
A Mother's Concern

A chuckling Harry continued, "Dan and Emma, there's a wedding to arrange for Saturday and I'm afraid to say most of the organization is going to fall on both of you! Just remember that this is the magical world and money is no object so whatever you want is all right with us. Hermione will be free tomorrow and Winky will have a couple of Hogwarts elves assist you with anything today."

Hermione seemed to hold a private conversation with Harry before reluctantly agreeing.

"Well I think my husband has covered most of what's required so if you'll excuse us we have to get changed for our meeting with Ragnok and Madam Bones"

Emma chipped in "could I have a quick word before you go Hermione?"

As everyone went about there tasks Emma took Hermione out to the balcony for a mother – daughter chat.

"Hermione is everything ok? You didn't seem to happy there at the end, don't you want us organising this wedding?"

"Oh no mum it's nothing like that. It's just complicated."

"Hermione I can do complicated, try me!"

"Well Harry has to do something very unpleasant tomorrow and doesn't want me there, he's also confidant I can deal with any trouble although will worry himself sick until we return."

"You get all that from a glance?" said an amazed Emma

"Mum when Harry speaks it comes from both of us and vice versa, we're inside each others heads and he knows every word said out here. I can see how this appears strange to everyone else but to us it's wonderful, we've both happier than we've ever been and know we'll never feel lonely again"

Mother and daughter held each other with tears in their eyes

"We never did have that talk!" joked Emma

"Don't worry mum we're waiting till we're married, we can hold off till Saturday but I won't be spending the night before away from my husband!"

It was ten minutes later the two men found their wives chatting and laughing out on the balcony.


Lord and Lady Gryffindor, with elves by their side drew every pair of eyes in the vicinity as they walked up the steps of Gringotts, with their goblin cloaks billowing behind them causing quite a stir as everyone stared at this powerful quartet.

They entered the bank and walked along its now bloodless floor to be met by Griphook and ushered into the same private room as yesterday.

Ragnok entered with the new Acting Minister Bones and two aurors, Tonks and Shacklebolt who they had met yesterday but circumstances negated introductions.

The meeting went very well, plans for tonight were formalised and after two hours was over but Harry asked Madam Bones if she would like ministry participation in some interrogations they were holding.

Vernon and Petunia Dursley were terrified as they were led from their cell into a large room where only the centre was lit.

Two empty chairs sat before a desk, two people dressed in black with hoods throwing their faces into shadow sat behind it.

As the goblin guards marched the muggles into the unoccupied seats Vernon tried his usual tactics "now look here there's been a terrible mistake made somewhere, we're not freaks - were normal!"

"I think we should let the evidence decide that" said one of the hooded figures in a female voice.

The stone basin on the desk started to project images from Privet Drive, Harry had a wealth of memories to choose from but decided on the complete version of the Dumbledore incident.

This showed the beating responsible for the accidental magic and, after Dumbledore left another beating for the healed Harry followed by being locked in his cupboard.

One sneeze and both Dursleys would have lost their heads, the goblin guards were enraged!

To a goblin children are a sacred gift and their society doesn't have a punishment for child abuse as no goblin would even consider it.


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