That had been yesterday, she had floated up the stairs to her dorm before being rudely interrupted a minute later by her two dorm mates, Lavender, and Parvati plus a raging Ginny.
"OK girl, spill the beans," said Pav, "and no more of this best friend crap! Merlin I wish I had a best friend like that, every girl in the common room was ready to throw her knickers at him. I've never even heard of power like that, far less seen and felt it. How can you not be affected?"
She just gave them a knowing smile, "I've no idea what you witches are talking about, so if you don't mind Harry's waiting on me."
Ginny had stood the whole time at the door as if petrified while giving Hermione a look that was pure hatred. As Hermione went to leave, Ginny still stood blocking the door.
"Ginny, Harry and I just lost one friend tonight; I'd hate to make it two because of that famous Weasley temper," Hermione said.
This seemed to bring the youngest redhead to her senses, she immediately moved aside. The look on Ginny's face was now one of embarrassment as a mumbled, but sincere apology left her lips.
While walking back down the stairs, Hermione heard Lavender ask Ginny how much she wanted for her Harry Potter poster. She couldn't help but chuckle at Ginny's breathless reply, "not for sale at any price."
Hermione had been so caught up in her thoughts that she failed to notice Harry had left McGonagall's class. He was now standing right in front of her with a strange, mischievous look in his eyes.
"A galleon for them Hermione?" He offered.
"A galleon, isn't that a bit pricy? The going rate is usually a Knut," she laughed.
"For your thoughts, I'd empty my vault," Harry replied.
Hermione could see he was only half joking and, wondering where this conversation was heading, decided to change the subject, "So what did Professor McGonagall ask you to stay behind for?"
Harry gave her a strange look before answering her question, "well apparently, as part of the Tri-wiz, Hogwarts are hosting a Christmas ball."
Hermione bit her lip, waiting on the rest of the story.
Harry continued, "yes, and as a champion I have to have a date and lead of the dancing."
Hermione couldn't find her voice.
Harry kept going, "McGonagall also told me I'll be representing Gryffindor, so I've already decided to ask the most beautiful witch in the school to be my date."
Hermione lowered her head until she was looking at her shoes.
Harry was confused, he was sure this would work, just have to do it the old fashioned way then. Reaching out, he placed his hand under her chin and gently raised her head until she was looking into his eyes, "Hermione Jane Granger, I would be honoured if you would consent to being my date for the Yule Ball?"
Hermione went from despair to elation quicker than she believed possible, he'd asked her – did he think she was beautiful? She knew she wasn't ugly but considered herself plain at best, and her hair! Her thoughts were interrupted by a certain dark haired boy who was standing right in front of her.
"Hermione, I'm dying here! If you don't want to…" She placed a finger on his lips before he could say any more.
She asked, "why me Harry? Why me, when you could have anyone in the castle?"
OK, thought Harry, it's not a refusal yet. Its Hermione, you know she needs an explanation for everything. Just don't blow this, it's too important. "Well Hermione, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I hope some growing up, I started asking myself 'what do I want in life.' Every situation that I imagined, you were right there at my side. Do you know that, apart from Hagrid telling me I'm a wizard, every happy memory in my life, you were there with me."
Harry was starting to get really worried at her lack of an answer but just kept talking, "Now I may not be as smart as you but even I can see the connection. My feelings for you just keep getting stronger and I have desperately been trying to figure out how to ask you to be my girlfriend. This seemed like an ideal opportunity so please say something, I am literally dying here," he pleaded.
A beaming Hermione just said, "Kiss me!"
It was now Harry's turn to have serious problems with his vocal cords, though a startled "what?" did manage to escape.
In her best professor voice Hermione replied, "Well if you're going to be my boyfriend I think you should kiss me, don't you?"
As Harry's arms went round her waist, "absolutely splendid idea Miss Granger, five thousand points to Gryffindor," he muttered.
Her hands seemed to find their way into his hair as their lips travelled towards what would be, for both of them, their first kiss.
A kiss that would change their world.
When their lips met, a golden glow surrounded the couple and as they deepened the kiss, the glow became a pulsing light, which brightened every corner of the corridor. Then the young couple's feet left the floor as they floated about a meter into the air. Harry and Hermione were oblivious to their changing environment, both were to busy pouring their feelings into this wonderful kiss. It seemed to capture the love that they were no longer hiding from each other.
Suddenly, an excruciating pain exploded inside both of their heads causing them to scream in pain. A green mist appeared from behind Harry's scar and took an almost human shape before it also appeared to scream.
The screaming stopped just as suddenly as it began as a pulse of energy left Harry and Hermione with the force of a sonic boom, causing the green mist to explode into nothing while the couple collapsed to the floor unconscious, still held in each others arms.