
Harry potter and the vast outer world

Reincarnated into the harry potter world, our mc edward kimsely slowly found out that the world he lives in is far more than meets the eye. "I don't need to bother about dumbledore and voldemort.......actually, i didn't even care about them." "I should marry beautiful girls and need to take them away with me to.........no no no i shouldn't say main story here right author- sama?" [Yes, if you tell all the story here.....i will definitely kill you with simple plot like........by the time you born in harry potter world, i will place Bellatrix beside you or some dementors................hehehehe]---AUTHOR SAMA {shivers}-------MC Find out what's happening in new harry potter world as you also can start journey with edward kimsely.

Im_jealous · 其他
30 Chs

'Enlightening dumbos'


Edward suddenly took his wand and casted observato spell on Professor dumbledore. This action of him taking out his wand and casting a spell on headmaster of the school alarmed all the professors.

All of them took their wands and ready to cast spells, if anything were to happen to dumbledore.

They didn't do anything in the end, as they didn't recognize the spell and also they saw professor dumbledore is fine, indicating his hand to stop them.

Dumbledore was currently feeling so marvelous, he can actually see all of them from inside out. He can see different colors of cores on their heads. He can also sense his own color, that is medium grade in red.

A magician can only sense their cores in their bodies, but cannot see. That is one of the reasons, they didn't create any grades of magicians or levels. Now he can see, Of the 6 people including him have 4 different colored cores.





Seeing the dumbledore, who is feeling the marvelous sensation of seeing cores of different colors, edward used his obsevato spell on the other four professors.

Suddenly, all of them also started observing each other and find out that their cores are actually different from each other.

"W-w-what's happening ed-edward!! W-w-why do i feel like i can see my core and other people cores!! Why are all your cores have different color from mine?"

This time dumbledore asked with a flustered look on his face. He still can't believe, that he can actually see cores of their own and their colors are different.

Hearing dumbledores question, all professors who still have charm effect, looked at edward with serious faces. As though they may miss, some important dao teaching lesson.

"That spell that used is called 'OBSERVATO'. Don't think so hard, you can't remember anything about it, as this spell was created by myself. I created it even before joining hogwarts school and i have conducted lot of experiments on it. Finally, i concluded how the magic works in this world."

Edward's declaration of this, instantly created pin drop silence in room.

"Incredibly genius"


He immediately got lot of praises from them, making him blush a little. As this was not purely his intelligence that contributed, he took the idea from one of the divine eye techniques in his previous life.

"Then! Have you finished with your experiments and what about the results?"

Dumbledore asked with less impatience on his face.

"I haven't completed all the details on this yet. But, i have done all the data and produced a New system for our world. According to my analysis, a person who activated their magical core will have violet colored magical energy, as they gather energy in that level, at certain breaking point it will next converted into Indigo colored core. Not only this core will have more magical energy than previous one, it also contain much pure magical energy than last one. After indigo colored core comes blue colored core, next one is green colored core, after that comes yellow colored core. After yellow comes orange and after orange comes red colored core. Each advancement in color will lead to significant increase in magical energy and also much purer one at that."

Hearing upto that point all of them sucked in cold breath of air. This time, they didn't doubt edwards claims at all, as they already saw what edward with proof.

"Each advancement will again be divided into 4 levels. Where the first level is light color core! Second level is medium color core, Third level is dark color core and finally 4th level is mixed color core. Mixed color core is the stage, where it will advance to next stage."

All the professors nodded their heads, indicating that they understood what edward said,

"For example, Professor flitwick core have medium yellow color. That means, he is a 'level 2 yellow cored magician', While professor sprout have light yellow color core, making her a 'Level 1 yellow cored magician'. Professor mcgonagall and professor snape have medium orange colored cores, making them 'Level 2 Orange cored magicians. Meanwhile, professor dumbledore, of the two red cored magicians i have seen, you have the medium red core, making you 'Level 2 red cored magician'."

Hearing this all of them surprised by the system created by edward, as it is so specific about all the details. They know that this will create, huge roar on the magical world.

"That means!! I have yet to reach the full potential as a magician. I still have two more levels to go to reach full potential."


Hearing this edward really sneered with a loud snort, making all of their faces go dark with anger. But before they could say anything, edward simply casted observato spell on all of them again. But this time he used much more magic than last time.

"This time look at your surrounding atmosphere with clear focus, before the spell lost its effect."

Saying that edward slumped on his chair, He used most of his magical energy to cast that spell on all five of them.

He let them observe until the spell last its effect, That spell didn't even last 15 seconds before going out.


All of them exclaimed at the same time. They saw wonderful view of different color threads swinging around them, some of them seem so distant, while some of them looked like fawning on them. They didn't say anything, they are still feeling the lingering feast they have on their eyes.

"In the nature we are living, we have different colors of magical energy. Once one activated their cores at the start of their path to magician, they will start absorbing violet color magical energy as their core is violet color in nature. Once you advance in your core color, the magical energy that you absorb will also replace with that type of magical energy only. Most important thing is, on can only absorb the magical energy that is same as their cores. Other colors will stand in some distance, as though they didn't bother about you."

Seeing that all of them listening carefully, edward got a little smug and a smirk was replaced by the sneer on his face.

"Let me ask you, professor dumbledore! How many colors have you absorbed in nature magical energy?"

Looking at professor dumbledore, edward asked.

"I have atleast seen thirteen to fourteen colors there dangling freely. I think there are some more colors, but i can't even make it up what they are look like. They are so far away from me."

Dumbledore said with a bit of certainty in his voice. others also nodded their heads, indicating that they agreed with dumbledore.

"Let me ask you professor dumbledore, the nearest color to you should be red color right? Can you tell me what colors you saw that are nearer to you, after red color, You also professors, can you tell me the order of colors in ascending manner?"

Even now edward was conducting experiments using the heads of hogwarts and its head master. They also knew about this, instead of getting angry they are all happy to help him with his experiments, including dumbledore.

"After red, i have seen purple as next in line, after that comes brown, white and black. Next in line, i have blurry feeling of it, so i can't make it out clearly."

Saying that, dumbledore and edward looked at the four of them. They also nodded their heads with consent. Edward simply noted that in his mind and they matched the details that he had already took notes.

"Now tell me professor dumbledore, you haven't even reached half of what this world can offer. Suppose, If a civilization, which has already reached the apex of what their world can offer were to attack our world!! What do you think consequences are? From what my sensing or feeling whatever it is, screaming that this world will collapse without even knowing how, When that foreigners arrived. Now tell me professor mcgonagall, what should we do, should we ask help from ministry of magic to help the world fight against them or professor flitwick, you are actually fearing a half dead, who don't even able to face professor dumbledore head on. Decide what you want to do and tell me once you are done."

Saying that edward simply sat on his chair, without even bothering about their conversation.