
Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

***This is a Harry Potter pre-canon fic.*** [The fic also involves Kingdom Building and real-world muggle geopolitics.] 1969, London Magnus, a 9-year-old boy got lost while watching a parade with his mummy. He looked around for her but only tired himself out, eventually taking a break under a tree in a park. But, that moment changed not just his, but also the destiny of the entire world. Because that tree was not normal, it contained inheritances from an ancient world-renowned wizard and a certain king. The tree had waited centuries for someone worthy and finally, it had found one. But what was so special that made little Magnus worthy? It's not possible that no other 9-year-old child ever slept under the tree in the past centuries. "OH! What a surprise, but a welcome one. At least, now I can rest easy that I made the right choice." The ancient tree thought to itself. ______________________ Tags: No Harem, Kind MC, Strong MC, decently strong to OP MC, Some Kingdom building. More of a slice-of-life story. NOTE: Severus will not end up with Lily. *Daily Updates* [A/N: MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) Also, this story exists in the omniverse ruled by Grandpa Universe] _____________________ For advance chapters and more fics -www.patreon.com/misterimmortal ______________________ ***I do not own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

MisterImmortal · 作品衍生
504 Chs

440. Magnus Vs Lucius/Lucius gets fricked

"Halfblood filth?"

These words were constantly circulating in Lucius' mind. He always had doubts about Voldemort's identity, but he relented, thinking how can any non-pureblood be so powerful. But then, Magnus appeared, highly strong and smart.

This was the second time he had over-smarted Voldemort by such a large margin. There was bound to be something behind such accusations. Magnus was not someone who would lie about such things, he didn't need to.

~Following him is foolish now, he is turning senile with each passing day. I must head out to get revenge on my own,~ he decided.

So the next morning, he silently left the new camp in the jungles of Russia. He headed back to London. His wife, Narcissa, was pregnant and lived in a secret location. He only wished to get an heir from her, after that, she could die for all he cared.

After returning to the city, his main focus was to make a good plan, find all the routes Magnus takes to do his muggle tasks, then plan accordingly. He knew he couldn't trust the people in Voldemort's camp so he had saved money for himself secretly, now he was going to use that to plan the death of Magnus.

He could not buy the items needed to make what he wanted in the UK since the entire wizarding market was under the strict eyes of the Ministry, even the Knockturn alley was under control. So he went to the United States through an illegal portkey to buy items. The nation was peak capitalism, hence anything can be bought with money.

After gathering everything, he returned and brewed potions, developed bombs and traps. After a month of spying, he had learnt that Magnus goes to the Prime Minister's office every Monday, then from there, he goes to a Pizza shop to get a delivery, after that he heads home.

The best shot was the pizza shop, as there was too much security in the Prime Minister's residence and infiltrating Buckingham Palace was impossible even for Dumbledore and Voldemort combined.

So, he went underground and started planting magic bombs in the sewer line that ran all the way into the pizza shop. Inside the shop, he placed various hexes and curses that would activate the moment he wants.

Other than this, he got a lucky potion to use that day. Then finally, there was the paralysis gas that could even drop a dozen elephants dead if inhaled. This gas was too much for any normal man or wizard, but with Magnus, he was going ultimate overboard.

~I will kill him this time, all these years, all the humiliation. That was all for this moment.~ he muttered to himself.

From the year his father died until now, the wizarding world kept reminding him how much of a failure he was to bring down the legacy of the Malfoy family into the gutters. But now, all respect was gone as Malfoy name was a synonym for ridicule.

~I will avenge you, father. Just watch~

The day of judgement finally arrived. He camped outside the pizza shop, waiting for the Rolls Royce to stop and him coming out. He soon saw Magnus enter the building.

That was the moment, he smirked and waved his wand. *BOOM*

An eye-piercing light shrouded the entire vicinity, followed by a loud fiery explosion that destroyed the building to smithereens and the debris flew around, damaging other buildings.

Cries of people were clear to hear, they ran as fast as they could. Cars and buses got stuck in traffic as the occupants ran away. The explosion was big enough to create a giant cloud of smoke in the sky. The fire soon started and ravaged the remains of the pizza shop.

