anna all stopping her advance .

She used another sword art to block but two got past her defense and piercing her thigh and above her shoulder.

She attacked the moment the attack ended slashing at her opponents stomach.

Spear shaft blocked the attack but Anna was not giving her any chance. Attacking again and pressing on not allowing her to make distance to use her spear properly.

Well looks like Anna is gonna win wish I could have batted on this fight .I said talking to the girl next to me .

But it ain't over yet don't get too assured ,was her reply .

The spear lady finally managed to create distance jumping away from Anna .She immediately attacked the spear came swiping from the right , Anna raised her sword blocking the attack but she slid back a little from the force .

The two went at each other again, Anna parried a stab .Giving one of her own but got dodged. The exchange went on with slashing stabbing an parrying taking the fight .

Anna changed battler arts mid way and soon a flurry of swords attacked .Her opponent did her best to block and avoid them but she got several cuts in her body and with a quick movement Anna was then next to her with a sword on her neck .