
Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat

Death is but the next great adventure." :Said dumbledore calmly. Robert should've known that death was too easy an escape. But even for him it was fucked up to be fictional character in a book. "FUCK THOSE ISEKAI MOTHERF******"

THE_alpinism · 作品衍生
43 Chs

another timeskip? God, the author must be lazy!

3 years later.

Under a staircase in private drive there is a rather constricting room. In the dimly lit room you could see a boy sitting in a lotus pose with his eyes closed. Magic.. Pure magic emanated off of him. Attaching itself to all around the room. You could see the clothes folding themselves and rearranging his entire room in a telekinetic trance.

The boy opened his eyes and suddenly a uniform flew out of the closet dressing himself. His bag packed itself and flew to his shoulder. He stood up and smiled and opened his bedroom door.

He first ran to the door to check the mail. As went from mail to mail his frown deepened. As he threw away the last one he let out growl. :"nooooooo. why the hell is it still not here!!!!."

Uncle Vernon came in his face scrunched up in his everlasting expression of constipation. "who the hell will write you a letter, you freak?"

I replied without even taking my eyes of the letters:" your mum maybe?! Oh that's right she can't. Her muscles must still be sore from last night's hand job. "

His eyes blew up as his face went crimson:"YOU.. YOU... WHAT DID YOU -"

I sighed as I looked at him :" calm down uncle Vernon. It's a joke. She didn't give me a hand job. She can't write coz she's an illiterate Dumb fuck. But let's not get into that. U gotta drop me and Dudley off at school. Today's my graduation. Let's go. "

I am definitely sleeping outside tonight. But so totally worth it.

I walked on with an extra spring in my step. I walked two steps and jumped up the third sticking the landing. I looked back amused at the fuming Dudley who just failed, yet again, to try and trip me:" now that has to your most pathetic and petty attempt to try to hurt me to date Dudley. Put some effort into it. "

Dudley went running crying to his mom as I just stood there smirking. God, Dudley was an bitch.

Aunt petunia gave me the stink eye she had been trademarking since 1981. I in return gave her my deadpan. This was my current relationship with the Dursleys. It was a contest called who hated the other more. I being the rookie of the year had something of an advantage, but the combined scores of the Dursleys blew me out of the water.

Uncle Vernon drove us to our school and left giving me one final stink eye. I just smiled and waved. Sighing, soon, I was walking to my class. Now in this situation a regular peasent would probably stay in Dudley's class like the peasent he is. But I'm no peasant. I pushed grades as far as the legal system allowed me. I mean there's no reason to believe that my talent in magic will be anything prodigious. So I need to have backup plans. And 12th grade as 11 year old will be a nice feather in my cap.

I walked with my head held high, my round glasses gleaming. I might be slightly narcissistic. But I had every right to be. I am what many would refer a genius. Props to an adult being stuck in a child's body. But hey, doesn't matter how we got there, but here we are.

I walked into my class and suddenly the chattering classroom fell silent. All of the class looked at me with pin drop silence. Suddenly some guy in the back shouted:" the prodigy, the child genius, THE FOUR FOOT MIRACLE. HAAAAARRYYYYYYY POTAAAAAAAAAHHH"

The class burst into deafening cheers. I just smiled at them. Can u imagine how bad the Dursleys would have to suck for me to like these guys, whom I have known for barely a year, more than them?

I yelled:"thank you! " the roaring continued, so I focused a bit magic on my voice boxes and shouted:"THANK YOU"

The class calmed down.

I looked around and beamed.:"when I look around, I am surrounded by so many familiar faces and memories. Of joy. Of sorrow. Of, hopefully not love, coz that'll make you pedophiles."

An awkward chuckle murmured through the the class.

"when I came into this class two years ago no one expected anything at all from me. Which Is understandable as I was 10 years old. But with sheer will & perseverance managed to rise to the top of not only this class but also this school. Many might ask me how it was possible for a ten year old to do all these. To them I quote Albert Einstein :"when you take away the impossible what's left although improbable can only be the truth." so after we take away the impossible I am left with but one answer. I am better than all of you."

A collective groan of protest escaped with a wave of shouts.

I laughed and continued:"I am kidding. I am kidding. "

The protests muted to manageable levels.

"Einstein didn't say it. Sherlock Holmes did."

And the shouts came back louder than ever.

I laughed:"TO GRADUATION!!!"


That evening I came home ecstatic. I had completely botched my last life's graduation that I had enjoyed every last second of this one. I danced, I shouted, and I am pretty sure the brown liquid that I drank was beer, not cola.

Giddy with excitement I reached privet drive. In fact I was so high on ecstasy that I almost missed the mail that was at the doorstep until I almost stepped on it. I knelt down curiously to pick up the mail. I was unlike any mail I had ever seen before. The paper was ancient looking. Immediately I noticed a crest in it's corner. My eyes widened as I tore open the paper.


words left my mouth as I stood there paralyzed for a full minute. But then a smile slowly crept up my face.

I looked up at the night sky and let loose:
