
The Half-Giant

"I'm sorry, Oleandra, but I can't help you with your History of Magic homework," Viviane said most unhelpfully. "This was after my time, and every incarnation after me has lived as either a Squib or a Muggle. I only know what you know about this subject, so you're going to have to read the book."

"What's the use of having someone stuck inside your head," Oleandra grumbled, "if they can't even help you with homework?"

Now that the new term was fast approaching, Oleandra had a whole stack of neglected homework to complete before classes started again.

"I can still help you with other subjects," Viviane said. "I was especially good at Transfiguration, Potioneering and Alchemy; Merlin taught me everything I know about human magic. I should also teach you Fairy magic; it wouldn't do for a Greater Fairy such as yourself to not know any."

"I'm busy enough as it is!" Oleandra snapped. "I should be out there, looking for Dusk-Elves, instead of being stuck here writing two feet of parchment on Goblin trade agreements in the 1700s!"

Viviane and all the other shadows had all been stuck inside Oleandra's head for her entire life; despite not being able to make themselves known before now, they knew everything she had done. As such, they were well aware of the dangers Oleandra was facing.

"I'll ask some of the older shadows if they know anything about their kind," Viviane said, chewing her lip. "If there were any Dusk-Elf incursions upon our world, they didn't happen during my time on Earth."

"You do that," Oleandra grumbled.


Unfortunately, Oleandra did not manage to finish all of her homework in time for the new term. Luckily, the first day of classes of the year didn't include History of Magic, so she still had one day to finish up the last foot of parchment. No, the first class was instead Care of Magical Creatures.

But to her surprise, by the time she had floated down the slope to Hagrid's cabin (to avoid getting her shoes wet in the soggy snow), she could find no sign of the Blast-Ended Skrewts that had plagued their classes. Cautiously optimistic, she approached Professor Hagrid.

"Where are the Skrewts, Professor?" Oleandra asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"Oh, it's yeh, Oleandra," Professor Hagrid said glumly. "Tha' Rita Skeeter wrote a short article abou' 'em in the Prophet, so the board o' governors decided it would be bes' if I stuck ter the usual stuff, at least fer now."

Oleandra could tell that this wasn't the only thing he was concerned about, but as long as she didn't have to deal with the Skrewts, she was happy. In any case, having students care for untested, dangerous new cross-breeds had been a bad idea from the start, so it was a good thing to return to the ordinary curriculum.

When the last Gryffindor latecomers finally arrived, Professor Hagrid beckoned for the students to follow, before listlessly lumbering around his house and over to the enclosure that had previously housed the Hippogriffs. To everyone's great surprise, what they found there were two Unicorns; one silvery-white mare and its golden-furred foal. For once, proper magical creatures, and not terrifying monsters!

"Righ'," sighed Professor Hagrid wistfully. "Unicorns, where ter begin…"

The lesson then began in earnest, though Professor Hagrid's mind seemed to be elsewhere; he kept sighing and sneaking looks at the baby blue carriage that the Beauxbatons students and their headmistress had arrived in.

The class had been separated between boys and girls; unicorns much preferred the fairer sex, so the boys had to content themselves with watching the girls coo in delight and pet the unicorns, which certainly wasn't the worst of deals for them. Oleandra didn't consider herself to be a horse girl, but even she had to admit that the unicorns were quite appealing.

"It tickles!" Tracey giggled as the foal ate the sugar cube she offered it.

It looked as though the Unicorns really loved her; or perhaps they simply loved sugar. In any case, it didn't seem like they tolerated the presence of just every girl; each time Lavender Brown would try to approach its foal, the mare would retract its lips menacingly and paw the ground aggressively at her.

"I think it's our fault," Oleandra whispered into Daphne's ear, as Professor Hagrid lifelessly continued to enumerate the Unicorns' magical features.

"What is?" Daphne answered unconcernedly.

"Just look at Professor Hagrid, discreetly."

Daphne looked over her shoulder.

"Oh, that?" she replied. "I assumed he was depressed because all of his Skrewts had massacred each other. Isn't that why he brought out the Unicorns?"

"I think," Oleandra said. "That we ruined his romantic evening with Madame Maxime."

Since their Age Line had kept the adults from leaving the Great Hall, they probably hadn't got any time to spend a romantic Christmas evening together. Yes, with all they had in common, they truly were a match made in heaven…

"Ugh," Daphne said, wrinkling her nose. "I do not even want to begin to entertain even thinking about such an image."

Suddenly, Viviane popped out of nowhere, scaring the living daylights out of Oleandra.

"GWAK!" Oleandra yelped.

"What is it?" Daphne asked in concern.

Nobody but Oleandra could see the Lady of the Lake (except cats, apparently).

"Half-Giant," Viviane said. "That man is a Half-Giant, I'm sure of it. There used to be a lot more during my time. They made for easy prey for knights looking for a quick feat of arms; due to being shunned by both Wizards and Giants, they're usually not very good at magic, and they're not nearly as difficult to bring down compared to full-blooded Giants. They're quite resilient to magic, though they'll succumb just as easily as any other human would to a well-placed sword blow or arrow."

"Thanks," Oleandra muttered, covering her mouth with her hand so that nobody could see her move her lips. "I'll know just what to do in case I want to lop off my teacher's head."

"No need for sarcasm," Viviane tut-tutted. "From my experience watching through your eyes, he seems like a decent enough fellow. I was just pointing out that if you happened to face Half-Giants in the future, you shouldn't be too surprised to see your spells bouncing off their skin."

Unicorns especially love maidens, so for them, having Tracey around is like having a turbo flower garden of lilies.

As opposed to Bicorns, who like more experienced women.

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