
The first task finale

A/N: Webnovel hoed my ass, and took me off the power rankings:/

--Narrator Pov --

Voldemort landed with a thud on the cold hard ground. His face was blank and you could see from the closeup on the cameras that fear was the emotion his eyes displayed pure and unbridled fear.

His wand arm was gone, and blood was gushing from the empty socket. Voldemort just got dealt a very heavy blow. Not only to his physical body but his mind as well.

Voldemort fears being weak, his whole image is around being strong and fearless, unbeatable. But that statue made him freeze in terror in front of the whole world.

Not to mention the manticore venom now coursing through his veins Voldemort is in a world of pain at the moment.

"Wow! That statue was just a gimmick I swear! Anyways I hope you brought a healer Tom. Now let's get to voting, and please remember to be unbias." Harry said to the crowd

'GIMMICK? I WILL SKIN THAT BOY ALIVE!' Voldemort thought seething in unbridled rage

Realizing he was awkwardly sitting in the middle of the stadium Tom pulled himself up shakingly and made his way to the locker rooms. He never actually brought a healer because he thought there was no way he could get damaged.

Limping Into the room everyone widened their eyes in surprise.

"He got you gold huh?" Fudge said off to the side hiding his snicker

Voldemort shot him a glare and sat down.

"Where is your healer, Tom?" Albus asked off to the side

Ron was sitting down still with lifeless eyes and Gellert was meditating.

Fudge noticed how Tom didn't respond and said, "Want to borrow my healer? I think she likes you, snake-faced folks."

It took all of Toms's control not to turn around and beat him with his last arm. Seeing as he doesn't have his wand right now...

"Thank you, Cornelius," Tom replied dryly

Soon a healer came in to patch him up.

Outside the locker, the votes were in. Unsurprisingly, the people gave him a single point. Well, the people didn't more as Harry Potter did. If the people's vote was to be read it was actually a battle between one and three surprisingly.

Harry gave him one point and he got two points from the random draw.

Announcing the next competitor Harry said, "Next up to compete we have Cornelius Fudge!"

There were some cheers and some boos but I think the boos were mostly people from other countries.

---Harry Pov ---

Okay, what the fuck? Fudge is walking out of the locker room area with some swagger.

If I didn't know any better I would say old Cornelius has been practicing his pimp walk, the man has style too. He was wearing a top hat, with a dragonhide vest and some spiffy boots.

He turned a bit and I saw it, something that I didn't know I needed until now. He's wearing a Monocle! I might have to nab them after his challenge.

"I'm ready for my death!" Fudge shouted while at the same time turning the stadium completely quiet

Did Fudge have some major character growth or what?!

"I would just like to let everyone know I would like to be buried under a statue of me, with white lilies and some vampires there as well. Because fuck you, Dolores! I'm definitely dead now but I just want to say I like vampires they are hot, and getting my blood sucked feels nice! That bitch Dolores Umbridge has been blackmailing me for as long as I could remember. I don't care anymore!" He shouted with glee I could visibly see the weight being lifted off of his shoulders

I could almost hear crickets in the background. Then it happened one guy clapped and the rest followed.





Then tragedy struck the same young American again because right as he shouted the crowd was just winding down, "YEAH FUCK DOLORES I LIKE GETTING SUCKED BY VAMPIRES TOO!"

Noticing the silence the young man shouted again, "ah fuck you guys, man! This has to be planned at this point!"

The crowd burst into laughter.




Sighing I gave off a soft smile and said, "Alright settle down everyone let's get this show started."

Fudge picked up the portkey and vanished.

--Fudge pov --

Wow, this is gloomy. This tournament is actually a blessing by mother magic herself, I always wanted to be a politician and be the minister of magic but when I started my journey I didn't realize that I had to change so much about myself to even fit in.

I had to hide my likes and dislikes and play the part but when Dolores that insufferable bitch came into my life she ruined everything. She found out about my liking for vampires and started to blackmail me at every turn. Then Lucius came along and too started to throw around money. I needed money to pay off Dolores and Lucius was all I had.

Since then I have been nothing but a puppet, but now because of my new liberties, I can be myself.

Oh, look a door oh theirs a question atop of it.

Do you know of any death eaters that haven't been convicted?

"Ah yes I do, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, ... " as I went through the list I swear I might've let a smirk crawl onto my face

After answering I went through the door and was met with golems. Ah, Merlin help me!

"Bambarda!" I yelled thrusting my wand forward


The golem exploded pieces of jagged rock flew past me I wasn't fast enough with my shield and some hit me.

I looked down and saw my leg bleeding.

It hurts so bad, this pain is something I never wanted to experience.

I kept walking I found two more golems both I destroyed with the explosion spell. For the second one, my shield was slow but it blocked most of the shares, and for the third one my shield was timed perfectly and I came out just with my already battered body.

