
Haruki Odyssey

Haruki, a college student, finds himself abruptly transported to another world alongside high school students he encountered on his way home. However, Haruki soon realizes his lack of combat skills in this unfamiliar realm. Gathering his courage, he approaches the king, humbly requesting permission to leave the castle due to his deficiency in combat abilities. Surprisingly, the king grants his plea. Now liberated, Haruki sets out to live life to the fullest in this new world, or will he? ______________________________________ This is my first novel so yeah don't expect too much from me also there is a lot of reference from the novel I'm not really the demon god lackey. and more thing third story is an a.i. assisted, but the story is mine and the a.i. enhanced the descriptions and my grammar

_Judgement_ · 奇幻
22 Chs

Shadow Theo's Fate

Theo strode into the bustling city with a singular, nefarious purpose—to meticulously craft the blueprint of his next sinister move. His target, none other than Haruki, had drawn Theo into this treacherous game. He understood that gathering critical, clandestine information about Haruki was the foundational step in executing a kidnapping operation without a hitch.

His grim path led him to a dimly lit, seedy bar. Here, he intended to discreetly extract the knowledge he sought about Haruki. Theo approached the bartender with an air of caution and professionalism. He leaned in, surreptitiously making his intentions known, seeking details about Haruki. The bartender, a wily and seasoned figure, nodded knowingly and without uttering a single word, gestured with a subtle nod across the street to a building with a flickering neon sign that read "Food Club."

Theo acknowledged the bartender's help with a curt, "Thank you," and, to express his gratitude further, slipped a generous tip onto the counter before making his exit.

Unbeknownst to Theo, his departure set a chain of clandestine events into motion. The bartender, burdened by a debt owed to Haruki, covertly transmitted an order to the patrons scattered throughout the establishment: "Notify every member that an adversary has infiltrated our sanctuary."

A man with a distinctive, jagged scar cutting across his left cheek voiced his thoughts on Theo's audacious inquiry, "He certainly possesses a brazen spirit, daring to seek intelligence in this establishment."

Another patron, harboring unwavering loyalty to Haruki, acknowledged the bartender's warning with deep appreciation, uttering, "My actions merely serve to settle the score I owe to Haruki."

Upon inquiring about Theo's current whereabouts, the bartender promptly responded, "I guided him to the Food Club."

Their covert exchange concluded, the patrons of the bar mobilized swiftly, grasping the grave significance of the situation at hand. Preparedness became their watchword. Anti-magic barriers were summoned into being, escape routes meticulously guarded, and the once-welcoming ambiance of the establishment morphed into a barely concealed undercurrent of animosity and hostility.

Unbeknownst to Theo, he had unwittingly stepped into a well-orchestrated trap, and the gears of his own demise had been set into motion.

Standing before the grand facade of the "Food Club," Theo's eyes took in a weathered poster affixed to the wall. The poster bore a list of prerequisites for membership: "1. You must possess an insatiable hunger, 2. At least one previous visit to the tavern is obligatory, 3. An unyielding love for food is paramount. If you meet these criteria, you are welcomed; if not, kindly take your leave."

Theo contemplated the meaning behind these seemingly innocuous criteria, "Is this establishment a sanctuary for fervent gastronomes?" His curiosity had been piqued, and although he hesitated, he chose to enter the "Food Club." His wariness remained intact, but the call of the unknown was irresistible.

Upon entering the establishment, however, he encountered something utterly unexpected. The ambiance of this place was not what he had envisioned. The atmosphere was suffused with an unusual warmth and an air of genuine hospitality. Every table near the windows and entrance was occupied. Theo, left with no other option, selected a vacant chair positioned in the midst of the room.

But just as he sat down, a sudden and enigmatic event occurred—the chair seemed to come alive. His hands and feet, as if possessed by some unseen malevolence, were swiftly and inexorably bound to the chair. The welcoming aura of the place transformed into one of palpable enmity and menace.

In the throes of confusion and alarm, Theo's consciousness seemed to spin. He was unprepared for what followed: a powerful punch landed on his face.