Lucius from a distance looked at his work. He was satisfied by the blast and hoped that this must have caused some major damage to Magnus. However, just then shining eyes appeared behind the screen of smoke and dust. The eyes were yellow, looking straight at him as if piercing his soul.


Magnus walked out, clapping his hands. There was no damage to his body, only some dust had made him and his clothes dirty. He had a smile on his face, the long planning finally had worked, the cat was out of the bag.

"Long time no see, Lucius Malfoy, you look... like a zombie," he greeted.

"Magnus," Lucius pointed his wand towards him. His paralysis gas had not worked here either.

"Haha, it seems you have forgotten what happened in my first year. I didn't even have a real wand back then, but now... you're getting your ass whooped," he flicked his wand.

Lucius jumped to the side and flew straight into the air. Magnus was in awe, "That's so cool, I want to learn that,"

He did not need to fly as he could simply apparate to wherever Lucius was, the trick was to apparate so fast that he would never even fall, and always apparating with his body being forced upwards made it appear as if he was flying.

"Want to know something? I knew about your little plan from the start. All the screams, the cars and dead bodies you saw, they were fake. Want to know more? I lured you out." Magnus revealed.

Lucius sneered, throwing some blasts at him, he refused to accept that his own will was manipulated without his knowledge, "We could have achieved so much more together, the world would have been ours, but you decided to waste your great magical powers on foolish muggles."

"Tsk... still so much contempt for muggles. You still haven't realised? Muggles have long ago left wizards behind. They don't care about wizards because they know they can destroy us if they want. You can't understand, Voldemort can't understand. You fools keep following that half-blood. The so-called blood purity he preaches, he's the last guy to have anything but pure blood. Even if we forget about his ancestry, he has himself mutated his body with animals, this makes him a part beast." Magnus talked to him, slowly bringing Lucius into the trap so he reveals everything.

"Yet he dared to do the right thing for the wizarding world. We have this amazing power, it's our birthright to rule over muggles." Lucius counterargued.

"It is your mistake to think so. Tell me, have I not changed the lives of so many wizards by bringing them jobs? Tell me, how many new death eaters joined your ranks? None. All because I didn't spread hate. Lucius, hate brews hate, your father was against me, he got killed in hate, that made you hate me. We've come full circle," Magnus said.

Lucius suddenly stopped flying away and stopped mid-air. He scowled, "I will end the cycle then. Avada Kedavara!"

Magnus snorted, this was a low-level spell in his eyes now. He waved his hand, stopping the spell in midair by letting something else collide with it. But Lucius' intention was something else. He had rushed at Magnus with a small poisoned dagger.

Yet, to Lucius' utmost confusion, instead of terror and surprise, he noticed a grin on Magnus's face. ~Have I fallen into another trap?~ was his thought.

"Haha, you think you can kill me with a blade? It's one of my specialities." Magnus caught his hand and snatched the dagger away. Lucius had made the mistake of coming close to him. Now he can't ever get away.

"CRUCIO!" Lucius cast.

Magnus simply stopped it with his wand, "Lucius, my magic is far superior to yours." he caught the man's right shoulder, pinning him down and bringing him to the ground. "But you know what, to kill you with my superior magic is a crime in itself. You are a cockroach, and cockroaches always die poorly. I will not allow you to have the satisfaction to die by the magic of Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. Instead, you shall die with this... your name shall forever be a disgrace from now, *BANG!*"

A sharp pain pierced through his stomach. Lucius, in horror, looked down, his stomach... Magnus held a muggle pistol at point-blank near his liver. His eyes reddened in fury. To die from a lowly muggle weapon was the ultimate disgrace to the Malfoy family.



Magnus didn't stop, each time firing slightly above until the bullet crossed the heart, "Lucius, this is the power of muggles. This one is among the weakest. This is made by lowly muggles, Glock is what it's called. Die now, your time is over. But don't worry, Voldemort will be joining you in a hurry"

[You can see the blast and Lucius on Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 Advanced chapters and 70 chaps of Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

1 Stone = 1 Oof banana. [Effect: Every time you're about to fuck-up, you will hear OOF from the sky.]

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