
Harry Potter: Rise of The Spiral (COMPLETED)

Thank you for reading my fanfiction. I enjoyed writing this story and hope you, readers, too enjoy it. I know it's not the best out there and it has many flaws. But I love my work none the less. It's the first story I ever wrote/typed. I'd appreciate if you write a review and let me know what I can improve on so that I can write a better story if I decide to write another. Again, Thank you for reading. You're awesome. (UNDERGOING EDITING. DON'T GET SALTY IF SOME IN-LINE COMMENTS GET DELETED. I MIGHT EVEN REPLACE WHOLE CHAPTERS. COMPLETE EDITED VERSION ON WATTPAD) xxxxxxxxxxxx Edmund Vulpis discovers the legacy of his ancestors after his mother dies at the hands of his father. With the memories of his progenitor, Naruto Uzumaki, watch as he takes on the wizarding world with the power of chakra and shifts the gears in the grand scheme of things. xxxxxxxxxxxx This story is mainly set in Harry Potter-verse with certain elements of Naruto. The story follows canon for the first three years. English is not my native language so forgive me if the grammar is inappropriate at some places. I review the chapters many times but still, some errors may remain. Point them out and I'll correct them. If any of you find this story on fanfiction.net, rest assured that I am the same person who published it on that site. So I am not copying it from someone. And neither is he copying it from me as we are the same person. WARNING: Unbridled use of profane language. Read at your own risk. The story also has torture scenes but I think there's only one that's a bit gut-wrenching so you'll be good. Just skip it if you want. Almost all of the story is from MC's POV. I just used past tense and 3rd person viewpoint so it may get confusing given the choice of words in the narration. And of course, I don't own Harry Potter and Naruto or any of their characters.

manny0101 · 作品衍生
55 Chs

Chapter 2: Off to Hogwarts

A/N: Yeah, this has a female version of Harry Potter.... Are you dreading it? So you think I'll make it a cliche fanfiction where MC will become a part of the so called 'Golden Trio' and be involved in every kind of shit they go through?

Nah.. not really. You might hate stories where authors butcher the plot by changing genders but I implore you to give this a try. Only the gender of Harry Potter's chatacter has been changed. And it's also a sort of convenience for me. I mean, why would any sane person want to be involved with a guy who's a trouble magnet? Unless I'm writing a bxb story.... Let's not go there. I'm not against it but that doesn't mean I have to be comfortable with it.

Again, just give this a try. The plot may seem to follow canon but things will change. Be patient. I've recieved some.. harsh.. comments about it so I thought of adding this A/N here.

If you don't like it then stop reading. No need to trash talk in comments. I can do that too. I can trash talk in three different languages and you won't like any of it.


On his way to his mother's vault, Edmund was going through a myriad of emotions. Reading his mother's will and learning about the deceit of the Vulpis family patriarch, that forced her to marry his father, made him furious.

Edmund's grandfather had not only forced the marriage contract on Clair, but also killed off the rest of her family a day after the marriage. With a wand aimed at her little sister, Clair was forced to take an oath to never harm the Vulpis family. Later, her entire family was slaughtered by death eaters.

All this time, Altair was completely unaware of the will. Clair had carefully hidden a lot of her family scrolls and galleons in her vault. She had written about how the Vulpis family betrayed Whirlpool family's trust and took over all their business and land.

To say that Edmund was angry was an understatedment. When he had finished reading the will, he lost control over his chakra and the goblins got a glimpse of his enormous power.

His first goal was to slowly cripple the finances of the family while keeping a low profile. By the time he reached majority, the Vulpis family would be reduced to beggers.

By providing a few drops of blood, he opened the vault. There were a few storage scrolls that had various weapons stored in them. There were quite a lot of scrolls on various ninja arts and hand to hand combat tecniques. Then he saw the Uzumaki swirl on the wall of the vault that made him feel oddly nostalgic. The Whirlpool family used the swirl as their family crest to remember where they came from. A quick accounts check informed him about the total amount of money he had.

After taking all the necessary scrolls and storing all of them in a bigger one out of the vault, he travelled back to his accounts manager and asked for help in increasing his wealth and bringing down the Vulpis family. After being asked why he wanted to do so, he reluctantly shared his story. At the end of it, the manager had a vicious grin on his face and readily agreed to help Edmund.

After a two hour discussion on counter investments against Vulpis family and an agreement on regularly emptying his trust vault into the Whirlpool vault and keeping the transaction covert, Edmund thanked the manager and left the bank to buy other stuff for Hogwarts.

Five hours later, he approached his last destination in the alley to buy a wand.

The old man in the shop was oddly unnerving. Edmund kept his guard up.

"Ah, Mr. Vulpis, I've been expecting you. I still remember when you mother and father-," but looking at the menacing glare Edmund shot at him at the mention of his father, "-though I guess you don't want to hear about that."

Edmund nodded.

"So, which is your wand arm?"


"Ah! Alright." Quietly, he took the measurements but on the inside, he was itching to say something. The young heir was quite difficult!

