
detention part 1

"scrub harder. The floor's not gonna get hurt if you go a little rough."

I looked menacingly, back at the squib who sat in a chair nearby, smirking. This sick, sadistic motherfucker has been making ME, in the name of DETENTION, do HIS chores. And the worst part is, I can't use magic either. His excuse being that this was a teachable moment for me or some shit. There's NOTHING teachable about scrubbing floors for hours on end. I'm a FIRST year for crying out loud.

This was my third day in detention and my hate for this man seems to grow in abundance in every meeting. There was something about this guy that made me wanna punch this motherfucker in the throat.

"you see these little bends in your arms. Those are called ELBOWS. Use them!! " filch said, causing me to nearly crush the brush I was holding, into pieces. Then I sighed. This was my punishment. I should not have went into the forest and now, I was paying for it.

"HARDER!!! "

I screamed bloody murder inwardly but still complied by viciously scrubbing the first level floors.

I suddenly recalled the day I had. I sighed loudly as I recalled all of the incidents that happened today. I let my hands go into automatic mode while my mind went into reminiscing.

My mind showed me flitwick's office where I stood with a book in my hand. I looked at Flitwick in concern and said:"professor Flitwick, it's the truth. This is not public knowledge yet, but Neville is getting into the gryffindor quiditch team."

Flitwick looked up from his table and sighed:"yes, Harry. I know! "

My eyes went wide:"you KNOW! how?"

Flitwick rose an eyebrow and replied:"Mr potter, I AM a house head. It will be much more embarrassing if I didn't know! "

Suddenly I shouted back:"then you should obviously see the merit in having me in the team. If gryffindor is having a first year in THEIR team, we should also retaliate and have a first year in our team as well."

Flitwick smiled and replied:"oh, but he won't be IN the team, Mr potter."

I gave Flitwick a confused look.

Flitwick continued:"Mr potter, quiditch team practices have already started and many teams have already adopted their strategy. Do you really think Mcgonall, or any other person in their right minds, would actually, put, a sudden addition to her team and completely mess up her team formation and dynamics?"

I clenched my teeth. Curses. He makes some good points. I retorted after a moment :"then why would she add, a new player to her team, this late into?"

Flitwick replied smiling:"it's like you said earlier Mr potter. This is retaliation. I added you into the team much earlier and she also wanted a younger mascot to boost morale. Imagine having the boy who lived in your team! Even if he doesn't play, him simply existing can have a positive effect on player mentality. That's what they need the boy for."

I screamed inwardly. I can't actually tell him that time follows a pattern, and since I know the future, the boy who lived must play in the first game. I thought for a moment and finally asked enthusiastically:"what about seeker. Seeker is not part of the actual game. So a seeker doesn't need to learn the formation. What if they make him seeker?"

Flitwick actually frowned this time:"Mr potter, now you are just talking nonsense. The seeker is the SINGLE most important player on the field. Do you really think anyone with half a brain cell would actually appoint a freshman newbie as a SEEKER? besides why do you even care. I thought you didn't even WANT to play quiditch. Why did you suddenly-"

Suddenly he stopped speaking as realisation dawned upon him. A smile bloomed across his face:"you don't care about quiditch at all, do you. You just want to get out of detention."

I gave a fake chuckle and stuttered:"t-that's absurd!"

Flitwick continued smirking:"quiditch practices are at the evening, so if we're in the team then you wouldn't have to go to detention. Wow you are a crafty little devil aren't you? "

I gave out one more chuckle looking him in the eye. Then the smile slowly drained out of my face. Then started the begging:" please, please, pretty please professor, ANYTHING but filch!! "

Flitwick smiled:"and to think you almost got me as well. I have commend your deviousess though."

"he's DERANGED professor. That man, I have NO idea, on how he even GOT to be, in an institution with children. But I am telling you. He's mad! The last two days have been hell. He made me clean two full floors, WITHOUT MAGIC!"

Flitwick's smile only grew wider:"well then Mr potter. Maybe the next time you decide to break school rules, you will give it a LITTLE bit more thought."

I gawked at him in reply with horror in my eyes. Is this school POPULATED with sadists?!! But then I sighed and slowly turned around to leave.

"fantastic beasts and where to find them. I don't think that's part of this year's curicullum Mr potter." Flitwick suddenly asked while I was retreating causing me to turn around and look at the book I was holding:"care to share, why the sudden interest?"

I looked down at my book and took a moment and calculated the pros and cons. Then I turned back to professor flitwick. Finally I sighed:"I was looking for.... acromantulas" the professors expression suddenly softened."I just... didn't want to be caught off guard again. But this book only has the generic information and no details about them."

Flitwick looked at me for a full minute. Then he suddenly went back behind his desk. After a few moments of searching he finally came back with a dusty old book. He patted it a few times and gave it to me.:"return it to me after reading."

I smiled as I took the book from him. Maybe Hogwarts wasn't that bad of a plac-


yeah no! Hogwarts just sucks.