
A Soul Bond Revealed

After ten minutes or so order had been restored to the room, Dan and Emma sat nursing large brandies while quietly talking amongst themselves, Dobby and Winky had helped put the room back together and now sat watching their masters/lord and lady/friends?

The four goblin guards had known fear but having to watch helpless as this young lady shook their bank to its very core was beyond anything in their experience.

Only the joyous expression of their leader kept them standing guarding the door as a watch and wait approach seemed their only course of action for the moment.

Hermione had taken up her now accustomed seating position of Harry's lap with her arms around his neck while comforting arms circled her waist.

They were communicating silently and Hermione thought it seemed to get easier with practice as she rested her head on his shoulder as the last of her anger dispersed.

Ragnok had decided to oversee events as Griphook stood behind and to the left as a good assistant should.

Ragnok spoke "Griphook has informed me where we'd reached in the proceedings and I can see what brought about her Ladyships understandable reaction. Before moving on I would hope to put both your minds at rest with the information that a soul bond is believed to be fate deciding that two people should be together for the rest of their life! It negates any and all contracts of Marriage."

Hermione and Harry were so delighted by this news they glowed so bright her muggle parents could see it.

Ragnok continued "the bond also brings immunity to any love potions people may try on you as well as all forms of mind attacks and would undo any memory charms already placed on either of you."

Harry just glanced at Hermione as he said, "we had already experienced a released memory which fuelled our suspicions of the old goat"

"Well anyone trying to interfere with a bonded couple faces a trip to the island paradise of Azkaban. It's considered attempted murder as breaking a bond could kill the couple" said a serious Griphook.

"You have full access to the Potter and Gryffindor family vaults, own Hogwarts and all the land for miles around including the village of Hogsmead, fourteen houses spread about the world including Potter Manor and an unplotable island in the Caribbean, have shares in both muggle and magical companies to long to list. In short you are the richest young couple in Britain," said a beaming Ragnok.

Dan and Emma were glad they were sitting down and the brandy was a great help as they drained their glasses, the shocks seemed to just keep coming.

Dan had never fainted in his life before but his head was once again spinning as he wondered how in hell the kids were coping so well with all of this.

The kids were talking to each other in their minds and whereas earlier it almost freaked them out it now felt so natural they didn't give it a second thought, there were just to many other pressing matters screaming for their attention.

"Director Ragnok I would like to offer my thanks for your time here today. Its very evident that Dumbledore has been trying to control my life but not why. Do you have any information that could throw some light on this?" asked Harry.

Ragnok smiled, they really were a delightful couple that complemented each other perfectly and had just asked the exact question he was hoping for

"Please just Ragnok and yes I think we can answer that question. Just before you were born he was interviewing for a Divinations professor, I believe you both know her?"

Their groans of displeasure was all the couple could manage before a laughing

Ragnok picked up the story

"Well the interview was going poorly when suddenly Trelawney seemed to make a prophecy the bottom line being that you, and only you my Lord could defeat Voldemort."

"Please Ragnok it's Harry and my wife's name is Hermione, if that old fool believed her he's even more round the twist than we thought" replied Harry while shaking his head in disbelief.

"You have to understand the times, Voldemort and his Death Eaters were everywhere! Killing with impunity since they owned, and still do own the Ministry. Everyone was looking to the great wizard, hero of the first war and he was in danger of being uncovered for the fraud he is," said Ragnok

"Pardon me but I thought he defeated the dark lord Grindelwald and ended the war at least it says so in all the books I've read about the subject. Are you saying he didn't?" asked a curious Hermione