
Harry Potter: Sociapath

Harry won the wor against voldemort but at a terrible price. Fawkes gives him another chance in a new world where he died as an infant and where Voldemort still lurks in the shadows ....but not for long , because when one exists the other can not survive

snhdj · 作品衍生
6 Chs

Chapter - 5 : Hogsmeade

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Once he was far away enough from Hogsmeade, Harry raised his wand hand and was relieved to find out that the Knight Bus also existed in this world.

Even with all of his abilities, Harry still didn't know how to Apparate and quite frankly, he didn't want to learn how to do it. He hated the feeling of it and didn't dare think about the landings; he was barely able to land on his feet correctly with the darn Floo Network so Apparating was out of the question.

The presently blue eyed boy gave two sickles to, surprisingly, Stan, who was responsible of the Knight Bus even in this dimension. As the huge bus disappeared from view, Harry tried to stay on his feet without being sick and mused about Stan. 'He's really made out for this job, isn't he?'

At least some things were still familiar, like Tom, the bartender of the Leaky Cauldron. Many sets of eyes followed Harry's movements suspiciously as he walked to the other side of the room and he hurriedly tapped the old red bricks with his wand to open the entry to Diagon Alley.

The streets were bustling with life and it made Harry relax when no one's attention got riveted on him. Instead of going straight to the library, Harry made a quick detour to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and purchased a good amount of shirts, pants and robes, along with a warmer cloak made of Dragonhide.

He opted for the wizard style and threw his old clothes away immediately; the Dark Lord was powerful in this world and wearing muggle clothing wasn't the best option for those who wanted to stay alive as long as possible.

As soon as he set foot outside the store, after a praise from Madam Malkin because of his good looks and choice of clothing, Harry was "attacked" by a very angry owl. "Ow! Hedwig?! Stop that!"

The white owl hooted angrily and nipped at his fingers one last time before landing on her master's shoulder. She still looked at him as if she was mad that he had gone out without her and Harry could almost hear her say "Where the hell have you been?! I've been looking all over for you!"

Harry gave her an apologetic glance and petted her head. "Sorry girl. I thought you would have liked to sleep late. Guess I was wrong."

He made his way towards the library and mentally shuddered at the thought of an angry Cobra waiting for him back at The Three Broomsticks. He marched in front of the pet store and made yet another detour to get a fat, juicy mouse for Nagini…and he bought one for Hedwig after the owl on his shoulder hooted her indignity. "Here Hedwig. Take your mouse and wait for me on the rooftop. I'll try not to take too long."

The owl took the squeaking mouse without hesitation and flew on the rooftop of the bookshop. Harry chuckled at her but soon regained his seriousness. There weren't a lot of people, thankfully, and Harry quickly spotted the Old section on the second floor.

Harry searched the shelves for the Daily Prophet but sighed frustratingly when he found nothing under this title. Then he eyed a bunch of newspapers with the word 'Daily' on them, so he took one from the old, yellowed pile.

"The Daily Oracle? Weird, but okay. It must be the equivalent of the Daily Prophet in my world." Harry took the pile that started with the date of his parents' death and sat down nearby, putting the articles on a small wooden table.


Godric's Hollow ATTACKED!

Harry raked his nerves when he read the bold title of the first newspaper he picked up and started to read, mentally repeating himself that this dimension was not his. But learning that his parents had indeed been killed, along with his other baby self, was still hard to bear.

But a statement caught his attention, something said by one of the investigators: "…the one year old baby, one Harry James Potter, curiously wasn't killed by the Avada Kedavra like his parents. There were strangling marks on his little neck, we think were made by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in person, as if it had been an act of pure anger and vengeance..."

Harry pondered on this; had Voldemort heard about the Prophecy? Did the Prophecy exist here in the first place? He couldn't just go in the Department of Mysteries and look for the vase that contained the Prophecy told by Sibyll Trelawney, so he was in the dark there. One thing was for sure though: he would avenge 'his death'.

On the other hand, he was relieved and overjoyed to know that Pettigrew had been caught the same night Godric's Hollow was destroyed, and that Sirius had never gone to Azkaban.

Harry skimmed each article carefully and read those that were of interest for him only. He came out two hours later, all shaken up, but twice as determined to put an end to the Dark Lord's reign of terror…again.

Hedwig flew back on his shoulder and nipped his ear with affection: the mouse had probably been greatly appreciated and Harry mentally hoped Nagini would like his.

He walked around Diagon Alley for a little while and when he went back in the Leaky Cauldron's direction, he spotted the Quidditch shop. It was a little late to go in so he only took a quick peak at the products shown in the shop window.

There was the usual broom polish and this year's new broomstick: the Nimbus 2004. 'No Firebolt? Hm…' Harry wondered over this fact briefly but didn't waste any time on this matter.

He quickly walked out of the Leaky Cauldron after being eyed suspiciously once again and called the Knight Bus, all the while hoping that Nagini wasn't going to bite him in his sleep or do it as soon as he opened the door to his bedroom.

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