A chilling tale unfolds as young Harry discovers that companionship can arise from the darkest corners, even within the recesses of his own mind. Eight-year-old Harry stumbles upon an unsettling solace in a conscious fragment of Tom Riddle's soul. Oblivious to the ominous price he'll pay for befriending the dark lord, Harry embarks on a haunting journey. As the bond between the unlikely pair deepens, the shadows of their alliance cast an eerie pallor over his world. Loyalties become shrouded in ambiguity, sacrifices take on a sinister hue, and the haunting promise of never being alone again echoes with a macabre resonance. Brace yourself for a harrowing exploration where the lines between friend and foe blur, and the magic of connection unfolds amidst the ominous backdrop of solitude's enduring shadows. Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything, I own nothing.