When I finally arrived at the second door, looking at the top I saw the question, Did Albus Dumbledore make it clear to you that you must throw Hardy Potter onto Azkaban with no evidence? Did he threaten you?

Ok, now I know an evil smile crept upon my face, as I replied, "remember everyone I am magically bound to tell the truth, and if I lie my magic will be taken! So yes he did come to me and threaten to make all of the light houses think I have gone dark to discredit anything I say and remove me from my seat as minister. He also made it clear that I have to send Harry Potter to Azkaban and when I asked for the evidence the Great Albus Dumbledore replied 'I am the evidence!'"

The door swung open and I continued to walk, I found a room, and the portkey the problem was a fucking Cerberus was guarding it!

Seeing as it was just sitting there watching me I remembered everything I have been taught. Focus on my magic and my intent.

I rose my wand and got ready to cast as it charged me barking furiously,

"FLIPENDO! REDUCTO! CONFRINGO! BOMBARDA!" I roared with power I could feel my magic acting to my whims the full power of my spells hit the beast at full force

I watched in awe and horror as my spells ripped apart the beast. Since it was hit by a knockback jinx blood rained from the sky drenching my clothes.

I felt exhausted, my magic was drained and my bones were sore. But I felt powerful, I felt mighty and I felt like I achieved something my late parents would be proud of.

I hobbled over to the portkey and gripped it right as I was whisked away.

-Harry Pov -

I was impressed, that was an amazing show of power from fudge no less. I can't tell if I hate him anymore. But I can say for a fact he has earned some respect not only from me but the viewers as well.

As he left the stadium thunderous applause followed him.

The votes soon came and he got 9 points from the viewers which I didn't manipulate the man earned it. I gave him 4 points out of pettiness. And I gave him 8 points from the 'random' draw to balance it out.

Next up is Gellert and I'm going, to be honest, here, I so rigged this one to his favor. He asked me to put one question which I did and then just have an empty room full of beasts and golems for him to present his comeback.

Obviously, I agreed there is no real harm in doing so.

"Next up we have the fallen dark lord Gellert Grindelwald!" I announced and surprisingly the crowd went crazy

It appears that everyone has been anticipating his performance.

Gellert walked into the stadium calm and collected, his steps showed a regal air around him. It was almost as if he was a conductor about to present a symphony.

He grabbed the portkey swiftly and vanished in a swirl.

-Narrator Pov -

Calmly Gellert landed on his feet, he began to walk down a path that lead him to a door.

Above the door read, explain your relationship with dumbledore

Smirking he replied, "we were friends, ah the greatest of friends really. We both used to say for the greater good which I now learn is a term he likes to use. We both wanted muggles to know their place beneath us. Yes, it might come as a shock to a lot of you but Albus Dumbledore believed in wizard supremacy. Then our relationship faltered when Albus took a potion turning him female for a period of time. He seduced me and when I learned what he has done I was distraught. Ah, I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen I hope I can tell the rest of my story later but the raw emotions are getting to me." Gellert lied knowing he needed to save some knowledge for later tasks

The door opened and a circular room was revealed. Trolls, golems, sculptures, and a manticore were in the room awaiting his arrival.

Stepping through he started to perform, his wand movements were enchanting to watch as he seemingly conducted a symphony with the earth as he transfigured the ground to make spikes and attack wolves.

A slaughter ensued.

He then conjured what could only be Fiendfyre, the orange flames turned blue as he controlled it like a wave demolishing the lives of the creatures in it's blazing path of fury.

Gellert just stood his ground calmly moving his wand up and down, side to side. It was beautiful, his wand work and display of magic.

Slowly the flames subsided and only molten rock remained.

"Is that it?" Grindelwald said softly

No, it was not, the molten rock began to shake and move to form an even bigger golem. It towered over his human body.

The golems first swung down swiftly but Gellert already reacted.

Transfiguring the ground into chains he wrapped them around the Golem like snakes constricting their preys movements.

He then slowly raised his wand, and the ash from his victims with flesh began to rise with him.

Swiftly moving his wand the ash began to glow bright blue, soon a huge Troll was formed with manticore wings and a scorpion tail. The beast was made out of ash he willed it to charge the golem as it did the golem broke the chains. The Golem also ran forward.

The ash troll ran straight through the golem and then dissipated but the Golem kept running.

But slowly the rocks began to fall off its body.




Soon every rock fell leaving only Gellert standing.

See what Gellert's spell did was actually 'burn' away the magic that bound the Golem together.

Resulting in it falling apart and Gellert winning.

He swiftly walked to the portkey grabbed it and vanished.


A/N: I hope y'all like what I'm doing with fudge you see I was originally going to ruin him but then i read an ff while writing the last couple chaps that made fudge so annoying so, I had an idea in my head about a chad fudge who just doesn't give a fuck and I liked it and wrote it. Still deciding whether he should lose his magic or not.

And some might think that Gellert is too strong, just wait it will be explained why he is that strong even after he got imprisoned.