
Chapter 3 - Preparing for the plot part 1 - under the stairs

Harry pov

4 years ago

What's going on? Where am I? Who am I? As I was coming to my senses my memories came back, the god, the wishes, the downsides the Harry Potter books. "Oh my god, I'm Harry Potter, I have magic!!!" But the excitement disappeared quickly, when I realized two things: 1) I'm a baby! And 2) I'm in a small dusty place that people walk on- the cupboard under the stairs.

Then for the next few hours, I freaked out, cried, yelled and in the end when I got claustrophobic, I tried to brake the door to get out. When nothing worked I calmed down and tried to drift when I understood the curse of boredom I got by combining the first and third wish. The first wish made me not having a lot of things to think about, the third made me want things to think about. So after little bit of thought, I did what every self respecting Harry Potter fan would do- I tried to do magic.

Three months later

So, magic?

Fu*k that's hard,

The problems were:

a) I didn't have a clue what I'm supposed to do.

Yeah, I have the books inside my head, and yes, I became a super genius thanks for my second wish, but all of that didn't matter because the books don't really explain how wizards (and witches, I'm all about equality) actually do magic and my IQ needs information to really help me

b) Even if I use what they explain about magic in the books, I don't have a wand

and c) My perfect memory begins just after my reincarnation do I don't remember the books perfectly 1 which meant I used 2 weeks to remember everything I could - timeline, important places bits and bits of everything I could think of, most people would have given up after a few hours or maybe a day but I had the most broken power of all - I am a genius of hard work! So I managed to complete most of the books in my head.

After that, I tried using the easiest magic I could think of- Lumos over and over- hard work to the rescue - it took two weeks till I understood that hard work isn't enough and I started using my brain to figure out what's wrong.

In the end it was an easy answer, hard work is for after you manage to use the magic before that you have to find your magic, which is easier if you have a wand that draw your magic or a strong emotion that feeds your magic with a great need, which makes your magic combust out of you.

As a baby with adult's mind, my emotional range was too great and too under control to use the second one and I didn't have a wand for the first one, so after searching my memories of the books I found only 4 kinds of magic that were with out wands.

1) accident magic, which is actually an emotional magic - even Tom Riddle's magic in the orphanage is one, he just managed to make happen again and again with the same type of feelings

2) mind magic- most known as Legilimency and Occlumency

3) animagi magic - animalistic shapeshifting

4) Metamorphmagus - humanoid shapeshifting, a magic which felt actually like emotionall magic but could be useful to try make into an unemotional magic

Out of all of those magics, the only one that was explained how to do - at least the first stage was Occlumency - the art of protecting your mind and controlling yourself - which is also coincidently, the perfect art to learn with adult's mind as it is all about emotions, thoughts and controlling them, so it shouldn't be a surprise that in two months of being mostly alone and with a lot of hard work, I managed to make myself thoughtless and emotionless when I really tried with the side affect of being able to feel my magic when I occlude.

Now for my 'family', let's just say the original Harry was a saint, or more likely, Dumbledore used more than enough potions, obliviations and manipulations to make him think about this place as home.

They fed my just enough to not feel like I am starving but not enough to be full, changed my diaper only three times a day (which sucks, as even with adult mind I didn't know how to control my body - I guess losing my memories is worse than I thought) and didn't change my clothes,thank god they didn't notice my clothes from when I came were charmed for self fitting, self cleaning and temperature changing, but I knew it wouldn't last long before they were ruined.

The only thing they did like actual family is bathing me with Dudley as it didn't cost them more money or time.

Two years later

Not much changed in the last two years, my relatives still suck, I get less showers but more time out of my cupboard, mostly for toilet.

I started working out inside my cupboard, as I am still small enough to do things while Inside.

And lastly my Occlumency got much better as I can now stay thoughtless while doing everything but I feel like there is a next level which I can't see, the level where I can use magic while occluding.

Which is why I decided to go to my most unreliable source of information- the fanfics I remember from my past life.

Now, I didn't already do it for two reasons:

a) I didn't want to mix between canon and fanfiction.

b) I just wasn't there occlumency wise, and I wanted to perfect it.

But one downside I didn't think of, is that my memory of past life isn't perfect so after racking my brain, I only found one way to the next level.

I needed to create barriers and mind palace. "Well that's gonna take a lot of my time." I said to myself and got to work.

1 ½ years later (one day before chapter two)

That's it, I have finally done it. I have finally managed to create a mind palace which let me think while still occluding my mind, it's not perfect as it's only basic but I created it without real guidance and with only basic knowledge about the world.

Another thing is that now I can feel my magic at all times but using it is harder as I haven't trained it and also when I use it too much my body can't handle the stress so I can't train too much, the last thing is that my 'family' started hitting me whenever I got caught using magic, so I decided to leave this house first chance I got.

Now I just need a chance...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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