The impact was intense, sending a searing agony rippling through his cheek. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, the blow having split his lip. However, Theo's spirit remained unbroken.

With a defiant glare, he voiced his contempt for the man who had delivered the punch, "You wretched scoundrel."

His defiance, though fierce, was short-lived. A fierce kick from a woman slammed into his stomach, driving the air from his lungs. Theo, grimacing in pain, struggled to catch his breath, the suddenness and intensity of the attack taking him utterly by surprise.

Amid the chaos of his thoughts, he was confronted with mounting questions. 'Just wait, you malevolent wretches. Once I free myself from this cursed chair, you shall pay dearly. But why is my magic impotent? Could it be that these fiends have woven an anti-magic barrier around me? Damn it.'

The realization that he was unable to break free from the chair and that it seemed to be sapping his strength perplexed him. Artifact? He mused about the possibility, but the concept seemed absurd. Artefacts were typically revered as sacred relics, used for nobler purposes, not as instruments of malevolence. The complexity of the measures taken to hold him captive defied reason.

Amid his struggles, laughter bubbled up from Theo. The situation, from his perspective, was nothing short of absurd. 'Hahahaha,' he laughed heartily, incredulous at the lengths these individuals were willing to go for a satisfying meal.

One patron, bearing a prosthetic arm, voiced his confusion, "Why is this madman laughing?"

Theo retorted with a derisive smile, "Mad? Perhaps it is you all who should reflect upon your sanity."

In the midst of this surreal predicament, Theo's world was suddenly rocked by an unexpected event. A powerful shockwave coursed through his entire being. It was as if an invisible force had struck him with unrestrained might. His muscles convulsed, and he cried out in agony, the shockwave tearing through him, eclipsing the earlier pain of the punch.

Bound to the chair, he had no control over the trembling of his frame. The pain from his wounded cheek felt insignificant compared to this new, overwhelming sensation. His gasps for breath were desperate as he struggled to comprehend the nature of this assault, his mind oscillating between fear and confusion.

The interrogation commenced, marked by the first question, "Question one: Who dispatched you?"

Theo's response was swift and resolute, "No one!"

As the interrogation escalated, they moved to a more sinister phase, starting by plucking his nails, commencing with the ones on his right foot. The sound of nails being mercilessly torn and rent from their moorings reverberated through the chamber, enhancing the chilling atmosphere.

The second question, delivered amidst defiant contempt from Theo, was met with a symbolic gesture—a spiteful spittle aimed at his interrogator's face.

"It's futile. Alessia, employ the mind-altering spell!" one of the assailants suggested.

Alessia nodded, her eyes filled with malevolent intent, and proceeded to cast a spell on Theo's mind. It was a spell that invoked unfathomable agony, a psychic maelstrom that sent shockwaves surging through his consciousness.

The sensation was akin to his thoughts being violently torn asunder. The world around him fragmented into a labyrinthine nightmare of fractured memories and distorted perceptions.

As the malevolent spell continued its relentless torment, Theo's mental defensescontinued to crumble. He lost the ability to distinguish reality from delusion, as the tormenting pain left him in a state of utter chaos. The mind-altering spell was unraveling his thoughts, leaving him as a mere husk, adrift in a nightmarish void.

In the background, the desperate efforts to uncover the mastermind behind Theo's actions yielded no results. Alessia explained that Theo had employed a unique method to fuse his soul with his memories, making it nearly impossible to extract the desired information.

Recognizing the slim possibility of Theo's return, they decided to take a drastic measure to prevent any revival – burning his body. The notion was met with unanimous agreement among the conspirators.

As Theo's consciousness waned and spiraled into the abyss, his predicament seemed dire beyond comprehension.

In the wake of Theo's torment, the little shadow, having slipped away, continued its stealthy journey. It slithered and oozed, dwindling with each passing moment, driven by a voracious hunger for sustenance. Its inhuman instinct guided it toward a nearby inn, lured by a mysterious and alluring aura that beckoned it closer.

