
A Vision for Change

Harry continued pressing home their points "How can muggle studies possibly be taught when none of their devices will work in the castle? This year the sports program for the entire school involves two students, and one of them was entered illegally! Where are the classes in art, music, and dance? There's a ball in less than two weeks where Hermione and I have to start the proceedings but the school doesn't teach dancing."

He paused to draw breath before continuing, not noticing the golden glow of power that encapsulated both him and his wife as his emotions built

"The battle against the next dark lord starts right here in Hogwarts with the witches and wizards of tomorrow, we have to integrate muggle and magical backgrounds and educate the students in the advantages of both so any more potential Tom Riddle's won't find a society ripe for exploitation by using bigotry to place brother against brother!"

Harry tried not to notice the tears in Sirius's eyes but this had to be said, "I will gladly spend my entire fortune helping to teach acceptance and tolerance in the hope that no child will ever grow up alone again because our society won't stand up to a bigot with a wand!"

No-one wanted to be first to break the silence that followed Harry's speech / declaration / vision of the future.

Trust a portrait to break the ice shouting proudly "there speaks the heir of Gryffindor with the influence of a wife who's the smartest since Rowena Ravenclaw"

Minerva had joked about Harry's charisma earlier but this was no joke!

Here was the leader that the magical world craved, not a Fudge who wouldn't scratch his arse without checking the Daily Prophet to see what hand to use or a 'greater good' Dumbledore with robes designed to take your eyes away from his wand hand as the bastard obliviated you.

Here was the real deal, someone who took a stand for what they believed in with the wealth and magical power to back it up.

She may be the first to fall under the Potters spell but she would wager not the last

"I'll take the job."

Sirius was shocked into doing some deep thinking, he'd only got back into his godsons life about six months ago but the changes in Harry were unbelievable!

He would have to use some of his legendry Sirius Black tact, "When did you get so bloody clever Harry?" he shouted.

The young couple just smiled, they had been expecting this and thanks to Ragnok's book had the answers

"Madam Pomfrey I believe there is a spell that publicans use to determine someone's age for buying alcohol, could you cast it on us please" asked Hermione

Standing up while Poppy cast the spell, shook her wand, re-cast the spell then really looked at Hermione before casting the spell on Harry with predictably the same results.

"Hermione is seventeen year, one month and twelve days old while Harry is sixteen years, eleven months and twenty one days old" said Poppy to a disbelieving audience.

"I think we know how old our daughter is and she just had her fifteenth birthday a few months ago" replied an indignant Emma Granger daring anyone to challenge her facts.

It was Hermione who had that 'I know something you don't know' twinkle in her eyes providing the answers as usual.

"Mum, let me explain. Harry and I now think the bond started that night we rode Buckbeak to freedom. I was holding onto Harry pretty tightly, best guess is that our magical cores recognised their soul mate and the bond started forming. As you all know we've always been very close, except when Bilius interferes!"

This caused Hermione to pause while everyone reflected on the possible implications behind her last statement.

'Do you think he was part of it Hermione?'

'I really don't know but honestly, I stopped counting him a friend months ago! Ginny on the other hand would really hurt as I've come to consider her a sister and best friend! Once I got over the shock in Gringotts…'

'That was more than shock, you nearly destroyed the place'

'OK, trying to put that behind me! Anyway I realized that Ginny could have been manipulated almost as bad as you dear! We really need to know the truth about the Weasleys.'

They were drawn out of this silent conversation by Emma "Hermione? Expiation please!"

"Oh right, well since that night we became inseparable, almost kissed on a few occasions as Harry kept looking for the perfect opportunity to ask me out before finding it in the corridor."

Harry continued seamlessly "the other day I was accused of channelling Hermione because of my new mature attitude but we now suspect it was a considerably older presence than my lovely young wife here, namely Hogwarts herself!"

"You wouldn't be able to shed any light onto the subject Godric?" Hermione asked, her voice sugar sweet but leaving no doubt they expected answers.

Godric was chuckling "Hogwarts told me you two were special and I have to agree with her. I think that should be points to Gryffindor Minerva, as this young couple are perfectly correct and portraits can't award points. The castle recognised your forming bond young Heir and has been helping prepare you for the completion of your soul bond."

"Now I would like to here our little pointy-eared friends explanation" Harry tried to imitate Hermione's voice from earlier but failed miserably due to laughing all the way through it.

Dobby tried to look upset at the slur on his ears but like Harry, and for the same reason failed miserably.


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