
Thor's Trial

Thirty minutes later Harry had arrived back at the facility, it was raining heavily outside, the sound of thunder could be heard as well. Harry was instantly put on alert and went to find Coulson.

"Mr Potter." Coulson said as he saw Harry.

"What happened to contact me?" Harry asked in an annoyed voice as he followed Coulson into the room with a lot of computers and equipment that were monitoring Mjolnir.

"There is a massive electro magnetic surge coming from the hammer," Coulson replied. "our systems are barely working, I spent the last few minutes trying to contact you."

"What is he doing in here?" Jasper Sitwell, high level Shield Agent, asked. Harry was simply an enhanced as far as Jasper and the majority of Shield knew, some may have worked out he was Grim but only the big three, Barton and Natasha had official confirmation.

"He's working with us on this," Coulson said quickly before turning to Harry. "this started recently." He said as he pointed to the rising numbers.

"How recently?" Harry asked.

"Roughly thirteen minutes ago." Coulson replied, he was about to say more when a Shield agent contacted him on the radio.

"Sir, we have a perimeter breach. An agent is down."

"Wait," Harry said when Coulson was about to answer. "tell them not to engage."

"What?" Coulson blinked. "Are you crazy?"

"Yes but that's not the point," Harry replied. "do not engage. Tell your men to stand down, if I'm wrong then I will handle it but if I am right then we may just have found the owner of that hammer." Coulson looked like he was about to ask another question but stopped as he realized what Harry meant. "Yeah, exactly, I am going to go check on the hammer." Harry said before he walked out of the room, Harry made himself invisible before he teleported next to the hammer.

Harry waited for a few minutes, eventually someone came for the hammer. The person was about six foot three, he had shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes, a small beard, brown trousers and a blue T-shirt that helped show off his muscles. He was what Harry would call 'annoyingly good looking'. As of the moment he looked confused, more than likely at the lack of resistance. Harry waved his wand to check for magic on the person, he found some that was similar to the hammer, yet it seemed depressed, as if it was being held down.

The man's face lit up with a bright smile when he saw the hammer, his pace quickened and he stopped next to it. He confidently placed a hand on the handle, Harry leaned forward slightly with anticipation, the man pulled on the hammer, expecting to pick it up easily, but it didn't. The hammer didn't even shift.

The man's face shifted from confident and happy to confused with a hint of scared. The man placed his other hand on the handle as well, he pulled but gained nothing beyond the same result from his previous attempt. He pulled again, effort evident from the look on his face. He continued pulling, growling in frustration and anger as his body protested. Rain poured down on him but he didn't seem to care, he continued pulling but was still unable to move it.

Harry looked around and noticed Coulson along with several other agents were watching, including Barton, all interested in the results. But the man did not appear to notice as his focus was entirely on the hammer. Eventually he stopped, realizing that he could not lift it.

He raised his head and roared, bellowing at the sky, before he fell to his knees. Harry glanced up and saw Coulson ordering his men to move in. As the men began handcuffing the man, Harry kneeled down in front of him and was about to read his mind when he caught him looking at the hammer in an odd way, Harry looked towards the hammer and saw the symbol was once again evident. He quickly looked back and read the man's mind.

Harry managed to restrain himself before he let out a noise, the man was taken away by the Shield agents, but Harry stayed and looked at the hammer. His hand gravitated towards the handle, his fingertips were an inch from touching the handle when he stopped.

"Harry," A voice whispered into his ear. "I am incredibly disappointed in you." Harry grunted before he shook his head and let out a deep breath, he gave the hammer one last look before he walked away. Harry glanced at Thor's retreating form, Harry felt sympathetic for him, it was hard not to see a little of himself in Thor.


"Coulson," Harry said once he and Coulson were alone. "what have your men done to him?"

"Nothing yet." Coulson admitted.

"Good," Harry nodded. "after he had finished his little show, I had read his mind." Harry said, Coulson along with Fury and Hill were probably the only people who know that he could read minds. Admittedly Fury was incredibly concerned about that along with being a bit pissed that Harry didn't use the ability the way he wanted.

"And?" Coulson raised an eyebrow.

"You have just captured Thor, the god of Thunder." Harry said in a serious voice, hoping to convey how exactly how serious the situation was with his tone.

"How sure are you?" Coulson frowned. "Maybe he just believes that he is Thor."

"Trust me, if it was simply a matter of belief then I would be able to skip past that, he is genuine." Harry said. "Except he is a lot less god and has lost his thunder."

"What do you mean?"

"It's complicated but long story short is that his father, yes Odin, had banished him here and he lost his powers, he was hoping to regain them by getting his hammer. Unfortunately for him his father had other plans, the symbol on the hammer."

"The triangle one?" Coulson asked.

"Yeah, he recognized it, it's apparently his fathers doing. Odin took his powers before he banished him. The hammer can only be lifted by somebody who is worthy, find someone worthy to lift the hammer and have them lift the hammer."

"And if they do happen to lift the hammer?" Coulson raised an eyebrow.

"They would get the power of Thor," Harry shrugged. "though since everyone here works for the government I doubt we'd find anyone worthy." Harry couldn't help but add.

"What do you suggest we do?" Coulson asked, ignoring his last comment.

"Let him go." Harry answered.


"It's possible someone might come for him," Harry said. "also I'll talk to him later, he'd probably prefer it if he is somewhere other than here. Besides he seems like the kind of guy you would want on your side."

"Are you trying to recruit him?" Coulson asked with a curious look.

"No, I just think it's better if we try carrot over stick." Harry responded.

"On your first mission with Shield you killed a hundred people but this guy comes along and you are going carrot over stick?" Coulson said with a disbelieving look.

"I have my reasons." Harry said, "let him go." Harry added before he walked out the room.


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