The diminutive shadow crept stealthily along the creaking floorboards, inching ever nearer to the source of that peculiar energy. Its insatiable appetite led it upward, reaching the second floor of the inn.

There, the shadow sensed a solitary human presence. Responding to its insatiable cravings, it lunged with predatory swiftness at the unsuspecting figure, seeking to feed on the life force that had enticed it.

Yet, the shadow's aggression was abruptly thwarted. A colossal, grotesque entity materialized out of the darkness, its numerous appendages converging with terrifying swiftness to ensnare the tiny intruder. The creature's grip was nightmarish, entrapping the shadow in a grotesque embrace.

The little shadow writhed and squirmed in futile desperation, but it was helpless against the horrifying creature. With a series of grotesque movements, the creature's numerous teeth descended upon the shadow, its multitude of eyes gleaming with malicious satisfaction as it absorbed the essence of its prey, fully assimilating it into its own form.

As the creature concluded its feast, it retreated into the shadows, leaving no trace of the little shadow's existence.

In another realm, Haruki's slumbering body twitched and quivered, guided by his subconscious mind through a cascade of cherished memories. Transported to a warm and familiar setting, he found himself nestled within the loving embrace of his grandparents' home. Tears welled up behind his closed eyelids as he revisited the fond recollections of their affection, their comforting presence, and the delectable dishes they had lovingly prepared together.

A solitary tear traced a path down Haruki's cheek, a silent tribute to the beloved souls who had etched their marks deeply into his heart. His emotions swelled with a bittersweet blend of nostalgia and longing for those he had lost.

Meanwhile, the creature that had devoured the little shadow sensed the turmoil brewing within Haruki. It underwent a remarkable transformation, altering its eerie form into one that exuded gentleness and comfort. With the utmost care, it extended its appendages and enfolded Haruki in a tender embrace, offering silent solace in a gesture beyond words.

When the creature finally spoke, its voice carried an eerie, otherworldly quality, as though it emanated from the darkest abyss. Its words were an eldritch whisper, a stark contrast to the natural sounds of the waking world.

Theo, despite his desperate predicament, was able to hear the creature's voice. His senses were heightened, and he could make out the whispers in the eldritch language.

Amid the unsettling cadence of the creature's voice, it uttered its pledge to Haruki in the language of the abyss, "i ahor ah nnnogor ph'nglui n'ghftnahh, sentinel ot ymg' deepest fhtagn," uh'enyth intoned, h' aimgr'luhh dripping llll sense ot mgepogor kadishtuor ng almost preternatural devotion. "i ah 'drn ph' nnn ymg' ph'nglui realm ot slumber, ahagl ftaghuu ot reality blur ng unfathomable mysteries ot existence ah unveiled. "

The creature's words, cryptic and laden with an almost supernatural devotion, resonated with Haruki's slumbering form, offering him a shield against the enigmas that lurked within the depths of his mind. It was a promise of protection, a vow to guard Haruki from the nameless horrors hidden in the recesses of his dreams, for his existence was a guiding light in the ever-shifting abyss of the dream.

In the dream, as Haruki's body quivered with emotion, the creature's presence provided an unexpected source of comfort. It was as if this enigmatic entity understood the depths of Haruki's feelings. The creature remained by his side, a peculiar yet strangely reassuring companion in the realm of dreams.

Haruki's eyes gradually fluttered open as he awakened from his slumber. He lay there for a moment, basking in the profound sense of rejuvenation and inner peace that washed over him. The memory of the dream and the lingering feeling of comfort from the creature remained with him, bestowing upon him a newfound sense of serenity.

With renewed spirit, Haruki prepared to face the day ahead. He was ready to create culinary masterpieces and share them with those who frequented his beloved tavern. The dream had left him with a profound sense of gratitude and motivation, reminding him of the cherished connections and memories that enriched his life in the kingdom of Valeria. Haruki remained unaware of the mysterious presence that had provided him solace in his dream.