"Mr. Vulpis, try this one... *CRASH* no definitely not... this one... uh, no. Please try to hold back your magic. Try this one... *BOOM* yeah, please hold back a little more. I don't have infinite supply of wands. Try this one... uh, no. Agumenti... maybe, Mr. Vulpis try this one... "

After trying thirty wands and destroying twenty of them along with buring half the store, Edmund finally found a wand that fit him. Not that it really mattered. Wizards and witches were not extraordinary in terms of speed and strength, so, he could always dominate them by casting faster. It didn't matter if his wand was strong or not. Being able to use chakra, magic was a novelty for him. Although magic was useful in its own way, chakra had more offensive power.

Quickly putting the wand in his holster and paying generously for the damage as it was his father's money, he went to the Leakey Cauldron and flooed back to his manor.

Over the next few months, Edmund subtly got away from any kind of torture after he learned some genjutsu. Since no one else had chakra, dispelling even the weakest of genjutsu was beyond the wizards. His father had completely forgotten about punishing him and went on with his usual business. Genjutsu allowed Edmund to fool his father and train freely.

After he learnt some decent amount of genjutsu, he focused mainly on chakra control, fuinjutsu and some other basic ninjutsu. Along with that, he had his shadow clones read through the weapon scrolls and his first year course books. At evenings he would practice taijutsu against his clones while some other clones would sit on the sidelines and analysed the spars.

The day he came back from diagon alley and read some scrolls, he was elated to see the technique that could prove to be a boon for him. It was Naruto Uzumaki's most used jutsu in his younger days, Shadow clone jutsu.

At first he was able to produce twenty five clones and could maintain them for half an hour. But gradually, he increased that number to forty five and could maintain them for two hours. Using shadow clones gave him a much needed boost in his learning ability and chakra control.

September came quickly and he was ready to go to Hogwarts. Packing everything he needed, he got dressed in his school robes and flooed to platform 9 3/4.

At ten, the Hogwarts express started moving. Edmund sat in an empty compartment in the middle and began reading a random adventure novel he bought at Diagon Alley. A few minutes later, the door of his compartment was opened gently. A girl glanced into the compartment  and asked meekly, "Hi, may I sit here? I wanted to sit somewhere quiet."

Edmund didn't lift his eyes from his book and replied blandly as he turned the page, "Sure, why not?"

The girl sat opposite to him and began enjoying the scenery outside. Edmund was silently relieved that the girl wasn't talking to him. But the peace did not last long as the door of the compartment was violently opened and a boy entered.

"Hi, can I sit here? My brothers' friend was showing them his pet acromatulda and I am not a fan of spiders."

The girl glanced at Edmund with uncertainty. Edmund just nodded, again without looking up, said, "Sit."

The boy immediately sat down next to him, a bit too close for his liking and began talking to the girl straight away. "Hi. I'm Ron, Ron Weasley. And you are..?"

The girl gently smiled and replied, "I'm Iris, Iris Potter."

That made Edmund look up from his book. Iris Potter, the girl who survived a killing curse and somehow vanquished that dark lord. Edmund looked at her eyes and was mesmerized. She had the prettiest emerald eyes he had ever seen. Her wavy black hair were tied in a pony tail and her bangs were hiding her forehead and her scar. He noticed her skin was quite pale but the colour was not healthy. It took a few seconds for Edmund to deduce that she was undernurished. That made him frown a bit. 'Why is the girl-who-lived so scrawny and underfed? She looks like she'll collapse any moment now. Isn't she being taken care of?'

He again focused on her eyes. He noticed she was lacking something else. She did not were spectacles. The famous eyesight defect in all Potters was missing. Her eyes exhuded kindness, purity, hope and wisdom beyond someone of her age. 'Iris, fitting.'

Ron, upon hering her name dramatically widened his eyes and shouted, "Are you really?!"

That made Edmund cringe. 'She's sitting three feet away, no need to shout you twit!'

Then Ron asked something that Edmund thought was quite stupid. "Do you have the.. um.. scar?"

Iris shifted uncomfortably in her seat for a moment but then smiled and lifted her bangs to show the famous lightening bolt scar. It wasn't as big as was depicted the books, but it was there. Edmund deduced that Iris didn't like people looking at it so he went back to drowning in her eyes.

Ron again asked a question that almost made Esmund to slap his forehead. "So, do you remember how they died? How You-Know-Who looked?"

'What an ass. You do not ask a child if she remembers how her parents died or how the killer looked. This git didn't even think before asking that. Definitely the worst kind of Gryfindor. He'll put Crabb and Goyle to shame.'

Iris's lip twiched as her smile fell. She had was fighting herself from lashing out at Ron. She calmed herself down and replied, "No, I don't. I was fifteen months old. I don't remember anything from that time."

Ron had the decency to look sheepish. He looked towards Edmund and asked the inevitable, "Hey mate, what's your name? You've been quiet the whole time."

Edmund stared into his eyes. Ron backed away a little. Those saphire eyes were really haunting. Edmund had been training in what he called 'The Tenzo Face' because it was a bit creepy. Ron felt like he was being stripped down to his very soul. Fortuately for him, Edmund trun away and stared at Iris who was looking at him expectantly.
