When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
But on the other hand this could be a good thing, if it doesn't work out then he trusted Natasha to at least be professional enough to work with him in the future. But her life span aside, she was an ideal partner for Harry. She was smart, funny, mature, pretty, could look after herself, didn't irritate him and was generally accepting of him. In the field he would be able to trust her to watch her own back instead of watching over her like she was a delicate flower, plus she knew what she could handle and where her limits were.
As of the moment the main problem Harry had was that it was clear, even to him, that he had developed feelings for her, and he didn't like that. He could make a list of all the things he would worry about if he had gotten into a relationship with Natasha. Yet there was still a voice in the back of his head that encouraged him to try.
"Why can't things just be simple?" Harry whispered to himself.
A minutes or so later Harry found his shower interrupted by a couple of arms wrapping around his waist and a body pressed against his back. Just like that his thought process was completely shattered and rebuilt to focus entirely on what he was feeling. He felt the hot breath on the back of his neck just before he felt her lips on his shoulder.
"Hey." Harry said without turning around to look.
"Hey." Natasha whispered back before continuing to plant more kisses on his shoulder and neck, her hands rubbed up and down his chest and abs.
"Last night wasn't enough for you?" Harry asked in a jokey tone, his breath was slightly heavier than he intended it to be.
"Are you saying you want me to stop?" Natasha whispered into his ear with a low and seductive voice while she pressed her body more against his just as her right hand continued reaching down until it grabbed on to the intended target.
Harry let out a small growl before turning around and pulling her into a strong and passionate kiss that lasted a few seconds before Harry broke it.
"If you stop now then I am going to be pissed off." Harry whispered to her before kissing her again.
"Shouldn't you get back to Padfoot?" Natasha asked later, they were still in her apartment and it was lunch time, neither really seemed willing to cook so they had just ordered a take out. Natasha was dressed in a loose but comfortable grey shirt and pajama bottoms, she was sat with her legs crossed on her sofa with Harry sat next to her, wearing the exact same clothes, only his size.
"I don't really think we have to worry about that." Harry smirked in a knowing way.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Natasha asked, a second later she got her answer in the form of a bark. She nearly jumped out of her seat, only to be held down by Harry and who calmly gestured to Padfoot who was now standing a short distance in front of her. "Okay...Harry..." She said after a short silence.
"Yeah?" Harry asked with a small, amused grin.
"...The hell...how...explanations...the please...if you wouldn't mind..." Natasha said, eyes still locked on Padfoot who looked fairly unbothered. "can Padfoot teleport too?" She asked Harry.
"Yep," Harry nodded. "though he can only ever really teleport to my location."
"Neat trick." Natasha complimented, Padfoot barked and Natasha knew the dog well enough at this point to know he was saying 'thank you'.
"Excuse me." Harry said as he stood up. "Just need to go toilet." He said before he walked off, the second he was gone Padfoot jumped on the sofa, taking Harry's spot.
"Hi boy," Natasha smiled as she petted him. "you look great. I think your master is staring to open up to me," She whispered. "I just kind of wish he would trust me more, and be less worried." Padfoot looked at her with a penetrating gaze. "What is it?" Natasha asked, only to feel her body suddenly shake.
Natasha suddenly found herself standing somewhere that was definitely not her apartment, she looked around and noticed she was in a ballroom or hall of some kind. The people here had not noticed her though, they were all dressed in dark robes and had skull masks on, Natasha had turned around and had unintentionally stepped into a person, the person in the mask didn't appear to take notice but to Natasha it felt like he didn't even exist.
She could see him but she couldn't feel him, she hesitantly took a step forward and found herself walking through the person. She tried touching another person to see if it was a one off thing but it was not as her hand went right through the man she tried to touch, it was like she didn't exist here.
Natasha was looking around when she suddenly saw one person at one end of the hallway raise what looked like a wand, a deep booming sound came from the wand and everyone turned towards the person. Natasha walked through everyone until she reached the person who had six men between him and the crowd, almost like a shield. She waved her hand in front of the man and his men but none of them showed any visible signs of noticing her.
"Fellow Death Eaters," The man said to the crowd, Natasha blinked at that, that was the name of the army that Harry had told her that he had fought back in his world. Was this that army? They had wands and they were definitely dressed like Harry had described. Natasha stepped to the side so she could look between the speaker and the crowd. "we have been hiding, why? Because of the Ministry? No, not them. Because of certain death? No, not that either. Can any of you say why we have been hiding?"
Natasha looked at the crowd, none of them appeared ready to speak but all of them were clearly giving their full attention to the man.
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