
Voldemort appears

The month of June began and that signaled the beginning of the week of exams. Just like last year, they were divided into theoretical and practical. The atmosphere in the halls of Hogwarts was tense and quiet. You could see students walking around with parchment and books.

James seemed out of place. He was the only one relaxed and not showing any nerves. In his previous life, he had more intense weeks. Besides, he liked magic, even though some subjects were not his favorite he was better than his old mother made him study.

Just like last year, he managed to pass all the exams becoming the best second-year student of all the houses. Despite his hellish training his grades were barely affected, and remained at the top.

Professor McGonagall was even more surprised than last year when she saw James' practical transfiguration skills and theoretical knowledge.

This is normal since this year one of its focuses was the Transfiguration. Their goal is to achieve conjuration.

In Charms, it was easy, as his level is very advanced compared to the easy spells they have to do with Professor Flitwick. He couldn't show everything he knew in DADA, but he didn't mind. More time to practice on his own and not waste time on a useless exam, since the topics the bald guy taught sucked.

"Finished exams. We all passed. We were champions in Quidditch, and it's just a matter of time before the house cup. A perfect year. Plus, we had the best adventure in the vaults," said Sirius, leaning back on the grass and looking up at the sky with a satisfied smile.

"Yeah... It was a crazy year. I didn't think it would be any more eventful than the first year," commented Lupin. On top of everything Sirius said, his friends found out about his lycanthropy and accepted it, and he trained like crazy because of James, though he didn't see it as a bad thing.

"Next vault we go in!" said Toby, clenching his fists with determination. He didn't want to be left out. With James' training, he had the confidence to be useful in battles.

'Us?' thought Peter fearfully. He didn't want to go into a deadly vault no matter how much training he had done this last while.

"Way to go, Toby!" said Sirius with a faint smile. The Gryffindors had to be brave and not hang back.

"By Snape, Gwen, and Regulus' progress on the riddle next year when we get into Hogwarts we'll already be able to go to the vault," commented Lupin.

"That's the best thing. An adventure at the beginning of the year. We won't have any homework, we can focus on the bloody vault," said Sirius.

"Yeah..." nodded Lupin and then looked at James, who had his eyes fixed on the intermediate transfiguration book.

"Are you still studying...?" asked Lupin, and everyone looked at James.

"Yes. The leader of the Death Eaters finally showed up..." said James with a slight frown.

"Voldemort," he added, saying the name slowly.

"Don't say it!" shrieked Peter, covering his mouth and looking all around in fear. The smiling faces of the others also faded. Maybe it wasn't such a perfect year.

Death Eater terrorist attacks were on the rise this year. Since 1970, these attacks had spread terror among wizards and muggles alike, with numerous attacks on muggle-borns and confrontations with the Aurors, who were struggling to maintain order.

No one knew who the leader of the dark wizards called the Death Eaters was. That is until now.

Finally, it was known who was the leader of these demented dark wizards who wanted to rebel against the Ministry. During exam week, Azkaban was attacked by Death Eaters.

The goal of the Death Eaters was to free Dementors to join them and dark wizard prisoners, many of whom immediately joined their ranks.

Despite the surprise attack and the brutality of the Death Eaters, the Aurors stationed at Azkaban, led by Alastor Moody, a well-known and powerful Auror, put up a fierce resistance.

In that same battle, Voldemort proclaimed himself the Dark Lord, declaring a new era of terror and supremacy of pure wizards. His other nickname is Lord Voldemort, but for some reason, everyone fears the name Voldemort. They feel it is an ominous name. So when he is spoken of he is referred to as the Dark Lord.

Although Voldemort did not manage to completely overthrow Azkaban or eliminate all the Aurors, he did manage to free several of the prisoners and secure the loyalty of many Dementors, strengthening his ranks considerably. The attack also had a devastating psychological effect, further terrorizing the magical community.

All of this was covered by several magical newspapers. So the Prophet had no choice but to publish it. Since it was impossible to hide a large-scale attack like the one that happened in Azkaban.

James, knowing this, focused more on his study and training. Now that he had several weeks off before returning home he spent all day in the library, in the dragon club, or the requirements room. In a few days, he would finish the intermediate transfiguration book. Not only to read it but also to learn all the transfiguration spells covered in this book.

He thought it would take him a year and a few months to complete this book, but he would finish it in less than a year. Great speed.

He would leave some time to devote to improving his relationships. Especially, at the Slughorn Club. He would need talented people. He improved his relationship with Frank, Erika, and even Narcissa, who asked to train with him these days off. The cold princess is more bearable than James first imagined.

"Well... The Ministry and the Aurors will take care of it, right?" said Peter breaking the silence. His tone didn't sound very confident.

"Yes, we even have Dumbledore. The most powerful wizard," said Toby, trying to lighten the mood.

'Dumbledore...' thought James. The old headmaster throughout the year was very absent from Hogwarts. You could tell he was hardly ever at breakfasts or dinners. He was even absent from several Quidditch matches, except for the final.

This could mean that he was fighting Death Eaters. James knew that Dumbledore was the head wizard in the Wizengamot. With such a position of power and considered the strongest wizard it wouldn't make sense for him to do nothing while Voldemort wants to overthrow the current Ministry of Magic.

"We can't be 100% confident that the Ministry and the Aurors will win over the Death Eaters. In a war, anything can happen. You must keep in mind that the goal of Voldemort and his followers is pureblood supremacy," said James in a serious tone.

"And what's that got to do with it?" asked Peter uncomprehendingly.

"Who have supremacist ideals?" asked James and Peter, and the others had many famous wizarding families come to mind: Lestrange, Nott, Shafiq, Black...

"He's sure to have the support of several extremist families who have had those ideals for a long time. Only now they have a crazy leader who wants to fulfill those ideals and eliminate the impure," said James.

"Are you saying that respected wizards from those ancient families want to overthrow the Ministry of Magic?" asked Lupin, and James nodded.

Lupin, Sirius, and the others hadn't thought about this point. It's logical if you think about it. Who has these extreme ideals? They know very well. Sirius knows very well knows his parents.

The problem is that if these powerful and ancient families support Voldemort the war is much more serious than they thought, and the chances of winning are not as high as they used to be.

"Sirius, investigate your family. Especially the part of your uncles and cousins. House Black is one of the oldest houses in Britain. You know very well the ideals your parents wanted to impose on you. Voldemort is likely to seek their support if he hasn't already gotten it," said James.

'He said it again!' thought Peter as he heard the unmentionable's name.

"Leave it to me," said Sirius in a serious tone, very different from his usual relaxed and joking character. He is the black sheep of the family next to Alphard and Andromeda. He doesn't want his parents to join the Death Eaters and wear ugly masks while murdering innocent people.

"Focus on your cousin Bellatrix Lestrange..." said James with a thoughtful look.

He had seen Sirius' older cousin at Andromeda's wedding. She is the older sister of Andromeda and Narcissa. He noticed the look of hatred and contempt she gave Andromeda and her new Muggle-born husband.

Even the girl looked ready to strike at that moment. Her murderous intent and rage were noticeable. From what Sirius told him her older cousin was scary and was always the one who embraced supremacist ideals the most.

As she is a young girl in her twenties it is logical for her to join the Death Eaters and want to create a new status quo. It is logical for young people to want to rebel against the current power. More so than the old.

You can see that in most revolutions. Look at Sirius' grandfather. He wasn't fobbed off by Grindelwald's words and fought against him. He didn't join in even though they shared many ideas.

"Fine, I'll investigate that madwoman," Sirius said. His summer would be more interesting than the previous ones.