
Bonding and Blessings

Winky tried to keep the laughter from her voice as she replied, "the Lord and Lady Gryffindor are finalising their bond. They are in no danger and I can assure you do not require your assistance at this moment in time."

Dan had 'TMI' screaming through his brain while Emma was wishing she was anywhere else but outside this door. Sirius however just couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"You mean we're out here worried sick and their in there…well, way to go pronglet."

This earned him a severe smack to the back of the head from an embarrassed Emma as Ginny roared with laughter.

Neville had refused to leave while Harry was unconscious and had been sleeping on the sofa. He was woken by the disturbance and made his way down the small corridor to be confronted with Sirius rubbing the back of his head and Ginny almost doubled over with laughter.

"What's going on? is Harry up yet?"

Neville stood bemused as two muggles, a witch, wizard and both elves collapsed onto the floor with laughter.

Ginny recovered first and led the bewildered Neville back to the sofa joking that she promised to tell him about it when he's older.


The wedding breakfast in the Gryffindor apartments was in full swing, the relief of Harry's recovery enhanced the already party atmosphere when the golden couple made their appearance everything stopped, nobody spoke, everyone just stared.

Dan Granger was almost in tears as he looked at the beautiful young woman who was his daughter, every father thinks their little girl is beautiful but there was no exaggeration here, Hermione was gorgeous and definitely not a little girl.

They weren't sure if it was finalising the bond or sharing magic for three days but both now looked at least nineteen. Hermione could have graced the cover of any fashion magazine and Harry was a very handsome young man but the effect magnified by a factor of about five when they stood together, arms around each other, radiating their feelings for the person standing next to them.

Any lingering doubts in Dan's mind were melted by the power of Hermione's smile as she held her man close to her side, heaven help anyone who tried to part these two.

The stillness ended as suddenly as it began with everyone jumping out of there seats to hug the couple, greetings were exchanged, tears shed before some semblance of order was regained and Harry sat to eat his first meal in days.

Ginny, as expected was the first to try and tease, "Wow Hermione, if that's what three days in bed with Harry does will you hire him out? please?"

Hermione just laughed, "Sorry Ginny, but he's booked solid for the next hundred years or so you'll just have to get your own."

Ginny glanced at Neville, while muttering under her breath, "working on it."

"What age are you both now?" asked Emma

"We performed the spell this morning and we are both nineteen," said Hermione

"Does that mean you've lost four years of your lives?" asked a horrified Dan Granger.

Hermione smiled reassuringly, "Dad, with the boost or magic received from the bond it probably added fifty years to our lifespan, Dumbledore was over one hundred and fifty and we're both more powerful than that."

This had a more startling effect on the Grangers than anything they had heard since discovering Hermione was a witch. How do you respond to the fact your child will outlive you by over a hundred years?

"Good to see you Neville, glad you got here early," said Harry.

Ginny laughed, "he hasn't left, Neville's been sleeping on the sofa waiting on you recovering. I offered him a bed in my room but grandma said no."

This brought a chuckle from Harry, "thanks Emma, anyone trying to get near Miss Potter here is going to need my permission to court" joked Harry.

Neville cleared his throat, "Lord Gryffindor, may I have your permission to court Miss Ginny Potter?"

SHIT thought Harry, how do I get myself out of this? Every pair of eyes in the room watched and waited for his answer; there can be only one – the truth

"Neville, I was joking about the permission to court and I apologise."

Neville and Ginny's faces both fell.

"As head of house Potter I have dissolved all marriage contracts and will enforce the rule that it's the lady's opinion that counts."

Neville and Ginny just looked confused now

"The best advice I can offer you is to ask the lovely Miss Potter, if she says yes then we will wholeheartedly give you both our blessing."

Neville looked at Ginny who just said "yes" and pounced on him, kissing the delighted young wizard.

"I really don't need to see that at breakfast," grumbled Harry.

"I know exactly how you feel," answered Dan, before they both burst out laughing.

"Ok, does mommy or grandma get to give Ginny the talk?" joked Harry.

"Only if daddy or granddad speaks to Neville," responded Hermione, causing the whole room to laugh.

"Seriously Neville, you know if you hurt our little girl I'll have to set Hermione on you," said Harry half joking.

"And me!" added Emma, not joking.

"And me!" said Winky, who was totally serious.

Neville's face lost all colour and nodded, he didn't need to add the obvious that Ginny would kill him first.

"Ok some of us have had a bit of a lie-in so could you bring us up to speed since we're the ones getting married today," said Hermione.


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