
New Beginnings

"Whatever happens, Harry, I want you to know that I'm proud to have known a great warrior such as yourself."

Harry looked over at Fred, a soft smile gracing his face. "Likewise. You've fought bravely, Fred, and with honour. I won't forget your sacrifice – victory will belong to us both."

Fred nodded, eyes tearing a little. "They will sing songs of this day."

Harry's smile faltered a bit. "Who're they?"

"Fair maidens and brave warriors such as ourselves."

"Alright, then, I'll trust you on that one."

"Wise choice. Now, on my count – one, two, THREE!"

At that moment, Fred burst through the roof of their snow fort, drawing rapid fire from Ron and George while Harry crawled to the side.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

And with that, Ron and George's snow fort rose through the air like a floating castle, only to come crashing down their heads a moment later.

Seeing their foes vanquished and covered in the ruins of their former home base, Harry and Fred let out a whoop of victory, and shook hands fervently.

"Really Harry, a pleasure," Fred was saying, when he was tackled to the ground by George, who he just barely managed to kick away so he could make a break for it, his twin hot on his tail.

Meanwhile, Ron glared at Harry.

"That's cheating!" Ron said angrily, "You used magic!"

Harry looked at him, aghast. "You don't mean you expected us to conquer you the muggle way?"


Harry shook his head. "Well, you should have said so."

"It was implied!"

"Doesn't count. Besides, it's too late now. We already won."

Ron scowled. "Just like a Slytherin, playing dirty."

Harry grinned. "As I recall, you were the one who proposed doing battle with this Slytherin."

Ron rolled his eyes.

"So, Harry Dursley," Ron began as he brushed snow off himself, "What do you want to do now? It's still a couple of hours before sundown."

Harry smiled subtly. This was the the perfect time to implement his plan. "Didn't you say you know the groundskeeper?"

Ron looked surprised at his question. "Who, Hagrid? Yeah, I know him."

"Is it true that he's half giant? I heard a rumour...I'd really like to meet him."

"Oh, sure! Hagrid's brilliant, and I'm sure he'd love some company."

Harry nodded excitedly.

The path to Hagrid's hut (for that's what it was, apparently - a hut) was an uneasy crawl down the snow covered slopes Hogwarts sat upon. It wasn't too steep, but it was slippery and vaguely treacherous nonetheless...Harry thought it might have something to do with all the ice. They ended up tripping and slipping down part way, but in the end it shortened their journey, which Harry was thankful for, because it was starting to get a bit chilly out. The sooner they got back to the castle, the better.

With three sharp raps, Ron knocked on the large door of the hut, and not a few moments later, an enormous man answered, who Harry recognized as the man that showed them to the boats on September 1st. More importantly, though, he bore a marked resemblance to the boy he'd seen in Tom's memories – Rubeus Hagrid, an unusually large Hogwarts student who had a penchant for collecting dangerous magical creatures. Tom was convinced that if someone knew about the Cerberus on the third floor, it would be him. Tom also seemed to be under the impression that Mr. Hagrid was rather thick, and would be easy to coerce into revealing information.

"Well if it isn' Ron Weasley, and – well who's this you've brought with yeh this time, Ron?"

"Oh, this is my friend Tom Ev-"

Harry stuck out a hand, kicking Ron a bit. "Harry Potter, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Hagrid's eyes went wide. "Well bless my soul – Harry Potter? I haven' seen yeh since yeh were jus' a little 'un!" he exclaimed, shaking Harry's hand avidly before ushering them into his hut.

Harry could not help but notice how rustic and homey the place was – in fact, he thought it was rather charming. It definitely had...what do people say? Character? It certainly wasn't a dull place, despite the earthy, muted colours that painted it, which were cheerily offset by the bright red socks hanging near the hearth and the pink umbrella in the corner. It was all one room, so he could see a small kitchen to his right, and a quilted bed on his left. The place Hagrid showed them to was a rickety wooden kitchen table, seated dead centre in the charmingly cluttered hut.

"You knew me when I was a baby?" Harry inquired curiously as he sat down.

"Well of course I did! I was the one who brought yeh t' Dumbledore the night that...well...yeh know..."

Harry nodded slowly. "I see, well, it's lovely to see you again, then."

Hagrid beamed at him. "Likewise, Harry, likewise!" He went over to the kitchen and brought back a plate. "Cookies?"


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