
Healing with Chicken Soup

"So, finally returned, have you?"

Pansy looked up. So lost in thought, she had not noticed she had walked back to the Slytherin common room. She had absent-mindedly given the password and walked into the opulent room without paying much attention. Only Draco's scathingly delivered words brought her back to the moment.

"What, nothing to say for yourself?" Draco asked angrily.

"Hello Draco," she said blandly. "Crabbe, Goyle," she greeted in an after-thought.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other with surprise before they grunted a greeting back at Pansy.

"Why did you betray me earlier?" Draco seethed. Everything had gone wrong today. First, he almost had Harry truly upset and needed help in breaking him down but the help from Pansy did not come. To add injury, Pansy had gone to work with him. To add insult to injury, they had worked well and Snape had praised them. Then instead of begging for his forgiveness, Pansy had disappeared until now.

He almost rather her fight with him like she did last term than this thrice-cursed bland apathy that she was treating him with. It was infuriating to him.

"I told you, I was tired of it," Pansy said. "Besides, I'm only doing what you wanted me to do."

"What do you mean? If you were doing what I want, you would have helped me destroy Potter instead of work with him," he said, growing confused.

"You told me to leave you alone," Pansy said, a glimmer of heat in her eyes. "So that's what I'm doing, leaving you alone."

He gaped at her like a fish on land.

"Now if you will excuse me." She moved past him, ignoring his stammered attempts at not excusing her. She ignored the curious looks from those pretending not to watch, and the ones who did not hide that they were watching with great interest. Without hesitation, she slipped into the dorm room she shared with Millicent, locking the door behind her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked her friend.

"Still sick but a little better I think," Millicent coughed. "Did something happen?" she asked, noticing Pansy's expression.

Pansy let out a breath. "A lot of things actually, but it can wait. I brought you something." She sat beside Millicent on her bed and opened the container.

"That smells great, I think," Millicent said stuffily. She sat up and took the container. "Soup?"

"Chicken noodle soup," Pansy said. "It might help you feel better."

"I'll give it a shot." Millicent took a careful sip of the still hot soup. "Oh, this tastes good! It's still nice and hot." She ate slowly. "Did they have soup for dinner?"

"No, Harry made it."

"Harry? Harry Potter? Where?"

"They cook in Household Charms club. He made it for you when I said you were sick."

Millicent blinked a few times. "That's… that's really nice of him. Did you have some too?"

"I did. I helped a little in making it actually." Pansy drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, resting her chin on her knees.

"You helped cook?" Millicent asked, coughing with surprise.

"Yeah, hard to believe, isn't it?" Pansy said wryly.

"Just a little." Millicent drank more of the soup. "But I'm not complaining at all. It tastes good and it's easy to eat. I actually want to eat it and I've not really wanted to eat anything since I've been sick."

Pansy smiled. "I'm glad." She sat in comfortable silence while Millicent slowly ate, finishing the container to the last drop and noodle.

"Mm, that was nice," Millicent said. "I feel a lot warmer now." She yawned. "Did you want to talk about things?"

"They can wait," Pansy said. She got up so Millicent could lie down comfortably. "I'll explain everything when you feel better."

"Can't wait." Millicent's voice became sleepy. "Good night, and thank you."

"You're welcome," Pansy said softly as Millicent fell asleep. She set the container on her desk and sat down on her chair. "Thank you," she murmured to herself though she was not entirely sure who she was saying it to, or for what.


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