
The Power of Love and Family

Everyone arrived safely outside the house Harry had seen in a vision that summer. The goblin guards quickly established a perimeter around the building, although no movement was detected nothing could be taken for granted.

Harry led the way assuming they would be in the same room from the summer vision while Hermione never left his side and everyone carried their wand ready for use.

The party reached the stairs with Harry and Hermione in front and Dobby with Winky very closely behind.

A couple of goblin guards were followed by Ragnok and the Grangers, who now realized just how far out of their depth they were. Amelia Bones and the aurors brought up the rear.

As they approached the open door of the room where Harry expected the Voldemort thing to be, pathetic whimpering noises could be heard.

They stopped outside the door and, deciding to take no chances, cast the patronus charm while still on the landing.

Using the memory of their kiss in the changing room, they lit up the whole house as prongs and his mate charged into the room looking for a target. Finding one crawling on the floor in the most hideous, baby sized form imaginable.

Hermione's doe didn't hesitate, just lowered her head and charged into the creature which screamed at the love and positive energy the doe was pouring into its evil body, quickly overwhelming the dark magic keeping it alive and it was no more.

As the creature died a green gas left its body taking an almost human form and looking for someone else to inhabit, but this was the moment prongs pounced His antlers pierced through the green mist, causing sounds that were beyond screams to be heard as the last piece of Tom Marvelo Riddle's soul died.

As prongs was ending Voldemort's reign of terror, Harry entered the room, held his wand aloft and cast the Praedia Bellica spell causing a pencil thin jet of white light to leave his wand and pass through the dispersing green mist.

Suddenly more and more beams shot out his wand one of them hitting a hidden figure who was lying in a corner of the room.

It took a few minutes for the beams to stop by which time he had been joined in the room by Hermione and Ragnok, with the elves barring the door to everyone else.

Harry actually felt drained between prongs and the numerous white beams, he'd been using a lot of magical power. When Hermione wrapped him in her arms and planted a gentle kiss on his lips, it was like plugging into an electrical socket as his core recharged.

Hermione felt it as well, 'their powers combined this world will save' "does that mean we can share power as well as thoughts? We never did ask Ragnok for a book on soul bonds did we?"

"Been kind of a busy day love," chuckled Harry.

Dan and Emma joined them in the hug with tears of relief running unashamedly down both their cheeks.

Harry gestured for Dobby and Winky to join them saying, "you're both part of our family" so the group was back to six with two elves sobbing with happiness.

Ragnok was standing looking proudly at the group hug while the aurors checked the room.

Harry said, "Madam Bones the body over there is Peter Pettigrew who, as you can see, was alive moments ago. My godfather, Sirius Black spent twelve years in Azkaban without a trial for crimes committed by this man. Fudge knew this last year but we now understand why no action was taken. Poetic really, as Sirius is alive while Fudge died a death eater. I expect his pardon to be announced by tomorrow at the latest."

"You have my word justice will be done Lord Gryffindor. Can you please explain what happened here tonight? I'm sure that's the dark lords wand but this thing and the snake?" Amelia asked.

"The thing is Voldemort; it's mostly made-up of dark magic and snake venom. With his loyal servant over there not able to care for it, the thing was dying. My wife and I used the patronus charm, positive energy and love were like poison to it and Voldemort's spirit was destroyed as well. No come backs this time." said Harry

A pink haired auror approached Harry, "hi, my name is Tonks and Sirius Black is my cousin. If you see him could you say hi from me. My mother never believed he was guilty, she knew your mother and father as well. She always said Sirius would die before he betrayed them."

"Thanks Tonks, guess that makes you family as well," he gave the startled young witch a hug and her hair changed colour, "this has been a real red letter day for family but tiring to say the least."

Looking at Hermione, "I think it's time to go home love, how about you?"

Hermione smiled at her husband, "second best idea you've had all day dear. Ragnok any luck with that book we asked for?"

Ragnok pulled a slim volume out of his pocket and handed it to Hermione, "I will see you tomorrow as we have many things to do, although the issues we discussed today are well in hand."


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