

Peter and Tina had just arrived, and Aiden was pouring them some wine when Noah returned to the dining room. Trailing behind the brother were Haru and Isaac, along with their friends. As the parties made their way toward the small sitting area, passing the kitchen, Aiden watched Haru, and Tina didn't miss the intense gaze he had on the boy.

When Aiden saw Tina making her way toward Haru, he was instantly suspicious. He didn't have any doubt she was going to probe Haru for some juicy details about the boy's love life, again. He wanted to go after her but found he couldn't, as Peter was talking to him about Camille, who had now apparently commissioned Peter to find her an apartment.

"What the hell did you do? She was complaining about you. It's unlike you to treat a client like that," Peter said.

Aiden frowned. He asked, "What did she say?"

"That you didn't show up on time and when you did, you were cold and not very professional."

Aiden sighed. He wondered if the woman had tried to get back at him just because he had turned her down?

He wasn't acting professional toward her? When she herself had thrown herself at him?

And was a bitch to Haru?

He said, "And you believe her?"

Peter chuckled. "Of course not. I know you, and you're nothing like that. So? What's the real deal then?"

Aiden said, "She wants me in her bed."

Peter cracked up laughing loudly, which drew everyone's attention to them, including the curious gaze of Haru, and Aiden eyed the boy intensely.

When he managed to stop his laughter, Peter said, "Why the hell am I not surprised? And what did you tell her?"

"I'm not interested," Aiden said. "She's not my type."

Peter said, "Most girls are not your type, Aiden." The man saw his friend gazing at the other side of the room and turned in that direction. "Except for that one," he said quietly under his breath.

Of course, Peter had known for a while now that his friend had feelings for his stepbrother Haru. Whether that feeling was reciprocated or not, however, he didn't know.

"You should have just told her you've already got someone you care about," he said.

Aiden said, "I didn't see any point in that. I told her I'm not interested and she left the restaurant. I just didn't expect her to go to you behind my back and spit out all those lies."

Peter chuckled. "I hope it's all right with you she came to me. I'm not stealing your client, am I?"

Aiden shrugged his broad shoulders. "Be my guest. It's her choice to go to you."

Again, Aiden shifted his gaze to the other side of the room where Tina was currently talking to Haru and Jess.

"Wonder what they're talking about," Peter said. "Haru is blushing. Does he blush a lot?"

Aiden nodded. "He does." And thought it was cute.

Peter started moving away from the kitchen, and Aiden followed. The two came to the crowded sitting area, and Peter managed to squeeze in beside his wife.

When Jess saw Aiden, she stood and said, "You can take my seat, Aiden."

Aiden gladly took the offered space and sat down, right beside Haru, squeezing the boy between him and the side of the sofa. Of course, Haru suddenly became stiff and red in the face. Aiden pretended to be oblivious to Haru's tense reaction and proceeded to put one arm over the back of the sofa behind Haru.

Haru asked, "I didn't know you two were coming, Peter. Aiden told us you're busy."

Peter shrugged his shoulders. "Tina changed her mind."

Tina said, "Peter, love, Haru was just telling me about university. He's stressing out."

Haru stressing out? That was news to Aiden.

He said, "You didn't tell me."

Haru said, "I didn't want to bother you."

"You're not bothering me," Aiden said. "You not telling me what's going on is troubling me."

Isaac said, "What are you doing, Tina? Picking on Haru again? Telling tales?"

Tina frowned. "I'm not picking on him. Jesus, Isaac, does asking how Haru is doing with his life look like I'm picking on him?"

The brother chuckled. He said, "If you're not picking on Haru, then it has to be favoritism. Every time you come, you keep Haru to yourself. Be careful or you'll make Peter jealous."

Connor, Noah's best buddy, appeared behind Isaac and ruffled the boy's hair. "Stop butting into other people's business."

Isaac's face flushed hot. "I'm not butting into anybody's business."

Tina reached out and pinched Isaac's red cheek, which made it even redder. She said, "As usual, you're nosy and adorable, isn't that right, Connor?"

The handsome man said, "Definitely very nosy and not at all adorable." He cupped Isaac's face in his large hand, squeezing the boy's chin. "Look at him. He's beetroot red from head to toe. You just want Tina's attention to yourself, don't you, Isaac?"

"That's not true," Isaac said, shoving Connor's hand away. He rubbed his sore chin. "And I'm not nosy. I'm just watching out for my brother. And I'm a man, Tina. I'm not adorable. Haru is. He's a shrine maiden, did you know that?"

Haru rolled his eyes. "I'm a man, too, Isaac, and I'm not a shrine maiden. When are we going to stop calling me that?"

Reo's voice came from the other side of the room. "Not for a long time." He chuckled merrily. Beside him, his friends Evan and David chuckled in amusement, too.

Connor said, "Haru is a shrine maiden, that's the first time I've heard of it."

Jess turned to Haru and asked, "How come you never told me you're a shrine maiden?"

Haru said, "That's because I'm not a shrine maiden. Reo just made that up to annoy me."

Reo said loudly, so that everyone in the room could hear, "Actually, I have a picture of Haru in a shrine maiden costume. Mom took it when he was around four. Let me get it."